Chapter 47

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Please read to the end :)

Why did he care so much? Why did he want to see her so bad?

"Ignore him, I wouldn't bother telling Emily" mom said, and I nodded slowly. But I was curious, I wanted to know why, but I knew it wasn't a good idea to ask him and maybe cause a fight.

I waited desperately on the couch for hours waiting for her to call me. It was getting dark out, and I was starting to get tired. I left my phone on the couch and stood up to go get dinner, when my phone rang. I quickly answered and smiled when I heard her voice. "Hey baby" she said and yawned. "I've been waiting for you to call me" I said and sat back down. "I know I'm sorry, I fell asleep" I heard her sigh. "It's okay baby, you need to rest anyways. I'm sure you're very comfortable to finally be in your bed" I laughed lightly. "I'd be more comfortable in yours" I smiled, "is that your way telling me to come pick you up?" "Mhm" I stood up and grabbed my keys and put on my shoes as fast as I could. "I'm going to pick up Emily mom, I'll be back" I closed the door behind me and ran to my car, and got in. "I'll be over in a few minutes baby" I said and I started the car. "Stay on the phone with me" she said, and I agreed. "Do I have to bring clothes?" "No, you can always wear mine" I said and started to drive down the road. "Did you eat anything baby?" "Yeah I did" she whispered. "You want me to stop and get something for us to eat?" "Justice I ate okay? Stop worrying about me" she sounded offended.

"I just asked if you wanted food" I said back, "I'm sorry, I'm just tired of people telling me I need to eat. I feel like it's my fault that I'm getting smaller". "It's not your fault baby, no one is thinking that" she sighed. "Can I choose where we eat?" I smiled as I turned on her street. "Of course baby, I'm on your street now, I'll come upstairs to get you, wait for me" "okay baby" I parked in her driveway and jogged to the door. When I knocked Ms. Davis opened the door, "hi Justice, Emily's upstairs" I thanked her and went up the stairs and opened her bedroom door. She stood up and I walked to her, and she wrapped her arm around me. "Hi baby" she said and smiled. "Are you ready?" She nodded and I walked her out of her room and down the stairs.

"Bye guys, be safe" she sat down while I put her shoes on and we walked to the car. "I like your car" she said as I opened the door for her, I closed her door and jogged to my side. "Did you bring your medicine?" She shook her head no. "I guess I should remember to do that now, sorry" she sighed. "Is okay baby, I'll be right back" I got back out of the car and grabbed her medicine, and came back. "Where do you want to eat?" I began to drive down her street. "I don't want to eat anymore, I just want to go to your house" "are you sure?" She nodded and grabbed my hand that wasn't on the wheel.

She kissed the back of my hand slowly, then each of my knuckles. "I missed you" she whispered. "You saw me a few hours ago" I said, even though I missed her too. "I know, but now we can get to spend actual alone time together, we haven't done that in weeks" she smiled against my hand.

"I missed you too baby" "what are we gonna do?" She asked, "what to you wanna do? Watch Netflix like we usually do?" She nodded, "and cuddle" she said softly, she rested both of our hands on her thigh. "I'm excited to finally have privacy" I smiled and nodded. She let go of my hand, then laid it on top of mine, holding it. The back of my hand rested on the cloth of her jeans, I turned my hand so my palm was touching her leg, instead of the back of my hand. I ran my hand slowly up her thigh as I turned to my street, and parked. She opened her door and stood up, but I stopped her. "Wait for me baby" I quickly got out and went to her side. She wrapped her arm around my waist as I walked us to the front door. She kicked off her shoes when we went inside, and I did the same. "Hi Emily, do you want me to heat you up left overs?" "No I'm okay Gena, but thank you" "are you-" I looked at mom and shook my head for her to stop, and she did.

"Right, well you guys go ahead, I won't bother you anymore" we walked up the stairs, me by her side. When we reached my room I locked my door, and she asked if she could change. "What do you want to wear?" I opened my closet door, and she just grabbed a old, long T-shirt. I waited for her out side the bathroom, and walked her to the bed. She laid down and I laid beside her, and put my arm around her shoulder. "I'm glad we can finally do this again" I said and she looked up to me and smiled. "Me too" I stared down at her, and she stared up at me. She slowly placed her hand on the side of my face, behind my ear. "Kiss me already" I wrapped my other arm around her waist and pulled her closer. I softly connected my lips with hers, running my tongue over her bottom lip. She parted her lips, letting me kiss her deeper. Sparks went through my arms and down to my stomach. I never noticed how much I truly missed kissing her, until now.

"Can I talk to you about something" she said against my lips. I lifted her and pulled her on top of me, making her gasp. "In a minute" she laughed lightly and pulled away only for a second, to take a breath. She put her legs on the sides of me, but didn't sit up. She put her hand on the back of my neck, pulling my face closer. I moved my tongue more than before, and she smile lightly. I sat up, and took off my shirt. I ran my hands up the back of her shirt, to feel her smooth back, which made her get chills. She sat up sightly, barely at all, my hands still on her skin."I love you Justice" she pulled back and took a deep breath. "I love you too" she sat up, and I smiled at how perfect she looked, I couldn't imagine seeing anyone else look as gorgeous as she did right now, I didn't want to imagine someone else other than her.

"What did you want to talk about?" She smiled lightly, but looked a bit nervous. "I love you, and I couldn't imagine being without you. And who knows how much longer I have, months, years. But I don't want to be with anyone else, I'm in love with you. And I want to lose my virginity to you. I don't know how much longer we have. Something could happen, a week from now, tomorrow, no one knows. But I want to do things, before I die, hopefully until I'm old, and losing my virginity with you is one of them" she looked at me, not knowing how I would react. "I don't know what to say" she looked confused and upset, "I'm speechless baby" her mood lightened. "I would be honored to get your virginity" she smiled. "Show me tonight" she said, her hands resting on my chest. "We can do anything you want to tonight, but I'm not taking your virginity, I can't" she frowned, "please baby, I'm ready now" I shook my head. "Why not?" "I'm not going to do it now, not like this. There's no candles, no flowers, it won't be special the way you want it to be, the way I want it to be" I said. "Before we started dating you used to want to show me, more than anything" "but things are different, I'm different. If we did it now, you would regret it and would want it to be the way you've always dreamed of" she sighed, "I understand, but now I feel embarrassed" "why?" "I thought you would want to, and now that I told you, you reject me". "Baby I'm not rejecting you, you'll thank me in the future, you should be glad I want to make it special" I said, putting my hands on her thighs.

"I got ready for tonight, that's why it took me so long to call you. I got ready, I took a shower, I slept so I could be ready and not get tired for being with you. I wore what I thought you would love. I was so eager to get here, to kiss you. I thought tonight would be the night" she sighed. "I'm sorry you got ready for nothing baby".

"Please don't be mad at me" she shook her head, "I'm not mad, I'm glad you want to make it special"

I'm so sorry this is a really bad chaper, I've been working every free second on the next book I'll be posting, I'm really exited, and hopefully you guys will like it too.

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