Chapter 45

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She fell asleep on my chest, not trying to. She was still sitting on my lap, her head on my shoulder. I looked up to the clock, to see that I only had 30 minutes left, while I played with the tips of her hair. I ran my fingertips through her slightly tangled hair, she seemed and looked so different now, she looked worn out, and tired, but she still managed to look beautiful.

I played with her hair, twisting my fingertips through the tips. I was gonna miss her long, dark curly hair. I was gonna miss her bruise free skin. I couldn't imagine her without hair, probably wearing beanies everyday, embarrassed. It was crazy how she still wanted to go to school, even after she'll be bald, maybe even in a wheelchair.

"When you say you love me" I sang quietly. "Know I love you more" I ran my hand down her back. "I adore you" I went to the chorus. What if something did happen? What if she did get worse, what if she left us? She stirred awake, and looked around.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep" she rubbed her big dark eyes, but I smiled. "It's okay baby" I said, "I didn't mean to wake you up" she shook her head and sat up, looking down on me. "I love you" I smiled, "I love you too"

There was a knock on the door, Emily still on my lap. She looked at the persons shape through the door, and smiled. "Come in" a lady walked in, instead of the doctor.
"Good afternoon Emily" Emily smiled at the nurse, as if she was excited to see her.

"I brought you you're dinner" she put the tray of food on the side table, and walked to Emily and I, and whispered in Emily's ear. She pulled away and said "I won't bother you while you have company" she smiled at Emily, looking upset, and turned around to walk to the door. "Thank you" she smiled and turned around, "no problem sweetie" and closed the door.

"Are you guys close?" Emily nodded. "Most nights she comes in here just to sit down and talk with me, when I'm alone" she looked at tray of food, but looked back at me. I grabbed the tray, and sat it on her lap. She looked up at me, wanting to say that she wasn't hungry like every time, but she just sat quietly, and began to eat.

I noticed at the game how skinny she got. I imagined I could see her ribs if she lifted her shirt. "Do you want to go and get changed into pajamas?" She nodded and I put the tray back on the table. She got up and I walked her to the bathroom, holding onto her arm. Her bag of clothes had pajamas in it, and she grabbed them. "I can dress myself" she said, "I'm here to help you" she smiled lightly, and grabbed the bottom of her shirt, and I watched her slowly pull it over her head, with her small fragile arms. I looked at her stomach, her hip bones popping out, also with her ribs.

She looked it the mirror and frowned, but then looked away quickly. She didn't want to see what it's doing toto her.

She then kicked down her sweatpants, refusing to look in the mirror. I didn't look, knowing that she was embarrassed. She put on another shirt, then finally looked back in the mirror, and put on a pair of pajama shorts. That's when I looked at her through the mirror, I noticed a gap starting to form in between her thighs, and her legs way smaller than before. I wrapped my arms around her from behind and put my head on her shoulder. "I've lost twenty pounds already" she whispered, I felt her ribs underneath my arms that were lightly wrapped around her. "Let's go back and you can eat" I didn't know what else to say, she looked so different.

"I love you baby" I reminded her, unwrapping my arms from around her. "Even after I changed and look like this? Its only gonna get worse" I kissed behind her ear, "I love you no matter what" I said, "I'll always love you" she turned around and pecked my lips. I kissed her again, noticing this time how chapped her lips were, but it didn't bother me, as long as I was with my baby.

I opened the door and walked her to the bed, and glanced at the clock, I only had 20 minutes left. We both sat down and I put the tray infront of her. I watched her as she took small bites of her food, I couldn't imagine it to be good.

"I'm starting chemo tomorrow" she said and looked up to me. "That's what the nurse told me earlier" she looked back down. I raised my hand and pushed her hair out of her face, and behind her ear. "I'm proud of you" I whispered, making her look back up at me. "For what?" She took another bite before putting the tray on the table. "Cause you're so strong" she got back on my lap and put her head in the crook of my neck. I played with her hair, since it's going to be gone soon. She forced herself to not fall asleep again, but she needed to sleep. "I should get going" I said and she pulled her head away. "Why?" "You need to rest, I'll be here first thing in the morning to see you" she frowned but nodded. "I love you, I'll see you tomorrow" I got up, kissed her forehead and waked to the door. "Bye Justice" she got under the thin sheet and cover. "Bye Angel" I smiled at her one last time and closed the door behind me.

I walked down the hallway and nodded at the nurse that came in Emily's room earlier. She smiled at me and nodded back. I walked outside and to the parking lot, and to my car. I didn't tell Emily that I got my license, cause I didn't want her to feel like she's missing out. I got into the car and drove home, "how is she?" Mom asked as I walked into the living room, after taking off my shoes. "She's starting chemo tomorrow" I murmured, a frown grew on moms face, and she sighed. "I'm so sorry" she stood up and wrapped her arms around me, and I hugged her back. "Will you come with me to the hospital tomorrow morning?" I asked and she nodded. "Of course sweetie" she pulled away, and tried to smile, but I could tell it was forced. "Can I see her?" My head turned, and my eyes landed in Mario. "Can I go with you to see her?" He said again, as if he didn't know if I heard him. I looked at mom, and she gave me a certain look, saying that it was my choice if he went it not. "U-um" I stuttered, "I'll ask Emily" he nodded lightly and stood up, walking past us and up the stairs.

"I'm proud of you" Mom said, smiling to me. I looked at her, wanting to know why. "You're being so strong, for Emily and yourself. I can't imagine how hard it has to be" I forced a small smile on my lips, but mom could tell it wasn't real. "I'm gonna go upstairs" I looked down, as she nodded and patted my back. "When ever you're hungry, just come back down" I nodded lightly and turned to walk up the stairs, "I love you" mom said, but I continued to walk. "I love you too mom" I softly smiled at her, and walked up to my room. I closed and locked my door and got on my bed. I pulled my phone from my back pocket, and went to my contacts and clicked her name. 'Baby'

"Hello?" Her voice showed how tired she was. "Did I wake you up?" She yawned, "yeah, but it's okay" I yawned after her, hearing her laugh. "Did you know that yawning is the most contagious thing in the world?" I rolled to my side and closed my eyes. "Only you would know that" I said and she laughed again. I took a deep breath and relaxed, my eyes still closed. "I love you" she whispered, before taking a deep breath after me. "I love you too baby" she coughed quietly, "are you okay?" I heard her get off the bed, and the water turn on. I heard her spit out water, and she finally answered me. "I'm okay" I sighed, "get some rest baby, I'll see you tomorrow" she crawled back into bed. "Goodnight Justice" she said, "I love you" I pulled the phone away, ready to push the red button, that would end the call. "I love you too baby, goodnight"

This chapter is disappointing I'm sorry, but I wanted to hurry up and update since I haven't in a while.

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