Chapter 10

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The first thing I did when I woke up was go to the bathroom and looked at the dark purple patches on my neck. I touched the most darkest one and pulled back my finger off my sensitive skin.

These are gonna be fun to cover.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth and got changed into leggings and a black hoodie. I put my hair in a side braid and put on mascara and winger eyeliner, then put loads of concealer on the purple patches on my neck until they weren't noticeable. I ate breakfast and grabbed my things and waited for the bus. When it came I walked in and my eyes met his and he smiled but I looked away and sat down.

I pulled out my phone and checked my neck, making sure they were still hidden and put my headphones in until we stopped at the school and I put my phone away. I walked towards the doors and I looked to my side as someone began to walk beside me.

"Maybe you should take off the makeup, I like them better the other way" Justice said and I shook my head. I looked at his neck, and his were barely noticeable. "What's your excuse?" He shrugged. "I don't know, but I promise I won't say anything about you" I nodded and we walked through the doors. "I'll see you in music" I nodded and walked to my locker, the opposite way towards his.

The day continued slowly and I went into music. Justice walked in after me and I looked forwards, acting like I didn't notice him walking in. "Okay everyone sit down" the teacher said and everyone quieted down. "I don't have anything planned today, so you can just read or something, but I don't want the room to get too loud" I pulled out my phone and got onto Snapchat.

I skipped through everyone's stories and sat there bored bored.

I'm afraid the makeup is coming off

I looked over to Justice and he winked and I looked away. I put the camera on front and looked at the patches. I got up and walked to the teacher, my hand over my neck. "May I go to the restroom ?" She nodded. "Are you okay?" I nodded. She handed me a hall pass and I left and went to my locker and grabbed the concealer then put more on.

I put the concealer in my hoodie pocket and walked back to class. I walked in and gave her the pass back, then went back to sit in my seat, but someone bumped into me. I looked up and it was one of Justice's friends. "Sorry" he smiled and his hand rested on my bum. I pushed his hand away and started to walk back, but he stopped me again. Before he could say anything else Justice stood in front of us. "Let go of her". "Why?" "That's not cool bro" he tried to act as normal as possible, even though he's sticking up for me, something he didn't usually do before in front of people at school.

He let go and I walked back to my seat. Class soon ended and after history it was finally time for lunch. I sat down and talked to my friends, but I stopped listening when Justice and his group walked past us to throw away their food.

He again like last time smiled but bit his lip, trying to make it not show.

It was last period, but I didn't see Justice at all. Minutes before the bell rang he walked into the hallway, his hands bloody and bruised. I stood up and ran to him. "What happened?" "Thomas" "I don't know who that is". "The boy that touched your butt today in music" "why'd you fight?" He took a deep breath and let it out. "Why do you think?" He said frustrated "Justice you're not doing a very job with not making it obvious that something changed" he grabbed my hand. "Where are you taking me?" "Boys bathroom" I can't go in there. He pulled me through the door and I looked around to see if anyone else was in here.

He walked to the sink and turned on cold water. He put his hands under the cold water and cursed. I grabbed paper towels and cleaned up all the blood off of his hand, to show small cuts on his knuckles.

"Why'd you punch him?" "He was talking about you" I threw away the bloody paper towels and walked out of the restroom, him behind me. "What type of things?" "Dirty things" he looked around. "Where is he?" He shrugged. "I don't know, but if I see him again I'm fucking killing him" he huffed. "Calm down, its not that big of a deal" "what do you mean it's not a big deal?" He asked.

"Its not a big deal to me, I'm used to it. You did the same exact things" he stopped walking but I continued. He jogged up to me and stopped me in my tracks. "I'm sorry" I shook my head and began walking again. "It's fine" he sighed and grabbed my arm. "I feel like an ass now" I shrugged and crossed my arms over my chest.

The bell rang and I walked to my locker, leaving him in the hallway. I walked to the gym after putting my backpack on the floor and changed into my shorts and the cheer leading red t-shirt everyone had to wear during practice. "We're going outside to practice today" coach said and after everyone got changed we walked out side, and stood on the tracks, the football players behind us.

We did our stretches, and everyone grabbed their palm palms and we waited for coach to tell us which cheer to practice first. "We're gonna go around in a circle and everyone is gonna do the cheer when we say their names" the front people started, the football players cheered and screamed for the girls, getting louder at a few of them. It was my turn and they said my name. I put my fist together and moved my arms the way I was supposed to, and jumped up and did the splits in the air.

The boys screamed after me. "She looks real good in those shorts" I took a deep breath, I swear every guy in this school are fuckboys.

I turned around and saw Justice staring angrily at the boys who said it then looked over to me. I turned back around and we continued practice. We cheered all of our different school songs while the football players practiced behind us.

"Let's do some more stretches before we leave" I slid down and did the splits and leaned forwards and reached for my toes. Someone whistled and I got up. Why can't they fucking leave me alone? "Can you stop?" Justice yelled and I started to walk back into the school. I turned around and saw Justice push the same boy back and take off his helmet, and ran towards me. "It might piss you off when they do that but you're doing stuff you didn't before and people are gonna start noticing" he sighed and ran his hand through his hair while we walked into the school and to the gym. "I'm sorry" I didn't say anything, and he just walked to the boys locker room, across from the girls.

I got changed back into my leggings and hoodie and walked out of the gym and to the front door. "Emily" I turned around and a boy smiled down at me. "How do you know me?" I didn't who this boy was. "I've seen you around" I laughed and he smiled. "What's your name?" "Luke" I smiled as he reached out to shake my hand. He seemed different from all the other boys here. "So what's up?" I looked over his shoulder and saw Justice staring at us. "Um, I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out some time?" I nodded and he handed me a ripped piece of paper.

"Text me later" I nodded and smiled and he walked away. Justice walked up to me and looked at the boy. "Who's that?" "Luke" "do you know him?" I shook my head no. "Did he give you his number" he looked down at the piece of paper in my hands. "Why does it matter?" I started walking home and he followed beside me. "Its just a question" "why do you care anyway? It's not like we're dating, and I've had to cover my neck from last night which was a huge mistake"

"And you don't have the right to fight people because they talk about me or wanna hang out with me" I said. "You're seventeen and you worry about things too much. That's why I'm here with you. I'm showing you things you didn't do before, and I'm helping distract you from everything that's been bothering you" I sighed and looked straight forward.

I knew I worried about things too much, and that I needed to let go, but I just didn't want to get hurt the way my mom did when my dad left. "I'll see you tomorrow" I whispered and walked across the street. Justice had to walk the opposite way to get home.
I'll walked in and no one was home.

Your brother is staying at a friends house and I decided to leave for a few days to get my mind off things and stay with my sister, I'll be back soon, call me if you need anything

I read the note that was hanging on the door. Great.

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