Chapter 21

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Kaitlyn Night POV/:

It was the middle of the night, Liza was resting peacefully on the air mattress with the blankets and pillows I gave her. We had stayed up late last night just talking and getting to know each other.

I was right about Liza she did have a pretty chill personality and she was surprisingly really easy to talk to. Anyways I was thirsty so I climbed out of bed and made my way downstairs to the kitchen refrigerator.

After I grabbed a juice box.....yes a juice box these little things are good even though they're practically for children.

I took my juice box and stabbed my strew through the hole before beginning to sip it as I made my way out of the kitchen but was stopped dead in my tracks seeing my dads office door open and him inside filling out a stack of papers with his reading glasses resting on the bridge of his nose.

I tried to sneak by but was unfortunately caught.

"Kate? Is that you?" He asked I sighed I really didn't want to talk to him right now and have been purposely avoiding him.

"Yes dad it's me" I answered. My dad took off his glasses and came walking out of his office. "You're up late" he pointed out "I was thirsty" I said kind of coldly showing him the juice box. He sighed "Kate can I talk to you for a moment" he asked.

I sighed. I knew I couldn't avoid him forever, that's
mission impossible considering we live together. "Yeah dad" I said.

We ended up sitting outside on the porch, I looked at the stars in the sky and was immediately reminded of Skyler. This was how it looked the night before everything happened, I subconsciously touched the necklace she bought me that was still around my neck........I never take it off.

"Kate you seem to have misunderstood me earlier" said my dad. "what was there to misunderstand?" I asked getting slightly offended "The reason why Roman was here" my dad replied before looking at me.

"Kate Roman is a friend of mine son and he's been having a hard time in school with his math and when his Father told me this I thought since you both go to the same school you could....." said my dad trailing off as if waiting for me to fill in the blank and that's when it hit me.

"You thought that since I'm a A+ student in math class I could tutor him" I said feeling utterly stupid and Embarrassed.

My dad  nodded his head and I sighed sadly. "I'm sorry" I said. "It's ok, Kate I want you to know that I didn't have any type of problem with your mate being of the same sex" my dad said.

I already knew that I was just angry when I said that.

"I know dad" I said. "I also think we should talk about the situation with Skyler" said my dad. I instantly started to get annoyed thinking he was going to try and make it seem like he was in the right. "What's there to talk about dad, you completely disregarded my wishes and made a decision for me concerning My love life" I said making sure he heard the "My".

"Your right" he said "No don't even- Wait what?" I replied. "I said you're right, your mother made me aware of the choice I took away from you and Sky and how wrong I was to threat her and you the way I did" he said.

I was in shock.

My dad the all mighty Alpha was admitting his wrongdoings ?!.

"I'm sorry Kate" he said looking at me. I could tell by his eyes that he was being sincere in his apology.

I wanted to say that it was too late to apologize because sky was already gone.....but I couldn't seeing the look on his face. I ended up bursting into tears and hugging him, ugh why do I have to be such a stupid daddy's girl. My dad rubbed my back and kissed my head trying to comfort me.

"I hated fighting with you" I said through my tears he leaned his head against mine. "It was no walk in the park for me either, you're my little girl and I hurt you.....I'm sorry" he said I pulled back and he wiped the tears from my face.

"Now stop crying you're going to make me cry and I can't let the crickets see me like that, they'll think I'm weak" he said cracking a joke.

I rolled my eyes playfully at him and laughed, so did he.

After we both calmed down I thought this was the best time to tell him about who attacked me and Sky that night.

"Dad I need to tell you something, but you'll have to promise to think before you act" I said knowing that what I'm about to tell him can literally start a war.

"I promise" he said with no hesitation. I sighed knowing that he was most definitely going to break that promise. "The guys who attacked me and Sky......were from the blue moon pack and they attacked us because of what I did to Terry" I said.

I looked up at my father's face to see an entirely different expression. It was like his eyes went dark for a moment.

"Kate" he said "Yes?" I answered kind of terrified at how his demeanor just changed. "We should go back inside it's cold out here" he said with a warm smile as he looked at me.

"I-Ok" I said.

That was easier than I thought, I completely expected him to fly off the handle just now.

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