Chapter 50

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Your author speaking/: We've made it to chapter 50 guys!.

Note:  (Remember there are two Unknown POVs one male and the other Female I'll be revealing both)

Unknown POV:
/names reveal/

I pulled up outside the building and got out of the car before making my way inside the abandoned building and taking the elevator down to the lowest level.

After a moment it stoped and I stepped off and made my way to the room where Joseph usually does his work. I got the sample of Skys hair he asked for now hopefully he'll let me see my little girl. I stepped over the cords and broken metal pieces that were on the floor as I walked over to Joseph who was fixing the machine he calls the power transference machine.

Yeah a little on the noes.

It does exactly what the name suggests it transfers power from one person to another. But he hasn't quite fixed all the kinks in it as it blows a power fuse every time he turns it on.

I stood there and watched as he stood up from the ground wiping the sweat from his forehead with his dirty greasy hands.

"Is that you my dear Donna" said Joseph without even turning around, I mean he is a werewolf after all. "You took quite a while to get back" he said. My stomach turned at the sound of his voice, I hate this man.

I cleared my throat "I got what you asked for now do as you promised and let me see my child" I said. He turned around and I handed him the little zip lock baggy with a sample of Skyler's hair in it. He held it up to the light and examined it before looking back at me with an evil grin that spread far across his face. "Not so fast darling I believe I asked you to gather information as well, spit it out what have you learned I want to know everything" he said as he walked over to his desk and opened the hair sample.

I sighed before answering "She's gained two betas so far, a few days ago I ran into her outside of a pharmacy" I said "Oh?" Said Joseph popping his head back up to look at me.

"And what was she doing there, don't tell me my power source has fallen ill, that will make things more complicated" he said I shook my head. "She was only there to buy pain pills" I said.

Joseph shrugged "Meh, a little pain is fine truthfully the weaker she is the easier it will be to drag her here" he said as he then went back to the hair sample pulling it out of the bag it was in then dropping it inside a tube.

"Anything else?" He asked, I thought back to Kate and how I found out she was pregnant at the cafe after giving her that test.

I can't tell him about that if I do then he'll probably try and harm that child and I can't have a dead child on my conscience I would never be able to face my little girl again. Just then I heard something fall and hit the ground causing me to look up at Joseph.

"Anything else?" He asked again growing impatient.

"No nothing" I said he made a face before opening his mouth to speak.

"Darling" he said softly with a sigh as he slowly walked over to me. "I never knew you were the type to lie, honestly I'm surprised you have the guts to do so to me......" he said before gripping my chin and forcing me to look into his eyes.....those sick twisted power hungry eyes.

"The man who's holding your daughter captive" he said. My heart pounded fast in my chest as I thought about my little girls life.

He'll kill her if I don't give him what he wants. "I-" I said "Speak now Donna or I might just lose my temper and use your daughter as a punching bag" he said.

"No! Pl-Please" I begged as tears flowed down my cheeks. "SPEAK!" He shouted in my face as his grip on my chin became tighter.

I flinched before opening my mouth to speak "S-she's pregnant" I said. Joseph's facial expression went from angry to curious "Who is?" He asked. "Kate, Skys mate" I said he smirked "And is it hers?" He asked I nodded and his smiled grew wider before he finally let go of me, "let's wait to attack, I want the child" he said happily "Why?!, what are you going to do to it?" I asked he smirked "Well obviously my dear Donna I'm going to drain it of the power it's no doubt going to Inherit" he said.

That will kill it.

"Why? you have Skyler, why not just take her instead" I said desperately trying to get him to change his mind.

"Because she's going to put up one hell of a fight something I really down want to deal with but a baby........and a newborn at that is weak and can't protect itself self, that's why Donna" he said.

"I won't do it, I won't help you take a child away from its mothers like you did with me" I said he slowly turned around on his heels.

"I'm sorry but you seem to believe you have a choice" he said before picking up a remote and clicking a button on it causing a live video feed to appear on the screen behind him with a large scary looking man on it. "This is my friend poco would you like to know where poco is right now?" He asked I looked at him confused and he smirked.

"Poco here is in the room where I'm keeping your child" he said as the camera zoomed out showing Poco standing there with his claws out towards my daughters neck.

I watched as she cried and struggled in his arms. I gasped loudly as tears filled my eyes. "Mommy!" She cried out when she saw me.

"Baby, I'm right here mommy's right here don't worry everything's going to be alright" I said, just then Joseph stepped into my line of view. "Now Donna dear you shouldn't lie to your children they say it causes issues" he said, I dropped to my knees at his feet.

"Ok I'll do what you want just please don't kill my little girl" I said begging him.

He smirked before pressing and holding a button on the remote. "Ok poco the matter has been resolved you may let the little one go now, oh and give her some chocolate milk or something will ya she deserves it, she's done well helping me with her mommy" he said before letting go of the button and looking down at me.

"Defy me again and next time your child won't be sipping on chocolate milk but instead..." he said crouching down and leaning towards my ear before whispering.

"She'll be choking on her own blood" he continued.

What have I done an innocent child is going to die because of me and on top of that I can't even save my own.

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