Chapter 32

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Skyler Reinhart POV/:
The next day:

I stood in the training yard of Kate's pack, my hair was tied in a low bun to the back and I was in nothing but a sports bra and some loose fitting jogging pants. Dean stood across from me shirtless as well and in a pair of basketball shorts while neither one of us wore shoes.

Everyone was standing around us all spaced out making a large circle, once they all heard that the Alpha of the Reinhardt pack challenged their Alpha to a fight for his daughter they all got excited and wanted to watch. Half their pack was here and all my friends along with a few people from my pack was here to cheer me on as well, honestly I was nervous out of my mind and the fight hasn't even started yet.

I stood watching Dean as he stretched his arms and legs then cracked his knuckles. as I looked at him the confidence started to drain from my body, Now that I'm thinking about it.....this was a pretty bad idea I mean I just challenged a 6 foot almost 7 foot tall man to a fight. This man is as big as an ox and I just challenged him to a show of strength!?....well there's no backing out now.

Just then Kevin walked over and announced the conditions of the fight "I want a clean battle, no weapons and no dirty tricks, if your opponent gives up or is knocked out even fatally wounded then you win" said Kevin.

Kevin then looked over at me "Alpha of the Reinhart pack you ready?" He asked I nodded my head in response he then looked towards Dean "Alpha of the midnight pack are you ready?" Asked Kevin, Dean nodded in response as well then Kevin stepped a safe distance away from us making his way back to the others before shouting "BEGAN!" He said and everyone started cheering for the person they wanted to win.

Deans focus was locked on me and mine was on him waiting for him to strike, after a moment of circling each other Dean finally attacked me.

He swiped at me with his long claws, I tried to doge him but he still caught my arm slightly still managing to leave a deep slash on me, Danny was right this man isn't going to be an easy man to beat even though he's large he's still fast and his every attack seems to be Calculated. He came at me hard and fast he threw a punch but I blocked it, I thought I was in the clear but I forgot about his other hand and he used that opportunity to upper cut me nearly knocking me to the ground. I stumbled backwards but caught myself just before I fell, the people in the crowd from his pack cheered loudly After seeing that hit he landed on me.

I could barely catch my breath but I wasn't about to give up now, not in front of my pack and not on Kate.

I shook off that hit and stood up straight, Dean looked shocked but impressed that I wasn't laying knocked out from that hit....but man did my body feel it, getting hit by Dean was like getting hit by a metal fist layered with bricks.

I launched forward at Dean swiping at him with my now extended claws, I managed to Land it surprisingly but it was only his forearm that took the damage considering he used it to block. He went to grab me by the throat and managed to succeed, he picked me up and slammed me hard against the dirt ground and that's when I heard a crack sound causing me to spit up blood when he finally let me go.

I seen Kate try and run to me but Selena and Xavia stopped her.

I turned my head looking at the sky as I laid there gasping for the air that was knocked out of my lungs on impact.

"Surrender you've lost" I heard Dean say.

"No we haven't" said my wolf Jax in my head, "he's right Jax....we've lost" I said "Bullshit! I'm no quitter and neither are you, are we really just going to give up because this old ass man told us to?, Asked Jax.

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