Chapter 45

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Kaitlyn Night POV/:

I was laying in the large king sized bed that now belongs to both me and Sky, Skyler was in the shower getting ready for bed. Tonight will be the first time we spend together now that we're officially living together and I couldn't help but be excited even though she's been avoiding me all day and making excuses whenever I try to talk to her about what happened the other day.

She walked out of the bathroom and I watched as she walked inside our walk in closet for a moment before coming back out and laying out her clothes on the bed. She then dropped her robe to the floor revealing her naked body and I couldn't help but stare. Goddess she was so sexy, I looked down at her Member that was still huge even when soft......I'll never get use to seeing how big that thing is. Sky noticed me staring and pulled on her boxers first, ok yup she's definitely still pissed.

I sighed and leaned back against the headboard of the bed, moments later I felt her climb onto the bed and get under the covers. She laid with her back facing me and she was sleeping really far away from me as well which hurt, "Kate you need to apologize to our mate I want to cuddle her" Lena my wolf whined in my head.

I rolled my eyes "I know Lena" I said, Lena has been whimpering in my head since the day I hurt Sky's feelings and realized it after talking with my sister in law Anna.

"Sky" I called out to her but got no answer, I sighed and decided to let her be for tonight thinking that she had already fell asleep.

I reached over on my side of the bed and click off my side table lamp before getting underneath the covers, I'll fix this in the morning.

I closed my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep as well.


The next morning I woke up to the sound of the birds chirping outside and the sun light shining through our bedroom window curtains. Sleeping in this nice big king sized bed was the best feeling ever, it was so firm yet fluffy at the same time it was like sleeping on a large cloud.

I turned around and felt the space next to me only to feel that it was empty, I sat up in the bed and looked around but Sky was no where to be seen.

I sighed I've never experienced sky being mad at me before, since we've gotten back together she's never even raised her voice at me but now that I am experiencing it, I don't like it one bit. I climbed out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to do my business and get ready for the day.

After getting dressed I then made my way downstairs to the first floor seeing a tall woman taller then me but nearly the same height as Sky standing at the stove cooking. The smell of bacon filled the house, when she turned around I realized that I've met her before, her name was Xavia. "Looking for Sky?" She asked as if she had already knew I was standing there "Yes do you know where she is?" I Asked "Are you hungry?" She asked me I shook my head "No thanks" I said. I wasn't saying that out of shyness or anything I truly didn't feel hungry for some reason, I think it was the guilt I was feeling from what I said to Sky that was nullifying my hunger because usually I could eat enough for 3 people in mornings.

Xavia then walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out some orange juice, "When she is mad she tends to hold it all in and avoid the person who angered her....I told her that's a bad habit to have and gave her a different way to let that anger out" she said as she filled her glass with juice then sat the bottle down on the counter before putting the top on it and looking up at me. "I told her to put it into her training so she is most likely to be in the training area in the backyard right about now, just go through the back door" she said pointing at a door I nodded in understanding.

"Thanks" I said just as I was about to walk away she called to me "Oh and Kate" Said Xavia, I turned around to look at her "Hm?" I replied.

"I may not know of what happened between the two of you, but I really hope your going back there to make amends and not make it only takes one spark to start a fire dear" said Xavia. I understood what she meant but I had no attention of making things worse anyways, it's only been two days and yet I can't take her giving me the cold shoulder like this anymore.

I walked out the back door that Xavia showed me and it lead me straight into the backyard like she said, I stood on the porch and spotted Sky shirtless and in nothing but her sports bra and some grey jogging shorts as sweat ran down her face, neck and chest. Is it wrong that I'm turned on right now?. She was punching a punching bag and I watched as each time she did so a rip appeared in the bag from how hard she was hitting.

I watched her draw her fist back and punch it with all her might causing the bag to explode and all the sand that was inside it to come falling out, My eyes went wide.


The only other person I've ever seen destroy a punching bag is my dad no one else not even Danny could do what she just did.

I sighed.

Ok this is my chance, I walked down from the porch and made my way over to a sweaty and panting Sky. When she saw me she sighed "I-" she started to say about to make up another lame ass excuse until I cut in. "Skyler we need to talk now" I said softly but demanding as well it's not good for the pack to see us divided like this, one of the things my mother taught me as a Luna is to always show your pack that you are one with your Alpha, A bickering Alpha and Luna does more harm then good.

Sky looked at me for a moment but then accept defeat and turned around to face me. "What's there to talk about you don't want children with's fine" she said looking down at the ground. Hearing that she thought that breaks my heart I reached out and grabbed her face forcing her to look at me "Sky I didn't mean it like that, I just meant that I'm not ready now but someday I do want kids with you, you are my mate and the love of my life how could I not see a future with you" I said she looked up at me with those big blue eyes and I watched as they slowly became teary until eventually tears started to roll down her cheeks "Do you mean it?" She asked "With all my heart" I replied before kissing her on the lips momentarily then pulling away using my fingers to wipe the tears from her face.

"Geez now look who's the cry baby" I said with a smile, Skyler chuckled before burying her face in my neck, I let her warm maple scent warp around as she took in mine.

Just then there was a knock or the door frame of the back door both me and Sky looked up while still holding each other only to see Xavia standing there with her arms folded and a big grin on her face. "Hey lovebirds I made breakfast you should come in eat" said Xavia, soon as she said the word eat my stomach started to growl.

Welp I guess my appetite is back now. I looked up at Sky before kissing her cheek "Come on let's go eat" I said she nodded her head looking like a big ole baby as I took her hand in mine and dragged her with me back into the house.

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