Chapter 73

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Skyler Reinhart's POV:
2 days later.

A funeral was held in honor of our fallen wolves, every person who died on our grounds were buried, everyone except for Joseph who I had some wolves take far away from here and dump somewhere else. I wouldn't allow that man to be buried here and none of the pack members wanted it either which is understandable, he's the reason their family members and friends are dead.

We buried the bodies in our grave for the fallen but the final send off took place in the woods.

It was called the Moonlit Farewell, basically the werewolf Reinhart packs version of a funeral.

Note: ( different packs have different ways of honoring and sending off their Fallen)

In the heart of the woods, the moon shined through the branches of the trees on the waterfall making it look clearer then ever.

My whole pack was gathered around it as the saddens of losing their loved ones showed in their faces. The air smelled of damp earth and pine, and the moon hung low, casting silver upon us. Tonight was a full moon and usually we'd all be running right now as a pack but circumstances has caused us to break tradition.

I felt Kate's hand hold mine and I kissed the back of it before stepping forward, tonight I'll be filling in as The pack's shaman.

"Moon Goddess, guardian of our kind, the spirits of our loved ones to the celestial resting grounds so that their souls may be free and their minds at peace" I said.

"Let our warriors rest easy knowing that the battle they fought is over and the people they fought for are safe.....I ask this of you not as your descend but as the Alpha and protector of the Rienhart pack" I finished before stepping back and shifting into my wolf form, as soon as I did everyone else followed.

I took a breath as I looked over at Kate her white fur shining as the moonlight hit it.

She nodded her head at me and I took another breath before I raised my snout to the sky, causing my eyes to reflect the moon's glow.

Soon after a howl erupted from my throat, it was long and loud, a few seconds in the rest of the pack joined their howls just as loud as mine. Our sorrowful howls rung throughout the woods passing the trees and merging with the wind.

Each howl from my pack members held strong emotions. Tears stained our eyes and hurt lingered in our hearts, To the ones we loved and the ones we lost.

This was our final goodbye.

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