Chapter 75

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Hope you're readyyyy ;)

"Why are there so many surprises?" I laughed and he shrugged and smiled. I was scared, but also excited to see what he had planned, and what the surprise was. Guesses floated through my head the whole time in the car, thinking of what the surprise could be. He stopped his car again, and this time we were at the mountains at a trail, I knew for a fact we were not here to hike, we were dressed up, so why would we be here? He open his door and once again opened mine. "Come on" he grabbed my hand and he began to walk us up the trail. "Are we really hiking?" I laughed, he was crazy. "You'll see" he said again, same answer as before. We walked for a few minutes, then he turned, making us go down a trail that didn't even exist. "Where are w-" "shhh" he cut me off, "you'll see" his other hand went into his front pocket for a second then pulled out, as we walked over fallen branches and rocks. He turned once again and in seconds, we were at a little set up. A blanket laid in the middle of the empty space and pillows laid on top, following a camp fire feet, and a few candles and lights. "This is so cute!" He walked me to the blanket and I sat down while he started the fire. "I'm glad you like it" he sat beside me and grabbed my hand, facing me. "Why are you doing all of this?" He smiled, but looked so nervous. "Stand up" I stood up but he stayed seated, "what's going on?" He stood up, then went down... on one knee.

My thoughts ran crazy through my head as he grabbed something out of his front pocket, a little white box.

"Emily" he held my left hand, and opened the box with his other hand, to reveal a ring. "I know that we're only seventeen, and that we're young, and people don't think that we're ready, but I love you. I'm so deeply in love with you, and I know that you're gonna be the girl I spend the rest of my life with. I know I'm gonna marry one day, and I know that you were meant for me. You're the love of my life, and I know it's might seem soon, but I really do mean it when I say I see the rest of my life being spent with you. Emily, baby, will you please do me the honor, to have you be my future wife? Will you marry me?" Tears filled my eyes, it was soon, so soon, but that doesn't matter. Either way Justice and I are getting married one day, and I don't care if people like it or not, he's the love of my life.

"Yes, I will"

I smiled as he slid the beautiful ring on my finger. He stood up, and I noticed tears in his eyes as well, he wrapped his arms around me, and I pushed my lips on his. I know mom is gonna flip, and I know people are gonna disagree and say that it's too soon, but I don't care. I can't believe that Justice actually proposed, that this is what he was planning, but it was perfect.

Everything is perfect.

Short chapter, but I might publish another chapter tonight. Also lots of changes are coming soon, so be prepared :)

Angel (Justice Carradine)Where stories live. Discover now