Chapter 82

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Gena stood in front of everyone, with a mic in her hand. Justice and I sat beside each other and and hand, with our glasses in our others.

"I want to say a few things to the new bride and groom" she smiled at both of us, I didn't know she would do this. "I wanted to tell you guys that I'm so happy for you. You guys have made it so far and I'm so proud. Justice, I'm so happy with the man you came out to be, you've made me so proud. Emily, I could never wish for another women to spend the rest of her life with my son. I love you guys, so much, and I'm so thankful that you've found each other and fell in love. You've made me so happy and so blessed, I'm so thankful to be your mother" she wiped away a few tears that fell and turned off the mic. We hugged her and told her that we loved her. "I love you Gena, thanks for being the best mother in law ever" I hugged her tightly. "I love you too Emily, I'm so glad you're the girl for Justice, I would never ask for anyone better" we all sat down as a few more people spoke. Mario even said a message for us, "I love you both, and I'm glad you too found each other who make you truly happy" I gave his a long and warm hug, I was so happy that we were finally okay after everything that has happened between us.

Justice and I cut the cake, and fed each other the first bite, him of course 'accidentally' bumping my nose so their was frosting on my face, but everyone including me knew it wasn't an accident. He wiped it off my nose before wiping it on my lip, then connected our lips in a kiss. "I'm having an amazing time, and you look absolutely stunning in your dress" he whispered in my ear while his hands laid on my waist, his warm breath tickling my ear and cheek. "But I can't wait to leave to our hotel and get you out of this dress" I could feel his lips turn into a smirk as he pecked my cheek. "Well I guess you'll just have to wait a few more hours" I laughed quietly and teasingly into his ear. "That's fne, you'll be worth the wait" he pulled back and kissed me before I could see the expression on his face. "Now lets go dance" he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the middle of the room. Everyone had sat down, and the music changed to Kiss Me by Ed Sheehan (I recommend listening to it now)

Justice rested his hand on my lower back and took my hand in his while my other rested on his shoulder. Everyone was watching us, recording and our family crying, as we slowly danced to the love song. It felt like it was only us, I could only see Justice, and could only heard the music. Our body's moved in sync as we danced, our eyes connected and smiles on both of our faces. "I love you Emily" he whispered and pecked my forehead. "More than you could ever imagine" I let go of him and wrapped my arms around his neck, resting my head on his shoulder. "Today's been the best day of my life" I whispered and pecked his jaw lightly. Our first dance as a Married couple, was truly beautiful and memorable. After a few songs Justice and I sat back down and watched everyone else dance, laughing and having an amazing time.

Soon the wedding was over, and we hugged everyone who came as they left. Once everyone was gone we got into the car that would drive us to the hotel. The whole drive his arm was around me as we sat in silence, processing everything that had just happened. The car stopped in front of a large nice hotel. Justice got out of the car first and looped his arm under my legs and behind my back, carrying me cliché just like in the movies. This whole day felt like a movie, like it was completely unreal. I hid my face in his chest as he walked through the automatic doors, ignoring the stares from everyone. He walked straight to the elevator and pressed the 4th floor button. Luckily we were the only ones in the elevator, it would be awkward if it wasn't. The doors slid open slowly, not fast enough for Justices urge to get to the room. He walked us down the hallway and stopped at the door, and used a key to open the door. My eyes scanned around the room after he sung the door open. It was beautiful, the bed was huge and white, right in front of a large window, almost bigger than half the size of the wall. Candles had been scattered around the room but had not yet been lit.

Rose petals sprinkled on the floor from the door to the end of the bed, and the lights were dimmed. Justices stood me up and closed the door before wrapping his strong around me and pressing his forehead on mine. "Do you like it?" I pecked his lips "I love it" I said. "I chose what you'll wear, it's in the restroom" he smirked, I nodded and let go of him, and walked to the restroom. I took off my dress, and folded it and placed it on the counter. Letting my hair fall down my back from all the pins then put on what Justice had wanted me to wear. It was a light blue bra and underwear, which I slipped on quickly and looked in the mirror. My hands rested on my stomach as I hoped tonight would be the night we would make our first child, I wanted so badly to be a mother, and I know Justice was just as excited to be a dad. I opened the door and the candles were now lit, and Justice was taking off his shirt. I walked to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, my head resting on his bare chest. "You look beautiful" his voice said in a whisper, sending chills down my back. I lifted my head and pecked his lips softly, and he picked me up by my thighs and sat me on the bed. His body towered over mine as we laid back, our lips still connected. "I love you" Justice said, I've heard it thousands of times before, but this time, the words sounded different, they felt different now. "I love you too" his hands held onto my hands, holding me down. My eyes were locked with the eyes of my best friend, my husband, the love of my life. This is how things are supposed to be, the way things are meant to be.

Next chapter is going to be the last. I love you guys and writing this stories has been such a great experience, even though it's definitely not my best. Thank you guys for reading along❤️

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