Chapter 55

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Skyler Reinhart's POV:
3 months later

I was out running and patrolling the area in my wolf from with Paris when I suddenly heard Selena connect to me through the packs mind link. ("Skyler") said Selena. ("Yes?") I replied, she sounded kind of panicked which was why I stopped running to listen to her, Paris looked back at me confused but stopped running as well. ("You guys have to get back here now") said Selena ("Why what's wrong?") I asked confused ("It's Kate her water just broke the baby is coming!") said Selena.

("On my way") I said before turning around and taking off running back towards the packs main house. Paris followed closely behind having heard what Selena had just said.

I was both excited and scared as my heart pounded in my chest the closer we got towards the house.

I am finally going to be able to meet my little pup and I couldn't be happier, but at the same time I was thinking that what if something goes wrong, I've already been feeling uneasy lately and I don't know why.

Eventually I got to the main pack house and immediately shifted out of my wolf form. When I walked up Jason was standing there with some clothes in his hand for me and Paris, I quickly took them and pulled them on before looking around "Where is she?" I asked out of breath from how fast I ran to get back here. "She's with Selena and Issac they took her to the packs doctor" said Jason I thanked him and began running to where the packs hospital was with Jason and Paris.

I Walked in and was immediately greeted by Selena and Paris who were in the waiting room. "what's happening?" I asked Selena. "They took her to the delivery room but haven't said anything yet" she said.

"Ok Could you go and get my phone and call her parents for me?" I asked Selena. "We'll do it" offered Issac I nodded and both him and Jason ran off to go do what I said.

I was waiting in the waiting room for what felt like hours. I ran my hands through my messy hair as I paced back in forth. Not hearing from the doctors were killing me just then the front entrance doors opened before Dean and Lin walked in both immediately coming over to me. "Where's my daughter is she ok?" Asked Dean immediately I nodded "She went into labor while I was on patrol but I haven't heard anything back from the doctors yet" I explained "Oh dear" said Lin.

"Why would you leave your pregnant mate home alone?" Asked Dean clearly getting angry. Lin put an hand on his chest as an attempt to calm him down which only partly worked.

"Um because she's the packs Alpha and have a job to do, you should understand that more than anyone Mr.Night" said Selena coming to my defense immediately.

Just then the doctor came out and walked over to us. "Alpha" said the woman I immediately stepped up "Yes?" I replied. "So far the Luna is now fully dilated and the baby is ready to come out but....." she said trailing off. "But what?" I growled causing the woman to flinch a little, "But she's um....well she's refusing to push and she's asking for you" said the doctor.

I turned to look at everyone "We'll see you both when you get out just go dear" said Lin I nodded before turning to follow the doctor to the room where Kate was.

I walked Inside the room after being gowned gloved and masked and went straight over to Kate who looked like she was in a lot of pain.

When I touched her shoulder she immediately looked over at me and tears started flowing down her face. "I'm scared Sky" she said her eyes already red from the crying she was doing before I came in. I grabbed her hand with one hand and used the other to run my hands through her hair in a comforting manner.

"I know baby I know but I need you to push ok" I said she shook her head and I let go of her hand then cupped her face with both my hands looking deep into her eyes. "Kate in a few minutes will be able to see our little one....all you have to do is push, push and this will all be over" I said trying to encourage her.

Tears ran down her face and I smiled softly at her "Do you remember what I said to you in your room when you were freaking out before?" I asked she nodded.

"Say it" I said "I will be with you every step of the way, I've got you.....I've got us" she said panting I smiled and kissed her sweaty forehead.

"I promise" I said finishing the rest, she nodded before turning her head away from me.

"Is she ready?" Asked the doctor. "Yes she's ready go ahead" I informed her.

"Ok Luna on the count of 3 I want you to push" she said, Kate nodded in understanding. "Ok Luna 1, 2, 3, PUSH!" Shouted the doctor, Kate immediately started to push. "One more time Luna" said the doctor then Kate pushed again but there was still no baby.

"I'm sorry about this but I need you to push one last time" said the doctor.

Kate took a deep breath before looking at me, I held her hand and gave her a nod "You can do this my love" I said she nodded and took another breath before pushing with all she got.

She pushed harder than she did before and soon after the cries of our baby could be heard.

Kate gasped and her tear filled eyes followed the doctor as she moved around the room taking our baby over to the little station they had set up to wipe her down and make sure the baby was completely healthy.

Tears filled my eyes as well, hearing those little cries jump started something in me and all I wanted to do was hold our pup. I watched as they got our little pup ready to be brought over to me.

"Congratulations it's a..."

To be continued.

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