Chapter 28

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Kaitlyn Night POV/:

The car stopped outside of the club and I immediately started regretting my decision to come here. "On second thought guys I think I'm just gonna head home" I said Freya shook her head "Absolutely not you promised you'd at least try to have fun tonight" said Freya I sighed as she dragged me from the backseat of Cole's car that we took here.

We walked inside and were immediately greeted by loud music, colorful lights and dancing bodies.

There were a lot of different scents in this club but the one I smelt the strongest was the scent of maple like maple syrup. I closed my eyes letting the familiar smell warp around me before looking around for its source. "No....It can't be, can it?" "Mate?" Me and Liza said at the same time.

I looked at her confused following her gaze only to see that she was staring at a girl who was dancing with a guy, the girl suddenly stopped dancing as if she had smelt what Liza smelt before she turned around and locked eyes with Liza.

That girl was Selena.

What?, I didn't expect to see her here. I nudged Liza shoulder who was standing there in complete shock. "Go talk to her" I said in her ear which snapped her out of her daze. "O-Ok" said Liza as she made her way over to Selena, I could hear her heart beating loudly in her chest.

I smiled remembering how I felt when I first saw Sky as I watched.

Who would've thought that Liza would be mated to Selena, that definitely shocked me. I hope she doesn't take the fact that she's a hybrid badly.

Once she was gone I turned around towards the bar area where that smell was coming from and made my way over to it, until eventually I was standing in front of a tall girl with her black short hair tied in a bun to the back.

She had a nose piercing and a few others, she was very fit that I could tell even under the lather jack she was wearing.

Even though all these things were different about her I could still tell that it was Sky sitting in front of me. It was like my heart was jump started when I saw her face again but all that went crashing down when I saw the girl next to her flirting with her and touching her hand.

My blood started to boil as I balled my fist in anger before stomping over to sky and grabbing her wrist tightly then pulling her with me.

"Hey who the hell-" she said but stopped when she saw my face.

"Kate?!" She said in complete shock, I just ignored her and continued to drag her outside of the club with me.

Once we were alone outside and nothing but the cold night air and muffled music coming from inside the club could be heard, I turned to face her. "Kate-" she tried saying.

I shook my head.

"how long have you been back?" I asked. Sky looked down at her feet something she often does when she's ashamed. "A week" she answered almost quietly. "A week" I repeated with a hint of anger in my voice, "Kate I'm-" she tried saying once more but I cut her off and spoke instead.

"No phone calls, No text...Not even a goodbye, you didn't even have enough decency to check and see if I was alive after being stabbed" I said. Sky looked confused by the last thing I said but I ignored it, too angry to think more about it.

She stood there quietly "And now I come here and you're flirting with some other girl at the bar?!" I said.

Sky scoffed which surprised me, she then looked up at me with the same look of anger I was holding.

What could she possibly be mad about, "I may have been gone for 2 years but you sure didn't waste any time finding someone else" she said. "Excuse me?" I replied.

"You two sure looked pretty cozy in your bedroom together.....tell me how did it feel to fuck someone else knowing you had a mate?" Said Sky and in the moment I felt my anger take over at her words and ended up slapping her hard across the face.

It was silent as she stood there with her face turned to the side. "For your information I've never been with anyone since you left" I said feeling my eyes starting to water "Your lying, I saw you with her" said Sky.

What the hell was she talking about-

That's when it hit me, the night that I had a feeling someone else was watching me and Liza in my room.....It was her.

She thinks I'm dating Liza?!.

I shook my head in disappointment. "If you didn't just jump to conclusions you would've known that Liza is a friend practically my uncle's daughter and basically my cousin, who now just so happens to be mated to Your friend Selena" I explained.

Sky looked shocked at my words as she stood there. She sighed realizing that she was completely wrong.

"Kate I'm sorry" said sky "Forget it sky I'm done with this" I said, Skys eyes shot up to mine.

"You don't mean that" she said "I do sky, I'm done with this, you've shown me just how much I'm worth to you as your mate and that's so clearly not much" I said feeling my heart sting at the next words that was about to come out of my mouth.

"I Kaitlyn Night of the Midnight pack R-" I said but was cut off by Sky putting a trembling hand over my mouth.

"Please...." She said her voice cracking a bit.

"Don't finish that sentence" she said softly as tears fell from her cheeks.

I hated to see her cry....but I was hurting too not just her. I removed her hand from my mouth as tears fell from my cheeks as well just in time to see Cole come walking out of the club calling my name and searching for me.

Once Cole saw me he came rushing over but stopped halfway when he read the situation and mood. "Sky? Your back" said Cole in shock. "Cole" I said "Yes?" He answered "Please take me home" I said turning around letting him see my teary eyes.

Without another word Cole pulled his keys from his jeans pocket and grabbed my hand taking me away from Sky.


I was silent the entire ride back, even though I'm sure Cole wanted to know what happened he didn't ask.

Soon we came to a stop outside of my house and Cole turned off the car. I felt like I owed him an apology if not an explanation, considering the fact that I had just ruined his entire night by making him drive me all the way back home after having just got to the club.

"I'm sorry" I said "For what?" Asked Cole.

"I know I ruined your fun tonight" I said, Cole shook his head. "Kate how long have we been friends?" Asked Cole "practically Since birth" I answered, he smiled "Exactly, you are much more important to me than some club" he said.

I gave him a small smile and his facial expression softened "I don't know what happened between you and sky but one thing I do know is that she loves you" he said trying to comfort me.

I looked away sadly "Yeah.....sure" I replied before reaching for the car door handle. "I'm tired Cole, I'm going to go to bed, could you let the others know I went home?" I asked he nodded and with that I opened the car door and stepped out before shutting it back and making my way up to the front door of the main pack house.

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