Chapter 4

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Skyler Moores POV/:

I stayed with the new pack for a month training my body in hopes that soon I'll be strong enough to shift like Kevin said.

I also got to know everyone better and even met some of the pack members outside of our little group. Life was good here actually was great here, no one teased me or hurt me, I was always included in whatever the group was doing even if I wasn't all that interested.

I had gotten use to the quiet carefree life that only consisted of, Training, Hanging out with the others, Eating, sleeping, and playing games in my room.

I didn't think anything could ruin my day until I was called out of my room by Xavia and the other's. They were all sitting around in the living room when I came downstairs. It made me nervous because it seemed like they were about to tell me something serious.....I was wrong.

"What's up?" I asked Xavia gestured for me to take a seat and so I did.

"I want you to start going to school Monday with the rest of the group" said Xavia.

School......I hated school, just the mention of it made me tremble. It wasn't the work, that part was pretty easy in fact I was a straight A student.

It was my old pack that made school so traumatizing. But at least with them I knew what to expect, This pack was a great distance from the Winston pack meaning there was an entirely different school here with a bunch of new people I don't even know.

I don't know how they'll react when they discover that I like girls or that I have a penis, I don't know what they'll do to me when that learn that I'm an pathetic alpha to be who can't even shift and doesn't even have a wolf.

So much could go wrong for me.

Selena put her hand on my leg in a comforting manner, I didn't even realized that my leg was bouncing so fast or my heart was racing until I looked around at everyone's worried expressions.

Man being the only one who can't hear heartbeats suck.

"I won't force you Sky but I do think it would be better for you to finish your senior year and graduate before you take on the role of Alpha" said Xavia softly.

"I-I'm sorry I need some time to think about it" I said Xavia nodded "Of course" she said I gave her a half hearted smile before quickly leaving and going back to my room.

I sat on my bed and tried my best to calm my heart.

Maybe I'm being dramatic but somewhere along the lines school became my worst nightmare.

Just as I was sitting with my hand over my heart struggling to calm it down I heard a knock on my door. I may not have my other abilities but my werewolf sense of smell was perfectly fine so I knew exactly who was at the door.

"You can come in Selena" I said soon after Selena twisted the door knob opening the door and making her way inside before closing the door behind herself.

Out of all of the members of the pack I've become closest with Selena. She was always clam and easy to talk to.

Selena sat on the bed next to me before speaking. "You ok? You looked as if you were about to pass out when Xavia mentioned school" Selena says .

"I'm fine..." I said clearly lying.

"You clearly aren't what happened to you back at that other pack?" She asked I sighed before telling her everything from how my so called parents treated me to Teddys constant abuse and how Chasity lied and said I raped her.

I didn't leave out anything.

She was surprised when she learned about me having a penis though. Yeah....I've been that good at hiding it from everyone for an entire month, the only person that knew was Xavia as she was literally one of the people who use to change my diapers before everything happened.

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