Chapter 74

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Skyler Reinhart's POV:
6 months later

It took the pack a while to get back to some sort of normal rhythm. It's understandable though they say for pain to heal it must be given time. Even I myself still feel the heart break of losing the people closest to me and the father I had just found after so many years of not knowing he existed then believing he was dead.

The only reason I haven't completely shut down is because of Mel and Kate. I was hurting but I was also grateful....grateful that I didn't lose them as well because that would've broke me entirely.

I woke up to the sweetest laughter from the tiniest little voice. I looked up as the sunlight peaked through our bedroom window reflecting off of Mel's big blue eyes making them glow and appear lighter than they already are. her dimples sunk into her cheeks as she smiled and laughed at me.

I smiled, her laugh and babbling was like music to my ears, "What's so funny little one?" I asked tickling her tummy causing her to laugh and smile even more.

I've woken up to her every day in our bed because Kate fears leaving her in her nursery so she usually sleeps with us. I don't mind it though her joyful smile when she wakes up and sees me every morning fills me with an irreplaceable warmth that only she can provide.

I then realized that it was only me and Mel in bed today but no Kate. I looked around then looked back down at Mel "Where's mommy Mel Mel?" I asked she just babbled and slobbered on herself in response.

I chuckled before I climbed out of bed then leaned over to pick Mel up.

"Let's go find her then My littlest wolf" I said kissing her cheek as we made our way out of the room and all the way downstairs. As soon as I walked downstairs I smelt the smell of bacon and sausages in the air.

I looked up to see Kate cooking breakfast with headphones in as she swayed her hips to the music that was most likely playing in them.

I looked down at Mel who was just chilling in my arms as she sucked on her fingers, "Shall we scare mommy?" I asked, Mel reached for my face with her slobber covered fingers and I took that as a yes.

I slowly walked over towards Kate as she was still unaware of my presence. I then reached out a hand and snaked it around her waist. "Boo!" I said as she jumped in fear but calmed down when she saw it was just me.

She took out her headphones and smacked my arm "Sky! what is wrong with you, you nearly scared me to death" she said I laughed "Good morning love" I said before I pulled her closer to me then kissed her lips.

The kiss was light but passionate and we only broke away when she heard Mel who was in my arms make a cooing sound.

Kate smiled and lightly pinched our daughter's cheeks "Hi Melly Mel good morning sweet girl" said Kate, Mel smiled and laughed in response.

"Have you changed and feed her?" Asked Kate still playing with Mel in my arms.

"Nope not yet we woke up, seen that you weren't there and immediately came looking for you" I said stealing a piece of bacon from the plate and stuffing it in my mouth while Kate was distracted with our daughter.

"I saw that" she said slapping my hand as I went back for more. I pouted "So mean" I said and she rolled her eyes "Go feed and change our daughter first then you can have some" she said I smiled and pulled her closer once again as I kissed her lips talking in between kisses "You mean it," I asked "Yes" she said before finally pushing me away lightly "Now go" she said turning back towards the stove.

I chuckled and made my way to Mel's nursery to get her fed and changed for the day.


After a large breakfast  Kate and I cuddled on the couch as Mel did tummy time on her play mat in front of us. We were the only ones home right now Selena and Liza took Riley shopping because they had decided to adopt her.

I wanted to raise her with Kate myself as she was my little cousin, something I found out after Joseph died but Selena and Liza were so taken with the little one and had already bonded with her so I couldn't bare to take her away from them.

It'll be weird having my little cousin as my niece because Selena is basically my sister, but I'm welling to deal with it.

Riley was such a sweet little girl despite who her father was, my only hope is that she stays that way and doesn't one day decide to take after Joseph.

Just then I felt Kate interlock her fingers with mine before letting out a sigh gaining my attention.

"Sky" she called out, "Hm?" I answered. "Let's get married" she said out of the blue. "Married?!" I repeated in shock.

"Yes, have you not thought about it?" She asked frowning her eyebrows as she looked up at me from my chest in which she was laying on, "Of course I have, I just thought because you never said anything that you were just content with the mate bond" I said she lifted her head from my chest and looked at me.

"What?! I mean don't get me wrong I love being your Luna and mate but I want to be your wife sky not just your girlfriend" said Kate.

I stared into her beautiful green eyes and could tell she meant every word.

"Do you not want to?" She asked shaking me out of my daze, I frowned my eyebrows "Why would I not want you as my wife?, I'm lucky enough to even be able to call you the mother of my child and my mate" I said, a blush ran across her face and she smiled "You and those pretty words" she said I leaned forward closer to her face "Pretty words for a gorgeous woman" I said before kissing her deeply.

Kates arms warped around my neck and I pulled her onto my lap.

The kiss lasted for a while and only when we couldn't breathe is when we pulled away. Kate panted breathlessly as she looked into my eyes. "So are we doing this?" She asked, I nodded.

"Yes, We're getting married!" I said Kate smiled before recapturing my lips again.

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