Chapter 37

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Your author Speaking/; I just wanted to let you guys know that I'll be doing some chapters on Jason Selena's little brother with him and his mate but the book is still mainly about Skyler and Kate obviously of course they are our main characters after all, I was also thinking about doing a few chapters on Selena and Liza as well I don't know tho if you guys want to read a little about them then let me know otherwise I might just only do Jason because I don't know I just find telling his mate story more interesting.

Jason's POV:

I was sitting downstairs at the kitchen counter inside the main pack house eating the breakfast that Kevin made for me while waiting for Skyler as we both go to school together. A few seconds later she finally walked downstairs with a big grin on her face. "Damn Sky your practically glowing what's got you so happy?" Asked Zack as Sky flopped down on the couch next to him and put on her shoes. "It's just an beautiful morning Zack" she said with a smile, "Yeah sure" said Selena who was cuddled up on the couch with her new mate Liza. "Beautiful morning my shiny ass, I know that look that's the look of someone who just lost their V card my friend" said Zack.

"Wait seriously? When?" Asked Selena moving from her mates arms and staring at Sky. "I'm not talking about this with you weirdos" Said Sky before standing up from the couch "Oh come on don't gate keep" said Zack but Skyler just shook her head no and continued towards the door "Ready Jason?" She asked I nodded and stood up from my seat before making it over to the door as well.

"Ok ok, sky at least tell us this" said Selena, Sky huffed and turned around "What?" She asked "How was it?" Asked Zack for Selena.

Skyler grinned and rolled her eyes before answering "Amazing" said Skyler everyone in the house broke out in Ou's teasing Skyler even Kevin joined in. I chuckled as Skyler shook her head and left out of the door with me following closely behind.

We got inside the school building and parted ways, me and Sky don't have 1st hour, 2nd hour or 3rd together but we do have 4th which is lunch and 5th,6th,and 7th together. She doesn't have to attend 6th or 7th hour because she's a senior and their not main classes yet lately she's been staying till the end of the day instead of leaving like she always does.....I got a feeling it's because of me.

She hasn't told the others what happened and that I'm grateful for.

I made it to my first hour class and was immediately warped in the scent of peppermint, I ignored it knowing exactly who it was coming from and took my usual spot in the middle row. Some people prefer sitting at the front so they can see better or hear better others like being in the way back hoping that if they stay out of sight the teacher won't call on them, but me.....I say the middle is where it's at, it's easy to see and hear and the teacher is less likely to call on you because their more focused on the burnouts that sit in the back.

Class started and the teacher began the lesson for the day.

After a long first hour the day went on the same and I made my way to my other classes today with no problem. Usually on my way to or from class Neal, Jim and Leo always catch me and beat my ass but today they've only been shooting me dirty looks while keeping their distance, I guess they really are terrified of Sky. It's kind of funny when you think about 3 big bad boys afraid of a girl, I mean I know Sky isn't your average werewolf girl but they don't and they practically piss themselves when they see her.

I was feeling pretty happy today and hoped this feeling would last definitely won't.

As I was making my way to my 3rd hour class I ended up bumping into something hard knocking me down and causing me to drop my notes all over the place along with my book that I was reading in secret during 2nd hour earlier. I quickly scrambled to pick them up when I heard and unfamiliar males voice, "Oh shit I'm so sorry, here let me help you" Said the voice before bending down and I came face to face with a boy who had Thick snowy white shoulder length hair that was pulled into a low bun to the back, piercings at the top of his ear and in both his right and left ear.

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