Chapter 49

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Kaitlyn Night POV/:

It was a Wednesday morning and I was on my way to the towns cafe because yesterday Freya and Liza decided they wanted to hangout with me and catch up since we haven't seen each other much lately with Freya who started a new job and moved a few blocks away then Liza who's been spending most of her time glued to her mate Selena and me finally started taking over my Luna duties which suck by the way, I mean who the hell wakes up early to lead a run?!.....yes apparently me now.

I've been pretty irritable lately which is odd it's like I'm suddenly getting mad at every little thing. For example like just the other day I blew up at sky because she scooted a little away from me while we were cuddling, yes like an inch.

I don't know what is wrong with me but Skys been pretty understanding and she told me that maybe I'm just stressed about my Luna duties but for some reason I can feel that, that's not it.

I got to the cafe and walked inside, I looked around but I didn't see Freya and Liza. Just then I got a text from Freya saying that her and Liza are going to be late because they have to pick up something. I sighed and grabbed the first open table I saw and took a seat just then a waiter came over and handed me a menu. "Well this is knew" I said to myself out loud as I looked at it trying to decide what I wanted to drink while I wait on Freya and Liza when suddenly I started to feel sick, I quickly stood up and rushed to the cafe bathroom before going into one of the stalls and throwing up.

I heard one of the stalls beside me open and someone walk out before going to the sink and washing their hand. Just as the water was turned on I began puking my guts out again.

Then there was a knock on the stall I was In followed by a soft yet mellow but alluring mature woman's voice. "Hey you ok in there do you need help?" Asked the woman's voice.

"I'm fine" I said standing up and flushing the toilet before walking out of the stall only to see a woman with short black straight hair that was styled in a bob cut, and ocean blue eyes. She looked to be 24 or maybe 25 years old I don't know and she was tall. I walked over to the sink but suddenly felt dizzy and almost fell but the woman caught me. "Ok your definitely not fine darling, let me help you" she said I looked at her for a moment trying to decide on rather I could trust the help of the complete stranger who for some reason looks very familiar to me yet I can't seem to put my finger on it.

Whatever though I don't really feel like thinking about that right now.

The woman then put and hand on my forehead checking my temperature "Well you not burning up so maybe it's something you ate?, if you describe your symptoms maybe I can help you" said the woman.

I looked up at her for a moment before nodding, I don't really have a choice right now I feel like I'm about to faint.

"Um I've been throwing up but usually only in the mornings and I get dizzy out of nowhere" I explained.

I've had these symptoms for a little while now but I just thought I was nervous about being the Reinhart packs luna as it is a pretty big responsibility.

The woman made a face as if she had just realized something before reaching into her purse and pulling out a little pink and white box then handing it to me.

It was a pregnancy test.

"I'm not pregnant I took one of these already" I said, it was true plus me and sky haven't had sex in a while since she's been too busy managing the pack and I've been too busy trying to adjust to my new title as Luna.

"Well just in case I think maybe you should check again" said the woman with a soft facial expression. I sighed I guess it couldn't hurt especially since I know it's going to come back negative.

I went into the stall and peed on the stick once again then once I did I came back on and sat it on the edge of the sink where I leaned up against it and waited with this beautiful stranger. A few minutes past and I pick up the test and go to look at it only to see that this time instead of one line there were two. My heart sank in my chest as I stared at the test and so did the woman.

"Well congratulations darling you're pregnant" she said, hearing those words made it all real.

I suddenly felt my body getting heavier and my eyes starting to close until eventually I passed out.

When I came to I was no longer at the cafe but back at the Reinharts pack main house in mine and sky's bedroom.....I recognized the ceiling.

I sat up and looked around the room the spotted sky by the door talking with Freya and Liza until Liza pointed my way. "She's awake sky" said Liza Sky immediately turned around and came rushing over to me cupping my face and examining me.

"Are you ok?, your not hurt any where are you?" She asked frantically.

I smiled a little to myself at how worried she was about me before shaking my head. "No I'm fine sky calm down" I said she sighed a breath of relief.

"How did I get here?" I asked, Liza and Freya then came over "We drove you, when we got to the cafe instead of seeing you waiting for us a woman walked out holding you bridal style in her arms saying that you fainted and need help" said Freya. "We immediately put you in the car and drove you back here" added Liza.

"The doctor said there's nothing horribly wrong or anything it's just that......." Said sky trailing off.

"Your pregnant Kate" said sky as she looked up at me with a joyful yet excited look on her face...that makes one of us. Hearing the news again made me one a puke or was it the baby doing so, I don't know I can't tell anymore.

I looked down into my hands pulling them away from Skys "But how you saw the first test we took it came bag negative didn't it?" I asked in disbelief. "False negatives and positives are common Kate" said Freya I shook my head. "Give me another test I want to take it again this has to be wrong" I said Sky reached out and touched my hand instantly calming me down. "Kate the doctor confirmed it with a blood test your 3 weeks pregnant" said Sky.

"We'll be downstairs" said Freya giving us so much needed privacy. "Yeah we're here if you need us Kate" said Liza before they both then left the room shutting the door behind them.

I looked up at sky tears brimming my eyes. "I'm not ready for this Sky" I said my voice cracking a bit when I did. Sky wrapped her arms around me pulling me into a hug.

"I know" was all she said as I sobbed in her arms.

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