Chapter 71

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Skyler Reinhart's POV:

I was asleep in bed with Kate and Mel as we all cuddled together when suddenly there was a loud siren sound which woke us up, it was the one I had set up the other day so that we would know if  Joseph has entered our territory.

I jumped up from the bed, and so did Kate immediately grabbing Mel who was now crying from The loud noise as Kate tried to comfort her.

Just then Jason and Lin Kate's mother came rushing in.

"He's here" said Jason as Lin came over and grabbed Mel from Kate. "Ok we all know the plan" I said before looking at kate whose nerves seem to be getting the better of her right now. "We'll be out in a moment" I said to Jason he nodded and left the room with Lin.

I then walked over to Kate and rested my hands on her waist "You ok?" I asked she looked up at me with those big forest green eyes and nodded "Yeah just a little worried that's all" she said

"Don't be I've got you" I said before pulling her closer to me then kissing her lips.


We got outside and everyone stood in front of the porch as we waited for the shadowy figure to approach us from the woods.

I could smell him so I knew for sure it was him, how could I ever forget that smell of hair gel and rusted metal. Me moved forward through the trees and bushes causing them to shake before he emerged from the.

Joseph smiled when he seen me. "Dearest niece" he said with a nod towards me as he stood In Front of us, I kept my cold look as I watched him carefully.

Joseph then looked over at James "Brother" he said to James with a smirk that soon disappeared when he noticed Xavia standing behind me.

"Sister in law" he said with so much venom laced in his voice, it was obvious that he was holding a grudge for what she did to him. The feeling was clearly mutual as Xavia growled at him in response.

Joseph then sighed and shifted his attention back to me as he slipped his hands in his pocket comfortably. "Why are you here?" I asked staring him down "What?, a man can't visit his family?" said Joseph with a grin but I didn't find anything amusing about this situation.

I hate this man I hate for what he did to the people I care about and I hate him for nearly taking my daughter away from me forever.

"It is never just a visit with you Joseph" said James to his brother.

Joseph smirked "Well you look well, I gotta say I'm quite amazed that you managed to get free.....and quite disappointed because that bomb didn't kill you" said Joseph, James growled and so did Joseph. "Well I did promise to make you pay for what you did after all" said James, Joseph rolled his eyes "Oh please you couldn't make an ant pay for stealing a potato chip with the level of power you have right now......or did you forget what I took from you while you were chained up like a bitch in my basement for 19 years?" Said Joseph.

I heard a growl erupt from Xavia's throat in that moment.

Note: ( This man's Joseph's comebacks be something dangerous lmao)

Joseph smirked and held up his hands as he looked around at everyone. "I'm here to make you a deal" said Joseph while looking at me. I scoffed "A deal?" I said.

"Yes, Leave this pack with your little friends and hand over that alpha title"  said Joseph.

"She's not giving you anything" said Xavia. Joseph sighed "No one was talking to you Xavia so keep that pretty mouth of yours shut before I rip your throat out and you be twining with your husband" said Joseph, Kevin and Zack both had to hold Xavia back as she was trying to get to Joseph.

"And what makes you think I'll just hand over my pack to you?" I asked.

This man is genuinely delusional.

"Well because it's not your pack it's just another one of the many things that your father has took from me" said Joseph.

"Is that so, and what if I don't want to give it back?" I asked growling as I stepped forward letting my claws spring out and my canines show.

"Then I guess I'll just take from you, it's sad though I don't usually steal from the dead" he said as I watched him shift into something unbelievable.

I watched as Joseph shifted into a large wolf man ripping his clothes, he was large like way bigger than me in my wolf form. The wolf was muscular, tall and it could stand up as if it was in human form on two feet. It's claws were sharp just like it's teeth and when it looked at you it was as if it was trying to strike fear into you.

This just became much more difficult, I looked over at Kate who seem to be frozen with fear but the large wolf man in front of us didn't have that affect on me but I could feel it's power.

"What The Fuck Is That?!" Asked Zack looking at the monster in disbelief.

"That is the result of two different powers clashing, it has made him into a mutated Beast.....goddess help us all"

Just then Dean and Danny launched forward attacking the beast, Dean got a few hits in but soon after both him and Danny were threw across the ground where they slammed into a tree and was knocked out on impact.

He continued to throw and slash anyone who attempted to attack him taking them all down with ease.

Once there was no one left standing in his way he stalked over to me growling and snarling and I did the same.

He launched forward and I was about to attack when Kate stepped in front of me and he grabbed her by the neck instead. My eyes went wide as he held her up. He the Beast then looked at me as if he realized something when he seen me shaking with anger and I swear I saw it smirk before tightening his grip on Kates.

Hearing her gasp for air and call out my name was what sent me spiraling, my entire body started to feel hot as my eyes started to glow and my heart started beating faster then it has before.

I looked down to see blue glow running through my body as the clouds in the sky got dark causing everyone to look around in confusion.

"She has done it" I heard James say.

"Done what?" Asked Zack.

"Unlocked her true potential" said James.

This surge of energy was raw and primal, it ran through my veins like water as my skin crackled with electricity, The lightning coursed through me, forging a bond between my wolf and the sky.

My fingertips glowed with azure light. Joseph looked terrified as his gaze met mine I watched as he dropped Kate to the ground and Zack immediately went over to grab her pulling her out of harms way.

I raised my hand causing Bolts of electricity to strike Joseph multiple times. The sounds of thunder rang through the entire area mixing with the sounds of Joseph screams.

Once I finally calmed down so did the lighting and I watched as Joseph slowly shifted back to his human from with his cuts steaming from the bolts of electricity striking him. I walked over to him and stood over his wounded body, as she panted out of breath from screaming so loud.

I then crouched down in front of him, "How does it feel to be the one on the losing end?" I asked. He opened his eyes to look at me and they were red like his blood vessels had popped in them or something.

He tried to speak but nothing came out, "That's what I thought" I said before standing up and turning around to leave. He was dying I could feel the power he stole returning to where it belongs so I seen to need to finish him off. I will not scoot to his level and display such of show of no humanity. Just as I was walking away I heard Kate scream "SKY WATCH OUT!" She yelled, I was confused but turned around seeing claws coming at me.

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