Chapter 66

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The day of surgery

I laid in the bed for the second day, my throat sore from the tube they used yesterday. "Are you ready?" I nodded, the mask over my nose and mouth, making me feel drowsy. "Bye guys" I said bye to everyone as they walked me out of the room while I laid on the bed. "We'll see you soon sweetie" my mother called out, "I love you" Justice said right before they took me out of the room. The last thing I remembered was them sticking a needle in my arm and the doctors with masks and gloves on before I saw nothing but darkness.


My eyes slowly opened and I started to cry out from the pain on my stomach. A nurse walked in and grabbed pills and handed me them and got a small cup and filled it with water. I put the three pills in my mouth and swallowed them down. She told me that they would help with the pain, "can I see my family?" She nodded and walked out of the room and came back with everyone following her. They crowded around my bed and smiled slightly at me. "How are you feeling?" My mother asked, "it's hurts" I whispered followed with a cough, which made the pain worse. I squeezed my hands in fists in pain and tears stinging my eyes. "It's okay" Joseph said as he smiled at me reassuringly. I put my hands over my face and cried, "mom" I reached out and squeezed her hand. "It's okay sweetie" the pain was horrible and unexplainable. I pulled away my hand from my face and looked up to Justice who stood with a sad look on his face. He yelled for the doctor and he rushed in, "she's in pain, do something" my vision blurred by my tears as the doctor sighed. "We gave her pain medication, you'll just need to wait a while for it to kick in" "she's in pain do something now" he said louder.

"Justice" I whispered, I let go of my moms hand and grabbed Justices hand, "he's doing what he can, I'll be okay" he squeezed my hand and he looked helpless, he couldn't do anything and he was upset. I put my hand over my eyes as I tried to calm down and wiped my tears away. I felt so bad that everyone was watching me cry, I looked weak and I didn't want them to see that. "Can I just be alone with Justice for a little?" I looked up at my mom and she nodded slowly, "we'll be outside" they walked to the door after my mother pecked my forehead. He pulled a chair up and sat beside me as I laid on the hospital bed and he grabbed my hand. "I love you baby" he kissed the back of my hand, "I love you too" I whispered, "I'm so sorry I can't do anything" he said. I sighed and didn't reply, my head pounding and feeling hot. "Justice can you take the cover off of me" he let go of my hand and pulled the thin cover of my top half. I lifted my gown up to look at my stomach, cuts and stitches over my stomach made me feel even worse. His eyes stared down at my stomach making me feel insecure, so I pushed down the gown so it covered me.

"I think I'm gonna pass out" I whispered, my eye sightly growing blurry and dark. He got up and called the doctor back in, along with everyone else. They talked but I couldn't hear them, I didn't understand them. The last thing I remember was mom holding on to my hand before I drifted off into sleep.

My eyes shifted open slowly and the pain was bearable. I still felt like shit but the pain medicine started to work. I turned my head and noticed everyone sitting down around the room, "you're awake, do you feel any better?" Mom asked, and I nodded. I feared to talk because I didn't want to change me coughing again, especially now. "When can we go home?" I asked in a low whisper, "I don't know sweetie, but probably not for a couple days" I took a deep breath and sighed. "What if it comes back?" I couldn't help but wonder, I knew there was still cancer cells inside of me, but the rest is gone. I knew it wasn't over, at least not yet.

"Don't think like that right now, it's gone now" she frowned in response. "I just want this all to be over" I frowned. Justice sat on my other side and grabbed my hands, "everything's gonna be back to the way it was in no time, I promise." He said and the door opened and April walked in with a big 'get well soon' ballon and a bouquet of flowers. "How did it go?" She sat the gifts on the table and leaned down and hugged me carefully. "Good, what are you doing here?" I asked and she grabbed a chair and sat beside my bed. "I'm here to see my best friend" I smiled, I missed her.

"Thanks for coming to see me" she smiled and nodded. "Of course, that's what real friends are for" she looked at Justice in the corner in her eye and I looked at him as well. He sat there silently, looking at April and giving her a small dirty look. He stood up and walked out the door, leaving me confused and feeling lonely.

Dramas coming soonnnnn

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