Chapter 16

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I felt an arm snake around my waist, and I turned around. He smiled down at me and pecked my nose. We acted like we were in a relationship, but we weren't.

"You really shouldn't leave the door unlocked" I smiled, my eyes barely open and he laid back, and I put my head to his chest. "I left it open for you" I pecked his clothed chest, which made him take it off. "I locked the bedroom door" I nodded and wrapped my arm around his waist. "Can we skip school?" I nodded again. "I was planning to, I don't wanna go out of my bed with a big ass hang over tomorrow" his chest moved as he laughed. "So I can stay with you?" I traced my fingers up and down his chest and stomach, stopping at his v-line, then going back up.

"Yeah" he pecked the top of my head. "I'll take care of you tomorrow sweetheart, let's get some rest" he wrapped his arm around me. "I like it when you call me that" I whispered, my eyes closed, so I saw nothing but darkness. "Is that what you call every girl?" I said sarcastically.

"You're my only sweetheart" he rubbed my arm up and down with his hand, and pulled the cover over us more with his other hand. "Get some sleep beautiful" I smiled, I was still a little drunk, but not as bad as earlier. "I like it when you call me that too" I laughed. He moved his hand up to my face and put my hair behind my ear.

"Goodnight Justice"

"Goodnight Emily"

Next morning

I woke up to a knock on the door.

I stood up, Justice still asleep, and pulled the cover completely over him. I opened the door, my head pounding, and opened it just enough for them to see me. "Are you sick?" It was my mother. "Yeah, my head is killing me. I think my allergies are acting up" I lied about the second part. "Okay, I'll bring you up some medicine for your head" I smiled, I got away with it.

"Thank you mom" she nodded and I watched her leave and go back down the stairs. I closed the door, and locked it again until she came back up with the medicine. I took it from her, she brought me a bottle of pills and a cup of water. I thanked her again, "get some more rest" I nodded and closed the door. I sat back down on my side of the bed and Justice pulled the cover off of him, and sat up.

I opened the pill bottle and put two of them in my hand, and gulped it down with the water. He sat up and held onto his head, and looked at me, his eyes red from last night. I handed him the pill bottle and he also got out two, and put it in his mouth. I handed him the water and he swallowed them down. "Are my eyes red?" I asked, and he nodded. "Are mine?" "Yeah" he handed me the water again and I put it on the table beside my bed.

My phone beeped and I picked it up, my eyes burning from the brightness before I turned it completely off. It was Mario.


I smiled but stopped when Justice stared at me, curious. I locked my phone and laid back down. I pulled the cover over my head and closed my eyes. He laid down beside me and I laid on my side. He put his front side to my back side, his chest to my back. He put his arm around me, at the lower part of my stomach.

We both stayed silent, even the fan running was almost too loud for my headache. His hand slid up the bottom of my shirt, and rested his hand on my stomach. I felt hot, so I took off my shirt, forgetting I took my bra off last night, so I put it back on, then kicked down my sweatpants instead. "Are you hot?" I nodded. "I won't do anything if you wanna take off your shirt" I shook my head, "I'm fine". "I won't do anything, I don't want my sweetheart to be uncomfortable" I smiled at his words, remembering our conversation last night.

I pulled it off again, and I put my hand over his, and closed my eyes. "Is that better?" I nodded. "You know what would also make you feel better?" "Justice don't" "I didn't mean that" he said and got out from the covers. I didn't bother lifting the cover to see what he was doing. I felt the cover come off of me, making the cold air hit my almost bare body.

Angel (Justice Carradine)Where stories live. Discover now