Chapter 68

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Skyler Reinhart's POV:

We arrived outside of the cabin but something didn't feel right yet I can smell my daughter's scent. I wanted to go charming in but I knew that wouldn't be the wises decision to make considering the uneasy feeling in my stomach.

"What are we waiting for let's go in" said Liza I shook my head and held up a hand telling them all to stay back.

I then crouched down and ran my fingers along the ground only to feel a thine wire beneath the leaves.

I moved the leaves and pointed to the wire showing the others. "it's a trip wire" said Paris examining it carefully, "One of many" said a voice causing us all to look up only to see a man standing on the front porch of the cabin.

He was tall like me and looked like an older more snobby version of James, with his slicked back hair and dress pants on, along with a white button up shirt in which he had tucked neatly into his pants with the sleeves rolled up showing his tattooed forearms.

"Where's my daughter?" I asked giving the man a look that could kill if it had the power to.

"Straight to business huh, honestly I'm a little hurt I thought you'd at least greet me a little warmer, I mean we are family after all" he said with a twisted grin on his face.

Just being in this man's presence was making me feel sick and unnerved, even so I refused to lose face in front of him.....not with my daughters life on the line.

"No matter, since you are my only niece I'll give you the opportunity to turn around and leave or I slaughter all of you where you stand" said Joseph.

"I don't like repeating myself" I said with a growl Joseph's eyes darkened.

"A trait we both share" he said in a threatening tone. Selena, Liza and Paris all started growling as well about to step forward towards the porch, Joseph clicked his tongue and waved his index finger "I wouldn't do that if I were you, one wrong step and you go boom" he said with a smile.

I immediately put an hand out telling them not to move.

("Go around, surround the house but don't get too close") I said to Selena, Paris, and Liza through a private mind link.

("Got it ") Selena replied as they all then went off to do as I said leaving me facing Joseph alone. "Oh?, where did you send your little buddies off to the parties over here" he said looking around.

"Don't worry about them.....I'll be the one whooping your ass" I said forcing my eyes to glow momentarily.

"Cocky are we, I'd like to see how you're going to manage that, this yard is full of hidden land mines and trip wires like the one you discovered earlier" he said so sure that I had no way to him.

I smirked and started to back away far from the house, Joseph looked at me confused.

"Running?, some mother you are" he said with a snicker. I continued to back away until I was pretty far away from the house.

I then stopped and took a breath, I'm not sure if I'll make it but I have to try. I took off running back towards the house seeing it come into view,

here goes nothing.

I jumped as high as I could launching myself forward and surprisingly I could jump extremely damn high.

I landed on the porch just barely before pushing myself to stand up and looking at Joseph who looked shocked and amazed all at once. I took that opportunity to punch him hard sending him flying through the wooden door of the cabin and breaking it into pieces.

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