Chapter 33

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Unknown POV:

"Did you make contact" he asked me "I did" I replied "And what was she like?" He asked as he cleaned the blood on his blade from his earlier torture sessions, I swallowed hard as I looked at him. He then slowly turned around and raised an eyebrow at me "Well?" He asked growing impatient with me, I cleared my throat "She indeed has the power of the gods but master she's strong unlike anything I've ever seen it will not be easy to capture her" I said. He suddenly paused before turning around to look at me with a evil smirk on his face.

"That's Good, it'll make it all that more satisfying when I drain her of that power" he said as he then slowly walked over to me taking the sharp part of the blade and using it to lift up my chin forcing me to look him in his dark eyes.

"Now be a good little girl and bring me what I asked for, and this time follow my instructions down to the last line.....because if you don't" he said pushing the blade closer towards my neck and licking his lips.

"Well you know what will happen if you don't, remember that I own you" he said touching my neck where an explosive chip was planted then tapping his bracelet that controls it. My heart was beating fast from fear in my chest as I looked into his sick eyes "You go boom or......should I make baby go boom first" he said referring to my 2 year old daughter who he was holding captive. I shook my head rapidly "N-No please I'll do anything, you'll get what you want" I said desperately pleading with him.

My daughter is my whole world I can't lose her.

He chucked "Oh I know I will, pull a stunt like you did last time nearly exposing me and your daughter will be dead before you even have the chance to count to 3" he said before cutting my neck slightly drawing blood then removing the blade from my neck and licking my blood from it with a wide grin on his face.

"Don't test me darling" he said before walking away leaving me standing there. I broke down in tears unable to hold them in anymore.

My sweet little baby girl is in danger and I'm hopeless to save her.

I have to do whatever it takes.....I just hope the gods can forgive me when I'm done.

Kaitlyn Night POV/:

I was outside in the hot sun training with my brother Danny. Now that I'm basically the Reinharts pack new Luna because I accepted the mate bond with Sky my dads been working me over time making me join in on my brothers Alpha training considering Luna's are almost Equals to an Alpha with half the power a Alpha holds. It's said that the stronger the Alpha, the Luna is mated to. the stronger the Luna power will become.

I still can't believe I have to help run an entire pack. Skyler and I also talked to my parents about a moving in date for me, my father wasn't too happy hearing that I had to move out soon but my mother on the other hand was happy to send me off, now don't get me wrong this doesn't mean she loves me any less or anything it's just as I said before my family may have said out loud that they had fate I'd find my mate but in the end I knew that they were slowly losing hope as well they just weren't trying to show me that they were.

In other words she's more excited for me then I am.

I've been training with my brother and Dad for an entire week and I haven't been able to see Sky because she has school, yes she's 19 and still in the 12 grade it's not the smartest idea to take off in the middle of 12th grade year so don't do it unless you want to end up back in school while all your other friends are moving on with their lives.

Any ways I was running through the woods in wolf form trying to sniff out Danny who was most likely hiding and waiting on the right moment to attempt an sneak attack on me. When I first shifted after accepting the mate bond Danny and my dad were both shocked, they say I've gotten bigger in my wolf form and that my wolfs hair grew longer and looked whiter even though it was already naturally white.

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