Chapter 63

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Skyler Reinhart's POV:

We finally arrived across the street from the main pack house. My heart was pounding in my chest seeing bodies everywhere on the lawn. I was about to go and find Kate because I was worried sick about her but to my surprise Xavia came walking up with Zack following closely behind along with Jason and Isaac.

"Xavia?!" I said shocked as she came over and hugged me. "I'm so sorry all of this happened" she said "It's not your fault so you don't need to apologize, where's Kate?" I asked.

I need to talk with her about our daughter and make sure she's ok. I have to see her with my own eyes.

"She's in the house with her family, you go see her while Kevin, Zack and I start the wolves on damage control" she said offering to take some of the load off of me, I nodded and she gave me a small smile.

I got inside the pack house after putting on some clothes outside and saw Kate sitting on the couch with her head in her hands as her mother tried to comfort her. "My love" I said softly, her head shot up and so did she I immediately warped my arms around her pulling her into a hug.

Before I came in here I got the report of everything that happened from Jason and Isaac including the deaths of Freya and Cole Kates best friends.

"I'm so sorry" I said as she buried her face in my chest and I rubbed her back trying to calm her down.

After a moment she was finally calm and able to speak. "Our daughter sky" was the first thing she said I balled my fist "I know and we're going to get her back, do we know who lead this attack on us?" I asked no one has told me that yet.

"It was Terry and Sam for what I believe" said a males voice, I looked up to see Dean walking in with two cups of tea before handing one to Lin then sitting down next to her. "How?, I thought you killed them?" I asked he sighed "I didn't I told everyone I did to give them a chance at a new life" said dean which just pissed me off.

"So this is your fault?" I asked looking directly at Dean Kate put an hand on my arm. "Sky?, don't say that" she said but Dean shook his head "No she's right this is my fault, had I not been weak and let them flee with their mother they would have never made my daughter the target of revenge I was careless as an alpha..." he said before setting the cup on the table in front of us.

"But so were you" Dean finished.

"Excuse me?!" I replied. "Why weren't you here protecting your family?" Asked Dean obviously trying to shift the blame.

I was about to open my mouth to speak but someone beat me to it. "Because once again she is also the Alpha of this pack" said Selena walking into the house helping hold Liza up before guiding her to the couch to sit down. "Oh honey you should be resting" said Lin to Liza who just shook her head "I'm fine, I heal pretty quickly you know being half vampire and all" said Liza with a small smile.

"That doesn't excuse anything" said Dean "She can't be two places at once that is what betas are for" said Selena I noticed Paris shrinking in his seat in the corner away from everyone else when she said that.

I'm sure he feels like this is all of his fault because of what I said to him before we got here, when in reality he handled this crisis well for it to had been his first as beta of the pack, I was just angry about my daughter.

I sighed.

I'll apologize to him later.

Just as Dean and Selena were arguing I slammed my hand on the table causing a loud bang and gaining everyone's attention just in time to see Xavia, Kevin, Jason, Isaac and Zack walking in as well.

I stood up as they all took a seat. "We can throw around blame once my daughter is home safely till then I don't want to hear another word about this otherwise I don't care who you are I will gladly ask you to leave" I said looking directly at dean when I made that last part clear.

It was quiet and I took that as everyone agreeing.

"Now do anyone have anything on my daughters location?" I asked Xavia put an hand up before standing up from her seat gaining everyone's attention "When I was called here by Jason and Isaac they asked for my help with tracking her, I searched the woods and found some traces that the person who took Mel was there, those traces then lead me to an open road on the other side of the woods where I found tire tracks that leads down the road but stops half way" said Xavia.

"Then we can start there" I said pulling my leather jacket back on.

"I'm coming with you" said Kate but I shook my head before cupping her face. "I need you to stay here with your family I cannot focus if you both are in danger" I said "I can handle myself sky" said Kate frowning her eyebrows at me.

I smiled, "I know you can Kate, please just stay here I promise I will bring our daughter home safe" I said kissing her forehead.

She nodded before looking up at me "I want you both home safe" she said I just smiled at her before letting her go and turning around to face everyone else. I didn't promise her my safety because there was no guarantee that I'd make it out alive......but I was damn sure going to make sure that Melody did.

"Paris, Kevin and Xavia with me" I said "We're going to" said Liza and Selena standing up, I sighed "Liza your body is still healing" I said "I appreciate your concern but I'm fine" said Liza with a determined look on her face. I sighed knowing she wasn't going to let up any time soon.

"Fine then" I said before looking towards Danny "I know this is a lot to ask but can you-" I said but was cut off "Don't worry little sis I got things here" said Danny I smiled and nodded before making my way to the door.


We all followed Xavia through the burnt woods that smelt like smoke and rain water now. As we were walking and got closer to the road I started to pick up Mel's scent, it was faint but it was there.

"I smell her" I said walking in front of everyone else. "What?, how we don't smell anything" said Liza, I'd like to say it's the power of a mother but that's not the case by me being what I know having the goddess blood running through me in all, it makes me ten times better then the average Alpha wolf.

Meaning my senses are stronger, I'm stronger and I'm faster.

The smell lead us to an open road and continued down it, I was sure this was where my daughter was so we followed it.

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