Chapter 4

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Ignore mistakes
"So if you move it over, that's all you have left to do to figure out what to do"

"I'm so confused" I sighed. At least he's trying I guess.

Justice's POV

She looked over the text in the book as I stared at her. Her long hair and her dark lipstick stained lips.

"Justice" she waving a hand in front of me, making my thoughts brake. "Are you even paying attention" "I'm sorry, I just have a lot of things on my mind" I didn't completely lie.

"Try doing number four" she changed the subject. I nodded and tried to go over the steps she told me.

"You did it" I smiled up at her. "Well finish the last few questions. I gotta get home" I nodded and walked her to the door. "Bye Justice" she waved and walked down my drive way. "Good bye Emily"

I smiled and closed the door behind her.

Emily's POV

I guess it went better than I thought. He didn't try anything which was good. I just thought he would try or at least say something. And I didn't catch him staring at my ass, which is new.

'Tyler is throwing a party next week. You should come'

It sounds good. But not with Justice or his little irrelevant friends crowding me.

'I don't think so'
'Come on! I promise I won't try anything and I'll tell my friends not to say anything. Its gonna be fun' I sighed and called April.

"Hey are you going to Tyler's party next week?" "I'm only going if you are".

"Come over to my house before the party so we can get ready together."

I can't believe I'm going through with this.

"Alright! I'll see you Monday" we said our good byes and I continued walking home.
If I can find it.

I was completely lost.

I walked which way I thought was right. I thankfully stumbled on my street and mentally thanked god.

I walked in and followed the voices, which were in the kitchen. "Mom can I go to a party next week?" She nodded and continued watching her boring cooking show as she was stirring whatever was in the bowl.

She wasn't very strict.
She trusted me.

"Is anyone going with you?" I nodded. "April is gonna come over and get ready here so we can go together" she nodded again. Her eyes were focused on the screen, not paying much attention.

I ran up to my room and fell to my bed.

Thank god its Friday.

'I'm gonna come' I texted Justice back. 'Great'

'When is it?'
'Friday' I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. I decided there was no need texting him back.

Then I got a call.
From April.

"Hey I was wanting to see if you wanted to come to the movies tonight. Its just gonna be you and me" I looked at the time.

"Yeah what time?"
"Five" I started walking down the stairs.

"What are we gonna go see?"
"I was thinking Paper towns"

"Okay, well I'll see you there" I hung up and jogged to the kitchen.

"Mom can I go to the movies tonight with April?" She nodded. Pouring the brown stuff into a pan. "Don't you wanna stay and eat first?"

I shook my head. "I'm sorry mom but that looks horrible" she sighed and nodded. "I know" I laughed. "Well I'm gonna go get ready" I kissed her cheek and ran up back to my room.

I got changed into a black and white striped crop top, and high waisted black jeans.

I had Joseph (my brother) drive me to the theater since I haven't gotten my permit yet.

"I'll pay for the snacks and you'll pay for the tickets" April nodded and we walked inside and to the counter. "What can I get for you today?" He was hot.
Like really hot.

"A medium popcorn, two Icys, and a box of sour pouch kids" I said and looked over to April. "And a box of cookie dough bites" he nodded and first got the popcorn.

"Here you go" he smiled up at us and sat the stuff on the counter in front of us. "Oh and here's some napkins" he smirked and handed me a stack of napkins, the very top one with his number. He winked as we started to walk away, and that's when April started to freak.

"Holy shit he gave you his number" I shrugged and laughed. "He was hot" she nodded eagerly. "What are you guys doing?" I turned around to see the two people I wished I wouldn't.

Justice and Tyler.

"Emily just got a hot guys number" she said, sounding like she was showing them off. My eyes widened and turned back around. She shrugged and I grabbed her arm. "Let's go"

"What are you guys gonna see?"

"The gallows" my eyes widened. "When did I agree to this?" I looked at April, who was making googly eyes at Tyler. "Well good, we are too, I'll make sure I'll sit as close to you as possible" Justice smirked, just to annoy me.

"Come on" I grabbed her and pulled her to the ticket booth.

"I can already tell this night is going to be hell"

Angel (Justice Carradine)Where stories live. Discover now