Chapter 19

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/⚠️Warning: Time jumps ahead⚠️/

Kaitlyn Night POV/:

Another week passed and I still haven't seen or heard from Sky not at school or anywhere else. I've been visiting her home in hopes that she'd be there but she really hasn't even come home. It made me worried that something had happened to her, it's confusing as well.....the fact that her pack doesn't seem all that panicked or worried about their alpha to be not being around.

I mean she really wouldn't just leave without saying goodbye and ignore all my calls and messages just because my father told her to.....right?.

No because that would mean she's a complete idiot and I didn't fall in love with a complete idiot.

I sighed, I need to stop thinking about this I'm getting pissed off the more I do. Any who it's only been 3 weeks maybe she just needed a little time off.

"She'll be back" I said to myself out loud as I laid in my bed looking at the many unread messages I've sent Sky as I hugged my pillow that still smelt like her.

She'll definitely come back.


1 month passed

More weeks went by and eventually a month passed. My relationship with Freya was pretty much none existing, she apologized many times but I refused to forgive. How could I? My mate was missing and it's partly her fault, I know Freya has always looked out of me but this time she took it way too far....I draw the line at deciding for me who I love.

Then there's things with my father who refuses to apologize to me. he still believes that he made the right decision no matter how many times my mother talk to him, he's stubborn and won't budge on admitting his faults.

Even so he still try's to act normal towards me and pretend like nothing happened. Just the other day he asked me if I wanted my favorite takeout instead of dinner and if I'm remembering correctly that place is pretty expensive. I've been spending most my time at school inside classes or with Cole but it's been hard being away from her it's like a part of my soul is missing and it hurt my heart knowing that it was because of me and my family.

I looked in the bathroom mirror, my eyes were red and puffy again from crying all night about sky. I turned on the cold water and splashed some on my face.

After doing so I went back to my bedroom, it was the weekend so I didn't have school today. I climbed back into bed and pulled the covers over me, just then my mother came to the door and knocked.

"Katey sweetheart breakfast is ready you should come down and join us today" said my mom.

"I'm not hungry" I replied, it was true I wasn't hungry honestly I haven't had much of any type of appetite for a while and I don't remember the last time I went outside other then for the purpose of going to school or the last time I joined my family downstairs for breakfast or dinner.

I'm aware that I'm going back to the way I was when I thought I'd never find my mate even though I promised myself I wouldn't......but it was hard.

My room was dark because of the black curtains I always kept closed so that it would continue to be dark even in the mornings, these days I can't stand the sunshine.

To me it represents all things happy.....and there was nothing happy about how I felt.

Later on when it was nearly night time, Danny came to my room door. "Kate mom cooked dinner, it's your favorite don't you want to come and eat?" Asked Danny. "I'm not hungry" I said tiredly before flipping over in my bed so that my back was facing the door. "Come on Kate you've been like this for a month it's not healthy to keep skipping meals or stay in a dark room everyday, I tell you what how about you come out and tomorrow I'll teach you to drive" said Danny. I knew he was only trying to help but I really didn't want to be bothered right now.

I ignored him and closed my eyes hoping that he'll go away and eventually he did.

I Hate this feeling.


6 months passed

I was no longer rotting away in my room, I wasn't all that sad any more but at the same time I wasn't happy either......I felt empty like I had nothing left.

It was a Monday morning but our school was closed for the next two weeks because apparently there's a broken gas pipe somewhere in the school that needs to be fixed. I made my way downstairs to join my family for breakfast, I've been slowly starting to join them again for meals since last weekend.

The first time I came down they were shocked, I know it had to be rather unpleasant to sit at a table with me then though considering the fact that I was not showering. for some reason I couldn't smell myself, I thought I had smelt fine until the 3rd day I joined them for breakfast and Danny unable to take it anymore pointed out that I smelt horrible. I don't blame him though had the roles been reversed I would have told him he smelt bad day 1.

My parents most likely would've let me torture their noses for the sake of not hurting my feelings but I guess that's the difference between siblings and your parents.....siblings couldn't care less and will always tell you how it is.

I started showering after that though.

We were enjoying our breakfast when suddenly there was a knock at the door I immediately jumped up and went to answer it hoping and preying to the goddess that it was Sky.

I reached for the door knob as my heart pounded in my chests. I opened the door only to see a tall guy standing there no older than me probably about 17 years old. A wave of disappointment hit me, He was handsome that you couldn't deny with his perfectly styled short blond hair, long eyelashes that hovered over his light blue eyes.

He looked like a Disney prince or something.

Just then the guy smiled "Hello is Alpha Dean here by any chance" he asked. Well of course dumbass this is his home, just then my dad walked up and I moved to the side. "Hey Roman you came just in time, we were just having breakfast" said my dad before inviting the boy in "Oh I hope I didn't disturb you or anything" said Roman. You definitely did but whatever.

I folded my arms as I watched my father put an hand on Roman shoulder. and smile "It's quite alright don't worry about it" said my dad before looking over at me then pointing.

"This is my daughter, the one I was telling you about"

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