Chapter 41

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Skyler Reinhart POV/:

Lately I've been having this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach like something bad is going to happen, I don't know maybe I'm just being paranoid but wherever I go out I feel as though I'm being watched yet when I focus to try and see by Who they completely disappear into thin air as if they were never there to begin with.

Just then I was walking back from the towns pharmacy after picking up some pain medicine for Kate, yeah we did it again last night and her body still isn't use to my size even though this was our 4th time doing it. Tomorrow she's supposed to be moving into my pack house and I was supposed to have been helping her pack her things but every time we get in the room together alone we end up doing it again like jack rabbits. I can't help it though her scent is so intoxicating and when I try to ignore it Kate instigates and make my arousal worst by teasing and tempting me.

I sighed as I walked down the side walk, it should be ok today though considering her parents will be home soon all day and neither one of us could possibly do anything with them in the house....Kate's not the quietest person when we do it.

Just as I was making my way back to Kate's pack I got the feeling that someone was following me so I stopped and turned around looking behind me but no one was there and there was no scent or anything else.

What the hell.

Yeah I'm losing it, I sighed and turned back around only to come face to face with Donna. "Well hello there gorgeous" she said with a smirk. "You" I said in a pissed off tone, this woman poisoned me that time at the club, she tried to kill me for no reason at all. "Oh so you do remember me, it would seem that I left quite the impression" she said surprised, "I'm flattered" she continued. "I have a bone to pick with you" I said angrily "Oh? Shall we pick it in private?" Asked Donna, I dropped my bag of medicine to the ground "No here is fine" I said cracking my knuckles she looked down at my hands then back up at me with a smirk. "Before this turns into a unsightly dog fight may I ask why your so hostile towards me right now?" She asked, I rolled my eyes "Don't play dumb with me you poisoned my drink with wolfsbane" I said and she looked genuinely confused at my accusation. "Now why on earth would I do that to someone I fancy?" She asked, I shrugged "You could've been lying about liking me" I said.

"Surely your aware that you were watching me the entire time and not once did I even go near your drink" she pointed out. She was right I never took my eyes off of her and I watched her every move because I didn't trust her I mean how could I she was literally a random stranger.

"If that's true then how did I end up with wolfsbane poisoning?" I Asked still on guard, she shrugged "How am I suppose to know, the bartender could've done it or the stockers in the back could've given him an already poisoned bottle, there's many different possibilities darling and each one makes more sense then me being the one to try and take you out" she said. I looked her in the eyes and could tell she was telling the truth but for some reason I still didn't trust her, she sighed "if you must, your an Alpha use your Alpha voice on me, I'm nothing but a low ranking beta wolf it will make me tell you what you wish to know.....I can't lie either" she said, I looked at her shocked I don't remember telling her that I was an Alpha wolf so how the hell did she know that?. I frowned my eyebrows at her "How did you know I was an Alpha wolf?" I asked suspiciously she smirked "Who doesn't know, your name has been all the buzz throughout the Werewolf Communities as of late, The new Alpha of the Reinhart pack and the child of the greatest Alpha to ever had lived....the girl who everyone believed to be dead has returned and took her rightful place as the Alpha, many envy you because they believe you most likely inherited your fathers great power and other fear you for that exact same reason......but then we have the rare few who are driven by their curiosity and wish to meet you in hopes of creating an alliance with you" she explained.

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