Chapter 2

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I update every other day :)

"No way in hell" does he really think I would help him study? I wouldn't even think about talking to him if no one was around.

"Oh come on, please?" I shook my head. "Not gonna happen" my eyes focused on the clock above the door.
30 more minutes.

"What about if I pay you" my eyes widened as I shook my head. "I don't want your money Justice, that's pathetic" I shook my head in disbelief. "Well that's new" I nodded.

"You know you're different Davis" okay so now were using last names...?

"I like that" I rolled my eyes, not saying anything more, waiting for the class to end.

I stood up the second the bell rang and gathered all of my stuff. "I'll see you in detention" he smirked and walked away.
Oh god.


I sat at my usual table, with my friends April and Brooke. "What did he do?" April asked as my eyes followed Justice as him and his group sat down at a table a few feet away from us.

"The usual" I shrugged and played with my food. The school food was gross, and I really didn't have an appetite. "I heard you guys were meeting up after school" April winked and I shook my head quickly.

"Detention" She nodded, I swear if he tries to do anything else today I'm telling him off.

After lunch was over I had Math, then free period, which was the last class of the day.

I plugged in my head phones and sat down against the lockers, pulling out my notes and my huge study book. Probably 10 minutes later I felt someone sit beside me. I ignored it, already knowing who it was.

My head turned in disbelief as he pulled out the same book and a notebook. "What are you doing?" He looked up at me. "Studying" now I was confused. "What if your little friends see you? Are you really gonna ruin your reputation?" He shook his head.

"I'll just say I was talking to you" I nodded, still confused. "So did you think about the tutor thing?" I looked back down at my book.

"I don't know, I really don't trust you" I shrugged. It was true.

"Oh come on, I really need to pass" I rolled my eyes. "I know if I do you're gonna go around and say we went to your house and messed around" that was also true.

"I promise I won't, nobody has to know about any of this" I sighed and nodded. "I'll think about it"

"Do you know the answer to 24?" I looked over to my notes. "Twelve over twenty" I looked over at his paper to see a whole bunch of scribbled and drawings.

"Are you serious?" He shrugged. "I have the answers done" he pointed out. "Will you look over the answers and tell me if I did anything wrong?" I nodded and took his paper. I looked over his work and sighed.

"All of this is wrong" he looked kinda disappointed. "Oh" he continued. "More of a reason for you to help me" I shook my head. "I said I would think about it" he nodded and took back his paper.

"Will you please tell me what I did wrong?" I was laying on my stomach as he sat up. "You weren't supposed to multiply there, you were supposed to drag over the 4 and add it, then cross multiply" he looked completely confused.

"Do you know how to cross multiply?" He shook his head and I put my head in my arms. "This is gonna be harder than I thought" I said and looked up at Justice as he didn't say anything else.

"Will you stop staring at my ass and focus?" He looked back at me and smiled."Sorry" he laid beside me and looked over my notes as I explained everything. "Is this right?" He asked as soon as he finished number 25.

"Yup" he smiled down at his work proudly. This whole act thing confused me.

Did he really care about his grades or was he just using me so he could sleep with me?

"Thanks for helping me" we stood up as soon as the bell rang. "No problem" I said as we started walking to the teachers room for detention.

"Detention is being held in the cafeteria" we nodded and started walking. I pulled out my head phones and put them back in.

I walked to an empty table and pulled out my notebook so it would look like I was working. I pulled out my phone and read the messages I got since last period.

One of them were from my best friend Austin.

"Hey beautiful" I smiled.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Who's Austin?" I looked up to see Justice sitting beside me looking over to my phone. I turned it so he couldn't see. "A friend" I shrugged.

"A friend that calls you beautiful?" I shrugged and nodded. "Some guys are sweet and don't talk to girls just to get them to sleep with them" I smiled sarcastically.

"Who said I was trying to sleep with you?" My eyes widened.

"Everyone, and I'm the only girl cheerleader that you haven't slept with" He shook his head.

"I haven't slept with all of them. Only a few" he grinned making me roll my eyes. "Didn't you want to give your virginity to someone special?" He shook his head.

"That whole thing is stupid, I'm surprised you're still a virgin" "why would you be surprised?" He smirked.

"Every guy thinks your hot, I mean I can't blame them" I could see the grin on his face. "You're the only girl here that won't sleep with someone for fun."

"Here" Justice handed me his phone. "What?" He laughed. "Put in your number" I looked at him confused but did it anyway.

"Text me when you get an answer." He winked and walked off.

I sighed and started to walk home. There's no way I'm letting my mom know I had detention, I'll just tell her I hung out with friends or something.

"Why were you gone?" My mother asked. "You weren't with that Justin boy were you?" This time my brother asked. I rolled my eyes.
"Why would I be with him?" "Don't roll your eyes! Tell me where you were" I sighed. "I just hung out with a few friends after school okay?" I said and walked up to my room. Closing the door behind me.

'Did you make a decision?' I sighed. "I just saw you 20 minutes ago" 'Doesn't mean you can't make up your mind' I rolled my eyes. 'I'm gonna go take a jog. I'll text you whenever'

I got changed into a pair of yoga pants and a sports bra. Getting away for a little while is very much needed.

I grabbed my phone and plugged my headphones in. I grabbed a small bag and walked down stairs, and put a water bottle and my keys in it. "I'm going for a jog" I yelled and closed the door behind me.

I decided to run the way towards the park. That's probably around a mile. I turned my music on shuffle and started my jog.

About 10 minutes later I reached the park. I guess I could sit down and catch my breath for a few minutes.

I looked over and saw a few boys sitting under the slides. It was....Justice and Tyler.
They had a bottle that was completely clear.

I really hope its not what I think it is. I need to get out of here before they see me.

"Emily!" I turned around to see Justice walk towards me, not being able to walk straight at all. "What are you doing here?" His eyes went down my body slowly, making me cross my arms over my chest.

"You look hot" he grinned, he was definitely drunk. "Justice are you drinking?" He nodded and laughed.
Tyler walked up beside him, and his eyes trialed me just like Justice did.

I ignored him and turned my attention to Justice, who was staring at my chest. "Can you stop staring?" His eyes flicked back to mine, and he goofily smiled. "Sorry babe" I was taken back by his words.

"I need to go home" he looked down at his phone. "My moms gonna be pissed"

"Well I'm gonna go run" I said awkwardly. I started jogging back when I heard a whistle.

I turned around and flipped them off.


Angel (Justice Carradine)Where stories live. Discover now