Chapter 54

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Skyler Reinhart's POV:

The next day after telling me I had a secret uncle Xavia came over. We all sat in the living room together me, Xavia and my mate Kate. I was pretty irritated with Xavia considering that she lied to me, Kate must've felt my feelings through our mate bond because seconds later she put and hand in mine interlocking our fingers together in a attempt to calm me down.

It worked.

I sighed and looked up at Xavia who had a bit of a guilty look on her face. "Why didn't you tell me that my father had another brother?" Is asked, she sucked in a deep breath before speaking "I thought it would be better for everyone if I buried that man's existence" said Xavia as she balled her fist and a look of hatred flashed across her face.

What did he do to make her hate him so much?

"What did he do to make you hate him?" I asked she looked up at me with her fist still balled and her eyes still filled with hatred. "That man is the reason your parents and my husband is dead along with so many others from our pack" she said which confused me I thought she said the river stone pack were the ones who attacked our pack.

"But you said it was the river stone pack who attacked us" I said she sighed before finally releasing her balled up fist.

"Joseph betrayed us after your father suddenly brought him here claiming that he was family, no one knew were he had been all this time and your father wouldn't tell anyone anything, even so Julian was over the moon when he heard that he had another brother he was always such a family man, but me..........I knew something was off about that man the moment I laid eyes on him" she said before taking another breath.

I guess this is hard for her to talk about and I felt kind of bad that I was making her do so but I needed to know.

"At first glance Joseph could be described as a kind and loving older brother who cared deeply for his siblings........but that wasn't the case, to me he was a liar and he was deceitful, jealous and hatred poured off of him whenever he looked at James and Julian yet I was the only one who seemed to had been able to see it" she said as she warped her arms around herself hugging herself.

"I wish I had said something sooner then maybe I could have stopped the tragedy that befell us, He was sick and twisted something was truly wrong with that man yet I stupidly kept my mouth shut because I believed that neither James nor Julian would believe me if I said anything" she said nearly trembling with fear and anger.

"How did he betray the pack?" I asked.

"He allied and schemed with the River stone pack, our enemies behind our backs and when we realized what was happening it was too late the most we could do was get the heir to the pack to safety but I heard that our beta who was in charge of that died protecting you that's how you ended up on a random family's doorstep" she said.

"The Winston pack" I mumbled to myself with a bit of hatred in my voice.

"But why would he do that to his family?" I asked.

"That I don't know, only your father could tell us that but he's......" she said trilling off.

"Dead" I said finishing her sentence for her with a sigh.

"What happened to my uncle?" I asked

Xavia paused when she heard that question then her eyes looked up to mine and I swear I saw them darken as she spoke "I killed him, I ran a metal rod right through him after he killed my mate" she said with not even a hint of remorse in her words.

I don't blame her, honestly if it was me and Kate I would've done the same.

I sighed and leaned back on the couch trying to take in all this new information.

Well it's a good thing he's dead now, if he was as evil as Xavia said he was then I couldn't even imagine a man like that roaming freely around. It would be dangerous for my pack.....I looked over at Kate before putting and hand on her belly, And our child.

Your author speaking/:  Extremely short chapter this time guys, I just really needed to get this information out of the way first before the main events began, don't worry I'll make up for this I promise.

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