Chapter 39

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I'm unpublishing the imagines book because I just want to focus of writing this for now :/ but I promise it will be up sometime.

I woke up with horrible chest pain, and coughing. I got up before I could wake Justice and walked to the bathroom, cupping water into my hands from the faucet. I kept coughing, and I didn't know why. I got a taste of blood in my mouth, making me more worried than before. I spit in out and rinsed out my mouth. I went back to the bed, and laid back down. "Are you okay baby?" I nodded, "I'm fine" he wrapped his arms back around me, and I shook it off, hoping it wasn't anything serious.

I woke up again with coughing, five minutes before Justice and I were supposed to wake up. I go to the bathroom again, and did the same thing I did this morning. I didn't know why I was coughing up blood, maybe I'm throats irritated from crying? Whatever it was I decided not to tell Justice, I didn't want him to get upset over something that might not be bad. I put my bra back on and grabbed a pair of sweatpants from Justices closet, staying in the shirt he gave me last night. I brushed my teeth, then washed my face, and while I was bent over Justice stood behind me. "Good morning beautiful" I smiled and dried my face, then hugged him. "Good morning" I pecked his lips, not wanting to kiss him, in case he tasted blood.

"You look tired" he said, he must have forgotten about wakeing up last night to me coughing. "I'm fine" I lied, my chest hurt, and I had to cough. "You can go ahead and get breakfast, I'll be down in a few minutes" I nodded and let go of him, but he grabbed my hand while I tried to walk away, and pulled me back to his chest. "I love you" he smiled down to me, "I love you too".

Gena was making eggs and toast, but I didn't feel hungry. "You sure you dont want anything?" I shook my head. "Thank you though" she nodded and finished everyone's breakfast. I started to cough again, and got a glass and filled it with water. I drank it slowly, trying my best to not cough. "You okay sweetie?" I nodded and sat the glass down in front of me and sat down again. "I just have a cough" I hoped that's what it was. Justice came down and sat beside me and kissed my cheek, then thanked Gena and started to eat. "Why aren't you eating?" Justice looked at me. "I'm not very hungry" I said, plus I barely touched the meal Gena made for us last night, which was weird.

"You didn't eat lunch yesterday" I didn't even think about it, I honestly forgot. I didn't say anything else, I just got on my phone and went to Snapchat. And took a secret picture of him 'what a hottie' I laughed and put it on my story. "What's funny?" Justice asked, "oh nothing" I took a drink of my water, and sat bored. I went to the bathroom, not to actually go to the bathroom, but to see if Gena had anything for coughing or chest pain. I found a bottle and poured three in my hand, and put them in my mouth, so they didn't see. I went back and finished my water, swallowing the pills down. Justice put his plate away and we went to the bus stop. I didn't have my stuff with me, but I didn't have homework, so my binders were still in my locker.

He held my hand and I put my head on his shoulder, waiting for the bus in the chilly weather. "You okay?" I looked up to him and nodded, "I'm fine" I lied again, I felt horrible. "We have practice today" I said, talking about the last football game, Justice was good enough to play again. "The last game is coming up" I nodded, and saw the bus turn onto the street, and drive our way. We got on and sat down in the usual seat.

"Are you excited?" I nodded, "its gonna be fun" he agreed. We talked about the game until we got to school, and walked to the gym, where everyone was at before the bell rang. When we walked in going past our grade some of them cheered and pointed since we were holding hands, it was unnecessary, but entertaining. We sat down beside each other, and April sat beside me. "Good morning love birds" I laughed, "good morning" we again talked until the bell rang and we had to go to class. "I'll see you soon baby" he kissed my forehead before he had to go to his locker.

The day went by slowly, and I had to keep getting excused for coughing in class to get a drink. I held it in in the classes I had with Justice. Lunch came by, but I still wasn't hungry. "Babe you have to eat" "I'm not hungry" I said, I wasn't upset, I wasn't feeling insecure, I just wasn't hungry, for no reason. "If you're not going to eat, then I'm not eating" I sighed. "Stop, you need to eat, you're practicing today" "so are you" he said back. "I'm a cheerleader, you're a football player, I don't run across the field, I stand in one spot" he sighed and got up, pushing his chair harshly, clearly mad at me.

"Are you sick?" April asked. "I dont know, I've been coughing and having really bad chest pain, and I didn't eat breakfast this morning" I said, I trusted April. "But dont tell Justice" "why?" "I dont want him to worry, its probably just a cold, but I'll get over it" he came back with his tray in his hands, and sat back beside me.

I didn't say anything, he was mad, and I didn't want to fight. I looked up to April, and she looked disappointed. I put my arms on the table and laid my head down. I felt tired, I didn't know how I was going to do practice today. Lunch went by, and he didn't say a single word, and neither did I.

I didn't like it when he was mad at me, I didn't do anything wrong, I just don't have an appetite.

The day ended, and I walked to the gym, I walked past Justice, and went to the girls locker room. I changed into our T-shirt and shorts for practice, and walked out to the field, and stood on the track, in front of the bleachers. We did our stretches and we went over our cheers. My stomach felt empty, and my bones felt weak. When it was break time to get drinks, I sat down on the track, my breath growing heavy. My voice started to get short, and started to make this, wheezing sound. This hasn't happened before, and I was scared. I grabbed my water bottle that I brought outside and tried to control my breathing.

"You okay Davis?" My couch asked and I saw Justice look towards us when he heard her say that. "I'm fine" I struggled to say, my voice still making that sound. I closed my eyes and put my knees to my chest, while I heard footsteps run to me. "Babe" Justice put his hand on my arm, and I opened my eyes. "What's wrong?" I felt as if I was going to pass out cause I was so tired. "I'm fine" I said again, and closed my eyes. "I'm fine" I repeated, he shook my arm, and I struggled to open my eyes again.

My body started to fall to the side, but Justice grabbed me and stopped me. "Coach something's wrong with her" I heard him say.

"Someone call an ambulance"


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