Chapter 46

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Jason's POV:

I was downstairs waiting for Sky by the front door but she never came down but instead Isaac came walking down with her car keys in his hand. "The Alpha said to tell you that she's sorry but she won't be joining you in school anymore, she will be doing her work from home because managing the pack and going to school every morning is a bit to stressful for her" Isaac explained.

I nodded in understanding but felt kind of sad about that. "But on the bright side she let us borrow her car to go to school and wherever else we want to go, she said as long as we bring it back in one piece it's fine" said Isaac excitedly looking at the keys I couldn't help but chuckle he must really like cars I can tell by the way his light purple eyes are sparkling. "We should go now or we'll be late" I said Isaac eyes shot up as he realized I was right.

After a About an hour of listening to Isaac ramble on about how amazing Sky's car is the entire ride to school we finally came to a stop in the schools parking lot. I got out of the car and so did Isaac and we made our way up to the school entrance together but just before we could reach I heard some voices from some people I was really hoping to avoid today. Things have been well for me I've gotten closer to Isaac as a friend, my grades are better and I finally convinced my mother to order me this new book I've been wanting to read after finally finishing love from afar.

"Oh look here the sissy's back and he's got himself a boyfriend" said Jim as him, Neal and Leo walked towards us along with a bunch of other people I don't know. I sighed and turned "What do you want Jim" I asked tiredly.

"Seriously do you guys just not have anything better to do?" Asked Isaac which pissed Neal off the most for some reason. "How about you shut the fuck up no one was talking to you" growled Neal stepping forward "How about you make me" Isaac said stepping forward as well, I grabbed his arm causing him to look at me. "Isaac no, come on let's just go, I don't want to make trouble for Sky" I said. Two students from two different packs going head to head would cause a problem between the two leaders of the packs.

All of the students here are from different packs all over which is why each student is made to sign a peace agreement with the school saying that they will not attack other students from other packs on school grounds, if this agreement is violated then this can cause many problems for the Alphas of our packs and if not handled properly it can become a war between the two packs.

Neal, Jim and Leo are all from the desert tails pack there's a few others from their pack that attend this school as well but I only know those three.

Neal's older sister is the Alpha of their pack.

"Sky knows how they've been making your life a living hell here I'm sure she wouldn't mind if I beat the shit out of a few of them" said Isaac before glaring at Neal. I told Isaac everything a little while ago and when I say everything I mean everything, he knows about how things happened between Neal and I and that he's my mate, I told him how Neal lied and explained to him that's why everyone in the school hates me, I also told him about Neal kissing me in the bathroom which Isaac didn't seem to happy about.

I sighed "Please Isaac lets just go" I said his gaze me mine and he sighed, "Ok" he said as we both turned to leave "Look at these punk ass bitches running away" said Jim but I ignored him. "Where do you think your going You fucking faggots" said Neal then suddenly something struck me on the side of the head hard causing me to groan in pain in reach up and touch the spot where I was hit only to bring my hand back down and see a bunch of blood on it.

Isaac immediately grabbed my face and examined my head and once he seen the blood dripping from my head and the rock The was thrown at me on the ground next to me with my blood on it as well it was like something snapped I could see it in his eyes as a growl erupted from his throat and he turned around letting go of my face about to attack Neal when I stopped him again.

"Jason you can't keep letting them hurt you something has to be done" said Isaac with a pissed off expression on his face. 

He was right this is getting out of hand and if I don't say something then they'll end of killing me one day. I walked forward going to standing directly in front of Neal "Oh you in for it now Neal" Said Jim Mockingly as him and the group of people behind them laughed. "What?, did the sissy finally grow some balls" said Neal earning himself some snickers from his group.

"You know Neal it's funny how you go around calling me a faggot or a sissy but you still haven't told them how you dragged this sissy faggot to the guys bathroom and kissed him in the stalls" I said. Everyone's eyes went wide as they stood there in shock "Stop fucking lying Neal would never, Right Neal?" said Jim before looking over at Neal who was practically shaking with anger. "He's lying" said Neal "Am I? Mate" I said earning me a few gasps from everyone, Neal was too stunned to speak "Neal what is he talking about?" Asked Leo.

"I'm talking about how he lied on me to everyone after finding out we were mated and all of you idiots believed him" I said "If that's true then why would he lie?" Asked Leo "To hide the fact that we're mated.....he's a cowered" I said Neal balled his fist "SHUT UP YOUR FUCKING LYING!!" Yelled Neal getting in my face, Isaac was about to step forward but I stopped him by holding up an hand. "If I am then when I do the rejection process right now you won't feel anything and neither would I right?" I Asked staring him directly in the eyes, I saw a flash of fear as I opened my mouth and began to speak "Wait no don't" Pleaded Neal but I ignored him.

"I Jason Smith Omega of the Reinhart pack reject you Neal as my mate" I said Neal instantly gripped at his chest and stumbled backwards into Jim and Leo as I struggled to stay standing feeling the stinging pain in my chest that was more intense then anything I've ever felt until eventually I couldn't take it anymore more and ended up passing out.


After everything when I came to I was in the packs clinic and Isaac was sitting in a chair by my bedside. "Isaac?" I Said, Isaacs eyes shot up to mine "Hey your awake" he said softly but surprised immediately standing up and coming over to me, "Yeah how did I get here?" I asked "You passed out at school after rejecting Neal and I rushed you back to the've been out for 3 days" said Isaac my eyes went wide "3 Days!?" I Said quickly sitting up in the bed. "Calm down I told everyone what happened your parents and sister were just here a few seconds ago but I told them they should go get some rest and I'll look after you" he explained I sighed feeling a little relieved by that.

"What about my-" I said "School work" he said finishing my sentence for me "Yeah" I said.

"Don't worry about that I already grabbed it and Skyler is in a meeting right now with the school as we speak" said Isaac I sighed I really didn't any any of this to happen, just then Isaac put a hand over mine "Hey don't worry everything's going to be fine you just get some rest the doctor said your heads all healed up and there wasn't any major problems so you should be fine and able to go home in the morning" said Isaac with a sympathetic look.

I took a breath and laid back down on the bed trying to relax and do as Isaac said.

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