Chapter 72

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Skyler Reinhart's POV:

"SKY WATCH OUT!" Kate yelled, I was confused but turned around seeing claws coming at me. but to my surprise they were stopped by my James I watch as he held his brother in a chokehold.

Joseph struggle against James hold, "Let Me Go!" He yelled in anger. "Joseph please stop this you have already lost" said James

"You took everything from me, Your a thief, you wield power that does not belong to you" said Joseph.

"I am your brother......and you are mine, I wield power that was given to me not stolen" James growled.

"It should've been mine, I am the first born that power should've been mine but no I spent my childhood locked and chained up like some sort of animal" said Joseph.

"Because you tried to kill me!, a 9 year old boy who looked up to his big brother and blissfully unaware that his eyes were stained with jealousy and his heart with hatred"

Joseph scoffed In response

"I wanted to be like you Joseph, you worked hard to try and obtain the power that was passed down trough blood and so I worked hard to, you were a good big brother at first but when I gained the power and you did not you started treating me definitely it was only when you tried to drown me in that lake that I realized why" said James.

"Don't act innocent, You all threw me away long before then, you all wanted to lock me up, especially dad, how could he do that to his own son" growled Joseph as he tried to wiggle out of James grip on him.

"It is because you were his son that he only locked you away instead of killing you" James growled back.

"And what? think that was mercy?, EVERY DAY IN THAT HOLE WAS LIKE HELL!!" Yelled Joseph.

"I tried to redeem you when our parents died and I let you out of that cell they kept you in, it's my fault my wife and little brother is dead, I unleashed you on the world I unleashed you on my pack and on my family all because I was delusional enough to believe......that blood ran thicker then water, that family could over come all" said James.

"It's not my fault you were stupid and weak" Joseph replied

"Your right....every thing you did to my family and pack was my fault.....and that is a sin I must pay for with my life......just not today I have a daughter to live for" said James looking up at me with a smile.

I smiled back but that all changed when I saw that Joseph had a silver blade in his hand. I ran forward trying to stop him but it was no use he had already stabbed James in the abdomen twisting the blade and causing him to fall to the ground bleeding out.

I felt anger raise in me as I let out a scream before charging forward and in one swift move Swinging my claws and slashing Joseph's throat. Blood poured from his mouth then he fell lifelessly to the ground as I rushed past him and dropped down to my knees next to James putting his head on my lap as I tried to apply pressure on his wound.

"SOMEONE GET A DOCTOR NOW!" I yelled, Zack immediately ran off to go do as I said.

I then looked down at James who was trying his best to stay alive but was struggling.

"Hold on I'm going to get you some help" I said he shook his head and coughed up blood. "I'm dying Sky this wound was inflicted deep with silver" he said I shook my head as tears fell from my face "No don't say that" I said I felt his hand rest on mine as he looked up into my blue eyes with his own.

"Sky...." He said as his facial expression softened.

"Dad" I said for the first time since we found him, that made him smile.

Then his face suddenly went serious "I am so proud of you.....for everything you've done, meeting my grand daughter and the family you've built has been the greatest honor" he said as tears flowed from his eyes as well and he took a shaky breath.

"And being by your side even though it was only for a moment has been a dream come true" said my dad.

I shook my head " can't do this to me, you can't leave me.......I've only just found you, I need you" I said sobbing.

He smiled momentarily "No you don't, you have everything you need right here....promise me that you'll protect it, don't do what I did don't be the reason it's destroyed" he said tightening his hold on my hand.

"Dad-" I tried saying but he cut me off "Promise me Sky" said My dad I nodded "I promise" I said he smiled and lightly touched my face, his hands were cold and so was his body....he was dying.

I leaned into his cold touch, "I love you so much Sky" he said "I love you too dad" I replied.

Just then I heard Zack running up yelling "I Got The Doctor!" He said but it was too late my father had already died in my arms.

I sat there looking out into the distance feeling numb.

"No need, please have another grave dug"

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