Chapter 18

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Skyler Reinhart POV/:

Well now I feel stupid and guilty for blaming her.

"Listen Sky if you truly want to get stronger I have a way but it would involve you leaving for two years which means...." Said Xavia.

"Which means I won't be able to see Kate" I said Xavia nodded. "If you agree you'll have to factor in the possibility that Kate could find a new mate within that time" she said.

"That could happen?"

"Yes mate bonds can weaken when not catered to for such a long while, that can leave room for another Mate to come along, although it rarely happens it does happen" she Explained. "Are you prepared for that possibility?" She asked

Kate deserves better than me anyways, I want to get stronger for her but if it happens that she finds someone else during that time then....I'll just have to accept it. My heart ached just thinking about her with someone else, picturing them doing the things we've done made me feel sick. But Kates worth it, she's worth the pain and effort.

"I understand"

"Ok, we can leave tonight I'll have Selena pack you a bag" said Xavia


Later on that very night I said goodbye to my friends, Selena, Jason, Zack , Paris and Kevin.

"We're going to miss you" said Selena hugging me I smiled. "I'm going to miss you too" I replied as we pulled away, "When you come back we're definitely having that town hangout you ditched us last time" said Zack, I nodded in agreement.

"I'll keep that in mind" I said.

"I'll make sure no one bothers you room" said Paris "Thanks" I replied before looking to Jason. I knew he wasn't going to say much as he's not a talkative person. Jason waved and I waved back just then Kevin stepped up putting my backpack on for me then gently patting me shoulders. "I added 3 meals and some snacks for the road, stay safe" he said. "I will" I replied before turning around and walking away climbing inside the jeep with Xavia.

"Ready to go kiddo?" Asked Xavia. I looked back one last time at everyone as they waved goodbye.

I took a deep breath before answering Xavia. "Yeah....I'm Ready" I answered. Xavia then turned on the jeep and we set off down the road.


2 weeks after
Skyler Left:

Kaitlyn Night POV/:

I opened my eyes slowly feeling a bright light shining in them. Why are the lights so bright?. Where am I?, I looked up at the ceiling.....this was definitely not my bedroom. "Hey you're awake!" Said a familiar males voice I looked over to see Cole sitting in a chair next to me with a big smile.

I frowned "Cole?, Where am I?" I asked "Your in the packs clinic" said Cole. "Pack clinic how did i get here?" I asked before suddenly I started to get flashbacks from that night I was with Sky and how those men attacked us. "Sky! Where's Sky?" I asked jolting up in a sitting position on my bed and looking around the room panicking. "Kate Calm down I'll tell you everything" said Cole. I looked at him waiting for him to speak, Cole took a breath before Explaining everything to me as he said he would.

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