Chapter 77

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Two Weeks Later

"Mom, Justice and I have something to tell you" I said at the dinner table. My mom, Joseph, Gena, Mario, Princeton, and Justice and I sat around the dinner table. We planned it to tell everyone the big news, and Gena insisted she'd invite Mario, since he was part of the family too. I slid my ring on from under the table, nervous but excited to tell everyone. "What is it sweetie?" I looked at Justice then Gena, Gena had a wide smile on her face, also excited to tell everyone.

Everyone's eyes were on Justice and I, and I was too scared to talk. "Emily and I love each other. We know we're gonna spend the rest of our lives together" Justice said, and I got the guts to speak. "One day we want to get married, and have a family together. We're young but we know-" "Emily just tell us" mom interrupted me. I lifted my hand slowly to show them the ring, "we're engaged" Justice squeezed my right hand as I held up my other. "What?" Justice nodded, "we know that we're young, but Ms. Davis your daughter is the love of my life. I promise you that I do and will for the rest of my life treat her like a queen and love her with all my heart. It's a big step, but I know it's the right step, and I'm excited to spend the rest of my life with your amazing and beautiful daughter" I looked at him and smiled, I looked at mom and her eyes were filled with tears, I couldn't tell if she was crying because she was happy or upset with me, until she got out of her chair and hugged us both. She pulled back and grabbed my hand and stared at the ring, "this is beautiful, gosh I'm so proud of you two" I looked at her and Justice surprised, I didn't expect her to react like that. I looked over to Gena who also had tears in her eyes, and Justice too. "Everyone stop crying you're gonna make me cry" I laughed and pulled mom in for a hug. "When did you propose?" Mom asked, "two weeks ago, we wanted to wait to tell everyone at once" she nodded and wiped the tears from her eyes. "I'm so happy for you two" "thanks mom" we all sat down again and talked about everything while we ate dinner. I'm so glad mom took it so well. I looked around the table and the only who looked like they weren't enjoying the night was Mario. I don't get it, I mean, yes we used to be together, but he cheated. He fucked things up, he can't be mad or upset at me for moving on.

He looked at me as I was watching him, our eyes connected and I quickly looked away, but he didn't. His eyes stayed on me, I joined the conversation, minutes passed and he was still staring at me. I squeezed Justices hand and he looked down and I pointed towards Mario. Justice looked at him and Mario finally looked away. Justice let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around me protectively. It obviously bothered him, I just don't want another incident like last time. I laid my head on Justices shoulder and he kissed my temple, I laid my hand on his leg and whispered "I love you" "I love you too baby" Mario's eyes fell on me again, as everyone asked us questions, how it happened, how he planned it, etc. No matter what his eyes stared at me, I could feel them the whole time, I didn't say anything to Justice, but I was sure he knew. His hand clenched into a fist on his lap, and I could feel his muscles tighten. I quickly grabbed his hand and held it, "calm down, its fine" he sighed, his teeth clenched. "If he doesn't stop staring I swear I'm gon-" "you're not gonna do anything okay? Tonight is to celebrate us. Don't let him ruin it" he nodded. "You're right, but he needs to stop" he did, but if I have to ignore it to not cause a fight, than that's what I would have to do. Justices head turned to him and gave him a look that caused Mario to look away, and only glance at me once and a while, but he no longer stared. We all ate and enjoyed each others company, I wished we would do things will all of us more often, it felt right to have the whole family around and just talk.

When we finished our food everyone said their goodbyes, and I grabbed my bag for Justices house since I was staying there instead of here. Everyone but Justice and I rode in a their own car back to the house but Justice and I went in his car, mainly for room, and of course of Mario. "I'm sorry he was bothering you" Justice said as his hand rested on my thigh as he drove to his house. "It's okay babe, all that matters is that they approved of us being engaged. That's what this whole night was about" he nodded and ran his thumb over my thigh, "you're right. I'm so glad that your mom approved, I really didn't think that she would react like that" "yeah me neither, I was scared that she was gonna flip out" I laughed, but I was so happy that she didn't. Everything has been so perfect lately, and I don't want anything to mess that up. When we got to his house we went straight up to his room and changed, then laid down. My stitches were healing really well, so luckily now I can lay on my side. Justice laid on his back and I laid my head on his chest and wrapped my arm around him. My hand rested on his bare chest, as he kissed my temple. "Goodnight baby, I love you" I whispered, my eyes closed and ready to fall asleep. "Goodnight sweetheart, I love you more" he whispered, and seconds later I fell asleep.

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