Chapter 44

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Justice push me back into my room in the wheelchair. He helped me onto the bed and Mom and Joseph sat down in the chair in front of the bed. "Have you told him?" I nodded and let Justice sit beside me. "Can you go get the doctor so we can all talk about it together?' I asked him and he nodded and stood up. Seconds later Joseph and the doctor walked back in. "I was hoping you could tell us everything, so everyone understands" he nodded and sat down on the stool. "What would you like to know?" he asked "everything you know" he nodded again. "Well it seems like you haven't had it for very long, I've personally never seen it spread so fast in a patient" I frowned. "Is there any way to cure it?"

"Well it's your choice what you want to do. Your options are we could do surgery, since you're in the early stages, and we would suggest chemotherapy". "Would chemotherapy help?" "It doesn't fully cure it but it would help" I frowned and look to everyone. "You can have time to decide what you want to do, but we want it soon before it can get worse" Justice squeezed my hand. "What would chemo do?" Justice asked the doctor. "Chemotherapy kills and shrinks cancer cells and stops them from multiplying. But you would of course lose your hair"

I was fine with losing my hair, if it helped. "Do you think I can go back to school?" He laughed lightly, "of course, how were you at the game? Did anything happen?" I nodded. "I was really cold and I was coughing up blood again" the doctor nodded, waiting for what we choose to do. "Mom what do you think I should do?" I asked, "I think we should do whatever would help. If chemo would really help then I think we should do it, and I don't like the thought of you getting surgery, but I want to get rid of it as soon as possible" Justice lifted our hands and kissed mine. "So do you guys want to do chemo?" I looked up to Justice and he nodded.

"I guess" he clapped his hands together. "Do you have anymore questions?" I looked at everyone's slowly, not sure if I should ask my next question.

"If nothing worked and it kept coming back, how long would you think I would live?" Justices hand squeezed mine tightly, like he didn't want me to leave his side.

"My estimate would be two-five years for how fast it's growing, but the chemotherapy would hopefully make that longer" tears started to grow in my eyes and I wipe them away. "But we'll do everything we can to make sure you get better, don't worry" how was I not supposed to worry? We thanked the doctor and he closed the door behind him. I wiped my eyes, not wanting to cry, even at this awful moment.

"Come here" Justice opened his arms and wrapped them around me. I put my head in his chest, still holding back my tears. "It's okay to cry" Mom said but I shook my head. "I need to be strong" I whispered and wiped under my eye, still forcing myself to not cry. "You're the strongest person I know baby, everyone deserves to cry. Let it go" I let the tears fall, not trying to change my breath so I wouldn't struggle to breathe.

"I'm so sorry" I said to them my words followed with a hiccup. "None of this is your fault" Joseph said "I'm already so tired of being in this hospital" I cried, "we won't have to stay here much longer okay? I promise" Justice wiped under my eyes and frowned down at me. But we all didn't know if that was really true or not.
"I don't want to die"

Justices, POV

Watching her cry made me cry even more than I have lately. Almost every night, I either cried myself to sleep or didn't sleep at all. I couldn't believe any of this was happening, she didn't do anything to deserve this, I didn't do anything to deserve this, but I couldn't think about myself right now, I need to be strong for her, I need to focus on her, nothing but her, not me, not my feelings....not my depression.

If I let that show at all it would make her feel worse, and I didn't want that to happen. Even though I was beside her, I missed her. The happy person she used to be, how happy we were together whenever we would just chill and watch Netflix, whenever I got to hold her and kiss her as much as I wanted to. I miss that more than anything.

"Is it okay if we go home sweetie? We need to rest" Ms. Davis said to Emily, and Emily nodded "yeah go ahead, I understand" and they said goodbye.

"This is the longest we've been together alone for a while" I said and she nodded "I'm sorry" she apologized but it wasn't her fault. "How much longer until visiting hours is up?" She looked at the clock, "an hour" I sighed, but I was happy I got to spend time with her, even though we were in the hospital. "I love you Emily" she hugged me tighter "I love you more" I smiled. My missing for her beginning to be finally fulfilled. "I don't think that's possible" she laughed and pulled away her arm. I thanked that the doctor took the needle out of her arm because I wouldn't be able to hold her closer. She got on my lap and crossed her legs, I smiled and put my hands on her back and pulled her closer. "I think it is possible" she smiled, our lips inches apart. "You would have to prove me wrong for me to believe you" her adorable small laugh and smile made my heart melt.

She slowly pushed her lips to mine and she put her hands on my shoulders. "I miss you" I said after she pulled back, the tingling feeling leaving my lips. "I'm right here" her soft voice spoke, "hopefully I'll be out here soon, and things can go back the way it was"


When do you guys get out of school? I'm already out but I want to know so I know what time of the day I should update

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