Chapter 16

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Skyler Reinhart POV/:

After a romantic walk under the moonlight we began to head back to Kate's pack. This day with her had been the best day ever and I thought nothing could ruin it until we ran into four large masked guys dressed in black.

They were wolves that much I could tell by their scent that they were trying so hard to mask. It was working partly considering I couldn't completely smell who they were. "Who the hell are you?" Asked Kate stepping protectively in front of me. You committed a crime against the future Alpha of the Blue moon pack, do you feel sorry?" Asked the man standing in the middle.

He must be in charge. And they must be talking about Terry.

They were masking their voices as well making it seem deeper than they actually were.

I didn't have a good feeling about these guys. I was about to turn and tell Kate we should run until I heard her speak up.

"For punching that asshole?, no? why would I be" said Kate. Just then the man jumped forward and grabbed Kate by the throat while the other two tackled me to the ground holding me down with their knees on my neck and back. "KATE!?, GET THE HELL OFF OF ME" I yelled trying to get up but it was no use they were too strong way stronger then me.

I watched as Kate fought back punching the guy in his face causing him to go stumbling backwards. "You Stupid Bitch!" He yelled before attacking her again this time grabbing her and throwing her into the brick wall. "NO!, LEAVE HER ALONE!" I Yelled trying my hardest to get up, I was able to shake them off momentarily but was easily rendered useless again when one of them punched me in the face causing my head to hit the concrete. "DON'T FUCKING MOVE!" One of the masked guys shouted at me. I could feel blood pouring from my nose and my head throbbing against the cold concrete.....but I refused to black out, I kept struggling and yelling for Kate who was still fighting the leader.

I saw Kate get a good hit on him knocking him into the brick walls. "I'm going to kill you all for this" Kate growled as she attacked him again but this time I saw the man pull a pocket knife from his jacket.

My eyes went wide and my heart pounded in my chest. "KATE WATCH OUT" I yelled with all the strength I had left.

But it was too late......I watched as the man Switched their positions and threw Kate up against the wall before he stabbed her in the side with the knife. My heart stopped in my chest when I saw her slump down against the wall with blood seeping through her white shirt.

Tears rolled down my face as I screamed the most ground shaking scream I had ever let out. "NOOOOOO!".

I heard the guys snickering. "Bet that'll teach you cocky bitches not to mess with people" the man sheared. Walking over to me and crouching down "Fucking Pathetic and they said you were and Alpha to be, I've got to say....I expected more of a challenge from you" he said with a sicking grin one that I was only able to see because he pulled his mask half way up covering his eyes but revealing his lips.

I was trembling as he stood back up to his feet before lifting his leg and slamming it hard down on my head. "One more for the road" he said as his partners laughed and kicked the dust from the ground in my face forcing me to close my eyes.

I grunted in pain.

"Let's go boys our job is done here" said the man before him and his partners left us there on the cold ground both hurting.

My eyes threatened to shut, I was body was weak and bruised but I couldn't leave Kate like this. I had to get her help. We were still a great distance from her pack so I couldn't count on them running into was up to me and me alone to get her home.

Come on you have to get up, if you don't Kates going to die you're mate is going to die. I told myself in my head but my body refused to cooperate with me.

Everyone was right........I am weak.



"Get Up Sky"

"You have to get up Kate needs us"


whose voice is that?, I feel body hurts, am I going to die here?. I think I'll just close my eyes for now.



That voice again....."who are you?"

"I don't have time to tell you now, I'll explain later, for now I need you to get up, open your eyes....if you don't the one we love is going to die"

The one we love?..........


My eyes shot open and I pushed myself up from the ground ignoring the pain in my head and back. I refuse to let her die here.....I'd never forgive myself if I did.

I staggered over to Kate before dropping to my knees in front of her. "Please be alive please be alive please be alive"

I reached out a shaky hand and checked to see if she was still breathing.......she was.

"Thank goddess" I said before getting back up to my feet and reaching down to grab Kate. I carried her bridal style in my arms, she wasn't heavy to me which was a surprise, it was as if I had gotten an unexpected surge of energy and strength within my body.

I didn't know what was happening to me and I didn't stop to think about it, right now Kate was my priority.

I Walked as fast as I could before my speed picked up and suddenly I was running then sprinting down the sidewalk.

When did I become so fast?,

I ran as fast as the wind from block to block until eventually I made it to Kate's house. I walked up the porch stairs holding Kate in my arms as her head rested on my chest. I couldn't use my hands to knock on the door so I kicked it hard a few times instead.

A few seconds later the door swung open. "I hope you know your in a lot of trouble young la-" said Kates mother but stopped dead in her tracks when she saw me bloody, Bruised and holding her almost lifeless daughter in my arms. Tears began to pour from my eyes.

My throat was burning and I could barely muster up the strength to talk.


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