Chapter 61

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Donna's POV/:

I ran as fast as I could with the baby in my arms holding her close to my chest. I heard voices behind me growing closer to me and by how fast they were moving I could tell they were werewolves. I was human so I wasn't as fast I needed to hide somewhere and mask her scent somehow or they'll catch me and I can't rumble with two wolves for me that's a sure way to die.

I ran seeing a large tree with an open space in the middle of it.

"Jason her smell is stronger over here" said a males voice. panicking I quickly slipped into the open space covering us both with the branches and leaves.

I grabbed a handful of mud and looked at the little girl in my arms "I'm sorry for this little one" I whispered before rubbing the mud all over her little face and body. This should throw their senses off even more considering the smoke from the fire in the air as well, This should mask her scent till I get her back to Joseph.

I waited there until I heard a frustrated growl. "This Is Bull Shit!, I Just Had The Scent And Now It's Gone?!" I heard a voice say "it's ok Issac we tried" said the other voice who I now know is Jason.

"I don't want to fail our Luna" said Issac "And I don't want to fail neither of them, we'll keep looking let's go this way" said Jason before coughing from all the smoke in the air. Soon they both then ran off in the opposite direction away from us and I immediately got up from the hiding spot and started running again.

It wasn't easy getting out of a forest full of flaming leaves and trees but eventually I did.

Once I was out of the forest I could finally breathe again. I looked down to check on the baby making sure she was fine because I knew if I couldn't breathe then she probably couldn't.

I removed the blanket from her face earning me a bright smile from the little one. her deep dimples were enough to make anyone adore her and those light blue eyes that were nothing short of stunning peered up at me. "Oh god you really do look like your moms" I said with a sigh before looking at the woods one last time "I'm sorry sky" I said before running off down the road to the car in which I had hidden.

I got to the car and opened the door before putting the baby in my daughter's carseat. "I know this is a little big but it'll have to do for now little one" I said as I stripped her in then shut the door before jogging around to the drivers door and getting inside.

Once I was in I sped off down the road.

The ride there went smoothly and I thanked the gods for that. I pulled up outside of a the old abandoned building where Joseph was waiting inside and got out of the car before grabbing the baby from the car seat and standing in front of the building.

I was about to take a step forward but stopped when I looked at the cooing baby in my arms.

Am I really so evil that I'm going to let this man kill a baby?. I looked into her little blue eyes and I knew in that moment that I couldn't do this. I'll just take her back and tell him I couldn't get close enough to grab her.

Just as I was about to put the baby back in the car I heard that sickening voice I hate so much.

"Where are you going Darling" said Joseph, I turned around with the baby still in my arms seeing him standing in front of me a few inches away.

"J-Joseph" I stuttered out. "In the flesh, and is this the baby of the hour?" He asked cocking his head to look at her with a grin, he reached for me to give her to him but I step away from him with her. Joseph frowned his eyebrows at me as his grin turned into a frown and his arms slowly dropped back down.

"I'm not letting you do this to this little girl" I said.

Joseph sighed loudly and ran a hand down his face before staring at me.

"I knew you'd go in grow a heart at the last moment.......I know you so well don't you think?" He asked with a weird expression on his face. I just stared him down while holding the baby close to me.

"Welp Donna darling because I'm in such high spirits right now I'm going to give you a choice" said Joseph.

I just stood and stared him down. I watched as he pulled my daughter's hair bow from his pocket and threw it at my feet.

"The child you carried in pushed out or the child you barely know?" He asked folding his arms across his chest. I looked down at my daughter's bow on the ground as tears dripped from my face. After a moment I then wiped those tears away and whispered to myself a prayer before looking back up at Joseph who was smirking because he thought he knew the choice I'd make.

He thought he knew me.

"I'm not giving you this baby" I said his smile once again turned into a frown.

"You're playing a dangerous game with me Donna" he said his voice growing aggressive.

"What can I say, I like the thrill" I said, he laughed an evil laugh as he looked at the sky for a moment then back down at me. "Have you forgotten that I promised you a dead child if you don't give me that one?" He said.

"You won't kill her" I said shaking my head.

"If you believe that Donna your truly dumber then I thought" said Joseph.

"Tell me why do you believe I won't kill that daughter of yours?" He asked with an amused smirk.

"Because....." I said.

"Because what?" Asked Joseph.

"Because she's your daughter to"

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