Chapter 62

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Kaitlyn Night POV/:

We fought our way through many of the enemy wolfs and won. Just as Cole took down the last wolf thy was attacking us he turned towards me. "These guys are dropping like flies" he said with a chuckle, the rest of laughed at his comment as well until I suddenly heard a familiar voice.

" it's you're turn" said the voice my eyes shot up and before I could even open my mouth to speak the person buried his claws deep in Cole's abdomen.

I gasped as Freya screamed and cried. Cole looked down at the claws sticking through his belly then up at me with a look, one that told me that this was the last time I'd ever see him again. Blood poured from Cole's mouth before the person pulled out his claws and pushed Cole down to the ground.

I watch as Cole tried to stay alive for a moment but seconds later stopped breathing. My heart sink in my chest as tears poured from my eyes.

"Hm I guess these were a good call" said the voice, I looked up to see Sam,Terrys brother standing there looking at his silver claws with a satisfied smirk on his face.

"Sam....." I growled out as anger started to bubble up inside of me but before I could do anything about it Freya went charging forward "YOU BASTARD!" She screamed as she went to attack him. I noticed an another person coming up and my eyes went wide seeing Terry running towards Freya while she was distracted.

"FREYA NO!-" I yelled but it was too late Terry had slit he throat in one swift move with the same Silver claws that Sam had.

Freya dropped lifelessly to the ground and I screamed as Liza stood there in shock with a petrified look on her face.

I dropped to my knees as Terry came stalking towards me with an evil grin. "I'm going to enjoy this" he said holding up his claws about to swipe me with them. I just sat there in complete silence and shock as I stared at my two best friend's lifeless bodies on the ground in front of me.

Terrys claws came down to my face and he connected but was stopped by another set of claws. I looked up to see Liza standing in front of me protectively.

"KATE!" She shouted gaining my attention as she grunted using all her strength to keep Terry from killing me next.

"KATE GET UP" she yelled as she finally managed to push Terry away causing him to stumble backwards as bit while Liza stood there hugging out of breath. "You think you can beat me?" Terry asked with a grin on his face

"No.....But I'm damn sure going to try" said Liza. They were both born alphas to be but Terry had one advantage, he was a male wolf and male wolves are usually a lot stronger than females with the right training, and I hate to admit it but Terry and Sam were both trained male wolves. I watched as Liza with blow for blow with Terry landing hits on him and taking some as well.

Liza clawed Terry across the face which pissed him off. "YOU MANGY BITCH!" he yelled before attacking Liza with his full force.

He punched her and she went stumbling backwards barely blocking it. I knew I needed to get up and help her but my legs wouldn't allow me to move. Terry then punched her again harder sending her flying into the tree in which she slammed into hard before dropping to the ground with the wind knocked out of her.

"Let me show you how it's done" growled Terry as he stalked towards her with his claws out and picked her up by the neck pinning her against the tree.

"Kate you have to get up we have to help her" said my wolf Lena in my head.

"I can't.....I can't move" I said back "You can just draw the energy from me I'll help you"

"Ok" I said before doing as Lena my wolf said and closing my eyes for a moment trying to draw from her energy and to my surprise it worked quickly.

I stood up to my feet feeling like I could move a mountain with my bare hands. "This feeling won't last long so use it wisely" Lena warned me. "I understand" I replied before running towards Terry faster than I've ever ran before. "Hey Bitch" I said gaining his attention, I reached into the bag I had around me and grabbed out one of the capsules before shoving it in his mouth. "Snack time" I said before punching him in the face hard causing the capsule to break.

Terry immediately let go of Liza who dropped to the ground gasping for air as I dropped down in front of her.

"Are you ok?" I asked she shook her head "My ribs are broken I can't move" she said.

Just then I heard a deep scream "NOOOOOOO!" Yelled Sam on his knees next to his now dead brother. I watched as he wiped the tears from his face and turned to look at me with a look of pure hatred in his eyes. "YOU'LL FUCKING PAY FOR THIS YOU BITCH!" Yelled Sam as he came walking towards me.

I helped Liza sit up against the tree and stood up going to met him half way as I felt the energy still in my body from my wolf.

"Cash or credit?" I asked taunting him as he launched himself at me.

He tried to swipe me with his claws but I dodged Him landing a hand punch to his face. He tried again and managed to get my forearm. I hissed in pain as I moved away from him. He then launched forward again this time punching me in the stomach hard knocking the wind out of me.

I fell to the ground reaching for my daggers but they had fell to the ground behind him. Sam stalked towards me and I went to reach for a capsule but he grabbed my hand yanking me up to my feet holding me up by it as he snatched the bag off of me and threw it across the grass as well.

No, I'm screwed.

Sam then threw me across the grass and before I could even try to get back up he put his heavy foot on my neck pressing down hard and making it difficult for me to breathe.

"YOU.....TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!!" He yelled as he pressed down harder.

I tried to get up from underneath his foot but he was way stronger than me. I punched his leg as hard as I could but he still didn't budge.

I felt myself starting to slip away and lose consciousness as the energy that was once in my body disappeared. Tears rolled down my face, this is it I'll never see my little girl again.

Mommy's sorry Melody I tried.

Just as darkness was beginning to wash over me suddenly I heard a loud thump then I was able to breathe again.

I looked up to see my brother Danny picking me up from the ground. "Danny?" I said coughing from the lack of air in my lungs, "Hey little sis" he said just then there was another loud thump gaining our attention I looked over to see my dad slamming his fist into Sam hard with a pissed off looked on his face as he did so.

My dad beat Sam until finally he stoped moving and eventually.......Breathing.

My dad stood up from the ground and looked at me with his fist dripping with blood.

That angry expression disappeared when he saw that I was ok and he immediately rushed over to me who was being held up by Danny.

"Kate" he said with a breath of relief as he pulled me into a hug. "Dad...." was all I could say before I started sobbing in his arms.

"Shhh I know, it's all over now" he said stroking my hair as I continued to cry in his arms.

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