Chapter 30

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Skyler Reinhart POV/:

While we were at the doctors I also told Selena everything that happened with Kate as well, Selena told me that I was an idiot and that I was in the wrong this entire time.

"To be honest Sky" said Selena as we continued to take about the situation with Kate "hm?" I responded "You are an horrible mate" said Selena "What?" I replied offended "it's true, if you look at the situation from a perspective that is not your own you would see that you ghosted Kate for 2 years only to come back and assume she moved on and not even tell her that you were back home" said Selena I sighed.

She was right that's exactly what I did "So how do I fix this I love Kate and I don't want to be without her any longer" I said.

"Start by apologizing" said Selena "I tried that already" I said Selena shook her head "No Sky, Really....apologize, voice your wrong doings acknowledge her feelings and sincerity apologize" said Selena

"She doesn't understand I needed to get stronger in order to be with her" I said Selena shook her head. "Did Kate tell you that?" I went quiet because Selena had a point.

"Exactly no matter how you spin it you were selfish Sky, you were thinking about what you wanted for her not what she wanted" said Selena. I looked down sadly, she was right I wanted to get stronger for Kate so bad that I lost sight of everything else.

I have to make this right I have to talk to her.

I hopped up from the front porch outside and dug my keys from my pocket "Where are you going?" Asked Selena "To go get my girl back, don't wait up" I informed her before jumping in my car and starting it up.

I stood outside of Kate's house taking several deep breaths trying to calm my nerves before knocking. I knocked on the door and a tall girl who was not Kate answered, the girl had long thick brown hair that paired well with her hazelnut brown eyes.

She was beautiful which made me kind of jealous considering she was left around Kate, I don't like that.

I soon realized that she was the girl I saw in Kate's bedroom window and then again with Selena. "Well hello" said the girl snapping me from my train of thoughts.

"Um hi is Kate home?"  I asked "She is-" said the girl averting her eyes to the couch where I saw Kate through the crack shaking her head no. The girl then looked back at me "is not, she is not here" said the girl but it was very obvious that she was lying I sighed "Kate please can we talk?" I said loud enough so she could hear me.

I stood there a few minutes waiting for her to reply until I heard her bare feet walking across their homes wooden floors, she traded spots with the girl and now she was the one standing in front of me.

I saw her beautiful face and it was like a breath of fresh air "Can we talk in your room?" I asked. she hesitated at first but then opened the door allowing me inside, on my way up to her room I was pretty nervous I kind of didn't really want to run into her dad right now. Kate sighed "You can relax my father isn't home he's out hunting with Danny" she informed me, I sighed a breath of relief, she must've heard my heartbeat going crazy.

We made it inside her room and it still looked completely the same of course.

I walked over to her bed as she shut the door and I took a seat, Kate stood there still by the door refusing to even look at me, "Kate" I said softly and her gaze slowly met mine I stood up and walked over to her. It was surprising how much taller then her I was now when she was the taller one at first, I looked down into her eyes and all I seen was hurt.

I did this to her.

"I was wrong, I left you without saying a word, then I didn't answer your calls or text for two years, I'm so sorry Kate I was so focused on getting stronger for you so that I'd be worthy of standing proudly by your side and being your mate....." I said but still got no response from her as she stood there. 

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