Chapter 56

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Please read: my school is staring now so I might be a little slow on the updates. I've written more chapters that I haven't published so when I don't have time to write I can just upload. And also I know this book is going slow the past few chapters but I promise stuff is going to happen very soon :) ignore mistakes please❤️

There was a knock on the door, and I got off Justice and sat beside him instead while he sat up. "Come in" Mom opened the door, and I smiled at both of us.

"While Justice was here, I just wanted to say I'm sorry to both of you about Mario. Justice you're an amazing boy and I'm glad you're the one who has my daughters heart. I love you both" Justice looked at me and smiled. "We love you too mom" I said and she smiled then closed the door. "Your mom approves of me" Justice said smiling, "she said she loves you" he nodded and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so glad everything's okay now" "me too" he wrapped his arms around me and I sat on his lap. I lightly kissed his neck while his arms were still around me, and he pulled me closer. I kissed beneath his ear then moved to the other side, making him laugh. "Have you been thinking about what you told me the other day?" I looked at him confused. "What you told me in my room the night you stayed over" the memory came back, and I felt embarrassed.
"I'm sorry about that. I don't know why I was acting like that" he shook his head. "Why are you embarrassed? Is it not true?" He asked confused, "no, I do want to loose my virginity to you, I'm just embarrassed for trying to do it just there and randomly" I said. "Why did you?" I sighed, "I just thought about how many days I could have left. It's stupid because the cancers not so big like it can just kill me any day, but I didn't know if I could just stop breathing. I don't know I was just scared that I would just die any day" his hands rested on my thighs. "Please don't think like that. You're gonna be fine, we are going to be fine. I promise" my arms draped around his shoulders, and I pecked his jaw. "Okay, I'm sorry" I felt annoying, "it's okay baby" his thumbs lightly massaged my thighs and I smiled. "I don't even know if I could or should do anything with the cancer" I said, "you'll have to just ask the nurse when we go back to the hospital in two weeks" I sighed and nodded, "don't you think that would be awkward and embarrassing?" He shrugged, "we're almost adults, just a few more months until we're both eighteen" I couldn't wait till I get to finally drive a car, get to start jogging again or walking a long distance.

I raised my hands and put my fingers in his hair. "I love your curls so much" I twirled one around my finger and he smiled and laughed. "I'm serious, I could just play with them for hours" I laughed lightly. "You're so perfect" I said, "I'm so lucky to have you" he smiled, "and I'm so lucky to have you, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me" he moved his hands and put them under my shirt on my back. "You're hands are cold" I said as I got goosebumps on my arms.

"Do you want me to pull away?" I shook my head no, "no, I like this" he laughed lightly and kissed my forehead. "I don't want you to leave tonight" I sighed, he probably had to leave soon. "Are you going to school tomorrow?" I shook my head no, "I wish I could stay the night". "Do it" he laughed again, "I have to go to school tomorrow, and I don't have any of my stuff here to get ready in the morning" I sighed. "I have clothes you let me take home when I spent the night" I said, "please, I want to spend more time with you". "I'll ask baby okay?" I nodded and he pulled his hands away and got on his phone. I lifted my head as he texted Gena, and I glanced at him phone. As he was typing to gena he got a text from a different number, but I didn't get time to read the name, cause he swiped it off his phone immediately.

He sent the text and locked his phone and smiled up to me. He immediately got a text back from Gena saying yes, making both of us smile. "Can I go take a shower?" He asked and I nodded and got off of his lap, "your clothes are in my closet" I told him and sat down and got on my phone. He got his clothes and opened the bathroom door "I'll try to hurry" I smiled but shook my head, "take your time, I'll be fine" he closed the door behind him and I heard the water turn on.

I glanced at his phone, I wanted to go through it, but I couldn't, and I didn't have a reason to. I remembered the time when we weren't dating and he looked through my phone, causing a huge fight which lead to me being with Mario. But we were dating now, and I've let him go into my phone before, not that he was looking for anything though. But he had my password, and I had his. It's normal for couples to look through each others phones. I didn't have a suspicion that anything was going on, but I wanted to know who the text was from.

I turned on the screen and swiped right to type in his password. It's was the date when he asked me to be his girlfriend, and so was mine. But I typed it in, but it didn't work. Why didn't it work? I knew I didn't have the date wrong cause it was my phone password also. I typed in different ones, our first date, his birthday, my birthday, nothing worked. Why did he change it? Who would he? I could help but assume the worst, but it was normal right? He wouldn't do anything? Today he said he could see us together in the future, to have a family, our own place. It was normal to assume the worst, I was his girlfriend, but I needed to be calm about it. I didn't want to over think it, I didn't want it to bug me all night. I wouldn't ask him about it, not tonight at least. I didn't want to cause a fight, like what happened last time. I put his phone down and took a deep breath. His phone buzzed again, but right as I wanted to look at his screen the bathroom door opened. He smiled at me and moved back and sat beside me. "Your phone buzzed" I said and he nodded, but didn't grab his phone. "Do you want to watch something?" He changed the subject, "um, yeah sure" I said, my thoughts grew, but I pushed them away. He wrapped his arm around me as he turned something on Netflix. He rubbed his hand up and down my arm, and kissed my temple. "You okay?"
"I'm fine"

I'm really disappointed in my self cause there's barely any votes and comments now :( I wish everyone would be active like they were on All Your Love and Baby Girl but I understand because those books were the absolute best that I've written, I feel like no other of my story's are gonna be as good...

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