Chapter 53

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"Emily wake up, we're home" my eyes opened and I noticed the seatbelt around me, Joseph must have put it on.

I opened my door, and noticed my wheelchair wasn't there. "Does Justice have my wheelchair?" Joseph turned around and nodded, "I forgot about it" I closed my door and slowly began to walk. Joseph put his arm around me, to help me walk, but I pushed it away, "I got it". He walked beside me, close to catch me if I stumbled.

I smiled as I reached the door, all by myself. "Call Justice and tell him to bring the wheelchair whenever he has time" my mother said, and we walked to the kitchen. She opened the store bag and grabbed out all the bottles, six in total. "Take one of each right now, then you can go upstairs and sleep while I make you something to eat" I obeyed. I hated taking pills, more than anything, but I didn't have a choice. I took one at a time, with the glass of water Joseph made for me.

I stood up, and my mother stopped me. "Hold on sweetie" she was getting on my nerves. She grabbed a tall, wide water bottle and filled it up with water and ice, then handed it to me. "Now go get some rest, I'll try to hurry up with dinner" I nodded, and slowly started to walk to the stairs, "sweetie, please be careful" I didn't respond, I just continued to walk, and slowly began up the stairs. I had to stop mid way, me getting out of breath, then continued my way to my room.

I locked the door and walked to my closet, and changed into sweatpants and a loose shirt, not caring how I looked right now. All I wanted to do, was sleep. I laid down, and my phone beeped. -'did you make it home safe? Also I still have the wheelchair' Justice sent me.

'I'm safe, I walked all the way from the car to the door all by myself! And up the stairs' it wasn't a normal tying people would be happy and proud to do, but for me, it was different. -'that's amazing baby :)' I smiled. 'You can bring the wheelchair when ever you would like, it doesn't matter to me. I won't be leaving the house soon anyway' I pulled the cover up to my chin, and laid on my side.

-'I can bring it now'
'Its okay, I'm about to go to sleep then eat dinner, than probably go back to sleep' I laughed, even though it was sad. I missed jogging, going to school five times a week, I would do anything to get my old life back.

-'okay, I love you, get some rest <3'
'I love you too, and I will, talk to you later baby' I locked my phone than put it on its charger, and closed my eyes. I took deep breaths, and relaxed, and fell asleep.

"It's okay baby, everything's gonna be okay" Justice whispered to me, tears in his eyes, along with everyone else's. "I'm so sorry" I started to cry myself, "Shh, don't apologize, none of this is your fault" I looked up the the nurses surrounding me. "I love you guys" I whispered to everyone else, my eyes growing blurry, and I struggled to keep them open. "We love you" Gena said, wiping her tears away. I clenched the sheets, all my muscles tensing. "Relax" Justice spoke softly, his voice breaking. "I can't keep my eyes open anymore" I cried, terrified. "Its okay baby, just let go, everything will be okay" I took a deep breath, and allowed my eyes to close. Their voices and sobs grew quite as everything seemed to drift away slowly, as I, began to drift away. "I love you Emily" Justice said, sounding only like a low whisper. My hand that held his, started to loosen, my grip, it started to go away. "I love you" my voice broke, and I, drifted away.

I woke to a knock on the door, and tears in my eyes. I got up slowly, and opened the door. "Are you okay?" Mom asked, "just a bad dream, I'm fine" she wrapped her arms around me, and kissed the top of my head. "I'm sorry sweetie, and about earlier, I wasn't thinking" I pulled away. "Mom, do you like Mario more than Justice?" She changed the subject, "I came to ask you if you wanted to come down here to eat, or if you wanted me to bring you your food" I sighed, "can you bring it to me?" I was still tired, I wanted to go back and lay down.

"I'll be back" I left my door cracked, and sat at the foot of my bed. She came back only a minute later and handed me the heavy plate of food, that I knew, I wouldn't, and couldn't finish. "Thank you" she kissed my cheek and left, and I locked the door behind her. I sat back down, under the cover and began to eat, while I looked at my phone. I called Justice, and he answered right away.

"Hey baby" I smiled, "hey" "what are you doing?" He asked, as I took another bite. "I'm eating dinner, I just woke up", "how's everything going?"
"Its okay, I had a dream" I said, and put my fork down. "Was it a bad dream?" "Yeah" I heard him sigh. "Do you want to talk about it?" I decided not to, cause it would only upset him. "I can drop the wheelchair off after school tomorrow" he said, "okay, I love you, goodnight" I yawned, "I love you too, sweet dreams Angel"

I started crying when I read the dream part when I was editing this chapter :(

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