Chapter 50

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Justices POV

She sat there, passed out and I took my phone out my pocket, not knowing who to call. Joseph's car pulled in front of us and he ran out of the car. "What happened?" He took out his phone also, and called 911. "We were fighting and she started to struggle to breath" Joseph spoke quickly into the phone, and I started to skake her. "Baby wake up" I prayed that the ambulance would get here fast, hopefully it wasn't anything too serious. I typed in moms contact and called her. "Hi sweetie" "mom I need you to call Emily's mom and tell her to meet us at the hospital. Emily passed out and I don't know what to do" I said frantically, it was all my fault.

"Stay calm sweetie, we're gonna be on our way" I began to cry harder, if I didn't fight with her, she wouldn't be like this. "Its all my fault" I cried into the phone, "mom it's all my fault" I heard ambulances down the road, and I looked at her, as the red lights flashed over her helpless body.

"We're leaving now" mom said and I hung up, the sirens piercing my ears. Two guys came out of the ambulance and took her from her wheelchair and closed the doors. I put the wheelchair in my back seats quickly and ran to my side and started the car. I sped behind them, Joseph in front of me. My eye sight made the road grow blurry.

"Please let her be okay" I whispered to myself over and over. I parked in the closest parking spot, and ran out of the car and to Joseph. Neither of us spoke a word to each other, as we ran to the hospital doors, behind them carrying her body. They made us sit in the waiting room, and I cursed at them in my head. Mom and Ms.Davis walked through the doors, looking scared. When they saw us they sat down beside us, "what happened?" Joseph looked at me, I was the only one with an answer.

"I was taking her home cause she started getting overwhelmed at school and crying. I thought this guy was bothering her so I was fighting with him and she got mad at me. I just wanted to protect her, its my responsibility to protect her" I said, ever since the party with Tyler, I felt like it was my top priority to protect her.

"I took her to the car and she was so mad at me for trying to get the guy away from her. She started yelling and we started to fight and she started to breath heavy. She wanted to get out of the car, but I wanted to take her home, so I could talk to her and so we would be okay. Then she was freaking out because I didn't want her to leave so she called Joseph to pick her up and I pulled into a gas station so she could leave. Then she got out of the car by herself with her wheelchair and I ran after her so she wouldn't fall, then her breath started to get worse and she started to hold onto me, and she just passed out. Then Joseph came seconds later and called the ambulance and I called you" I took a breath, and looked up to Ms.Davis. "I'm sorry" I said, "its okay Justice, it wasn't you fault" then Joseph started to talk. "Why wouldn't you let her out of the car? She was yelling at you to let her out of the car and you wouldn't" he looked at me angrily, he blamed me. "I wanted us to get over it and for us to be okay and to stop fighting" I said back. "You should have let her to go the first time. Its your fucking fault were here right now" he spat, his eyes filled with anger. "Joseph stop" Ms.Davis said. "I fucking know its my fault okay" I said louder back, he started to yell but I didn't listen, if I did I would end up getting in a fight, and that can't happen. Mom put her hand on my shoulder and I looked down, while Ms.Davis tried to calm Joseph down.

All the sudden his fist went against my jaw, making Ms.Davis to scream, and try to pull Joseph away. "Its you're fault" he screamed, heads turning towards us. I stood up, feeling dizzy, tasting blood in my mouth. Three nurses ran up to us, and one asked if I needed help. "I'm okay" mom stood beside me and she put her hand on my shoulder. I walked slowly towards the bathroom, and mom closed the door behind us. "Are you okay sweetie?" I bent over the sink and spit out all the blood, and put water in my mouth, to wash it out. I looked in the mirror, my jaw already changing color, and started to swell.

I spit out the water, then there was a knock on the door. "Justice" mom opened the door, Ms.Davis stood there, frowning when she saw me. "Emily woke up" she said, "does she want to see me?" She nodded. I wiped my mouth dry with a paper towel and threw it away, then followed Ms. Davis to Emily's room. She knocked before opening the door, and I walked in slowly. Emily's eyes looked at me and she frowned. "What happened?" None of us said anything, and she connected the dots. "Joseph you hit him?" He didn't say anything, "why?" He looked up at her, "everything's okay now" I said, I hoped Joseph and I were okay. She looked at me and opened her arms. "Why aren't you mad?" I walked to her and wrapped my arms around her. "I don't want to fight anymore" she whispered, "I'm sorry baby, its my fault" I said, her head on my shoulder. "Its okay baby" I smiled and pulled away as the door opened. "Hi Emily" the familiar nurse walked in. "Can you tell us what happened?" I explained the whole story again. "It seems just that you had a small panic attack, and from the cancer, you can't breath heavy or this will happen. Everyone, you need to keep her calm, no fighting, no yelling. Did you get heavy breath from being at school? Like social anxiety?" Emily nodded.

"Okay, this is what were going to do. I'm going to do a blood test, just to check up on anything. And I'm proscribing you to not go to school five days a week. We'll start at two days a week for a while, then when your ready, you can go up a day. Don't force yourself. We just need you to take baby steps, it a big transition right now for you and I'm going to prescribe you anti depressants" Emily nodded again, looking a little disappointed.

"I don't want to have to see you in the hospital anymore than you have to, I missed you, but you're too much of a sweet girl to be stuck constantly in a place like this"

Sorry for not updating in a few days
:( also I didn't really check for mistakes so if there is any, just ignore them. Vote and comment please❤️

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