Chapter 35

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Make sure you read to the end

We went back upstairs when the movie was half way over. I honestly have no idea what the movie was about or what happened, cause I was distracted by the stare Mario was giving me.

Justice and I washed our faces and brushed our teeth, him letting me use a spare toothbrush.

"Goodnight baby" Justice wrapped his arms around me as I pulled the cover up to my shoulders. "Goodnight Justice, I love you" I pushed my lips to his slowly. "I love you too baby" he said. "Sweet dreams"


Next Morning

I went to the bathroom after Justice, and did what I needed to do. I grabbed a few tampons for school, even though I probably won't need them, but just in case. I change into a new pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt and Justice gave me a pair of his black Calvin Klein briefs. I threw my hair into a bun, and brushed my teeth. We went downstairs and Gena was making breakfast, instead of eating what she was making, I grab the chocolate tub of ice cream Justice got for the both of us, I sat down after grabbing a spoon and begin eating.

"Ice cream for breakfast?" Gena laughed, "I hope you dont mind" "you're fine sweety, I understand" I continued to eat. A pair of hands went to my neck from behind, his thumbs pushed hard, and rubbed in slow, big circles. "I didn't really get to tell you good morning" he whispered, making chills go down my arms. "Well good morning" I said, "good morning to you too baby" I pushed the spoon down and scooped another bite. "Ice cream for breakfast?" He repeated Gena's words, making Gena and I laugh.

"Do you not want me to eat this for breakfast?" I asked, "you're fine baby" he said and kissed the top of my head and pulled away, making me frown, and sat beside me. I fed him the spoon of ice cream, making him laugh. Gena handed him the plate of food she prepared, "thank you mom". I put the ice cream away while Justice quickly finished his breakfast. "Bye mom" he kissed her cheek, I said goodbye and we walked outside. His arm was wrapped around me while we waited for the bus. "Today's gonna be horrible" I hated going to school while I was on my period.

"No it won't, I'll be with you all day" he said. "But we dont have all the same classes". "I'll find a way to see you or talk to you okay?" I nodded. Soon the bus came and we sat in the seats where we usually did when we sat together.

My knee went up and down while my cramps started to come back. "What's wrong?" Justice asked, "my cramps are coming back" I held my breath as my stomach clenched. He opened his back and held my bottle of pills and his hand "you brought them?" I felt relieved "of course I wouldn't want you to be in pain all day, I brought them in case they came back" he handed me the pill bottle.

"Thank you" he nodded and I put them in my bag having to take them when I get to school because I didn't have water. The bus parked, and we got off. He held my hand while we walk to the doors, Justice's friends tried to talk to him like they usually did in the morning, but he just nodded towards them and walked me inside and to my locker.

Class didn't start until a few minutes, so we had time to go to my locker. I put my things away and put the pills in my hand he wrapped his arms around me again, while we walked to the water fountain down the hallway. I drink down the pills and turn towards him I put my arms over his shoulders and he put his hands on my hips. "I don't want you to leave" I said, "I'll come to walk to you to your classes" "you don't have to do that" I said.

"I'll come see you as much as I can" the bell rang, "I love you" I said, everyone started flooding the hallway to go to their lockers. "I love you too" he pecked my lips before he had to leave to his locker, and to his first class.

Next period

As I walked to second hour. I heard feet jog towards me, and started to walk beside me. "Are you feeling any better?" He asked as he grabs my hand. I put my hands in between his and he squeezed my hands lightly and then kiss my temple.

Instead of sitting where he usually sat, with his friends, he walked up to a different table where another couple sat. They look up to Justice and immediately moved to another table. He pulled the seat out for me and I sat down, "that was so mean" I said watching them sit down where I usually did.

"I didn't say anything" he said. "How did they just know that you wanted them to move?" "Their scared of me" he said simply.

I almost forgot about how people saw him at school, when he was with me, there wasn't absolutely anything wrong with him, but maybe its different at school. He sat down right beside me, and put his hand in mine. "There isn't anything about you to be scared about" I said, he just shrugged. The teacher started talking, and passed out papers to work on.

I started working while Justice played with my hand. "Work with me" I said, and he looked at the paper. "There will be a test tomorrow about this" the teacher said to the whole class. Justice looked disappointed, since he didn't really understand. "I'll study with you tonight okay?" He nodded. "I dont think were gonna get much studying done though" he smiled. "I'm not going to let you fail this test. I'll make sure you get a good grade" I said. "Its pointless, I'm already failing this class" he said.

"Think about how proud Gena would be if you brought home the test with a amazing score on it. Don't you think she'll be proud of you?" He smiled and slightly nodded. "She would be proud of me" he agreed. "So we'll study tonight?" He nodded, "my place or yours?" He asked. "Let's go to mine, my mom would probably want to see what your like. You have to promise you'll be on your best behavior" I said.

"What do you mean best behavior?" "I mean no grabbing my butt, no cussing, anything like that. Especially around my brother, he'll be watching what you do really carefully" he started to look nervous. "Are you sure you just dont want to go to mine?" He laughed nervously. "You'll be fine" he still looked scared. "If it gets uncomfortable we'll go to my room and study, I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable, I promise it will be okay" I looked into his dark brown eyes and he nodded slightly. "Will we get in trouble if we kiss?" He laughed.

"Do you want to kiss me?" He asked, and I nodded slowly. "What are you waiting for then?" He smirked. I looked back at the teacher, her back facing towards us, and I put my hand on his jaw line, and connected our lips. I tried to pull away after a few seconds, but he didn't let me, by grabbed the back of my neck, and pulling me closer.

I put my hand on his chest to push him away, but he didn't pull back. "If I want to kiss you, I'm gonna kiss you as long as I want" he smirked against my lips. "I dont care if we get in trouble" he said. "Well I do" he finally let me pull away, "I can't risk getting in trouble" I said and he licked his lips. "You're so innocent" I shook my head, in shock. "We both know that's not true" I smirked as I felt my cheeks grow warm with blush.

"I know you're not innocent baby" he said, "I was joking" he put his hand above my knee. "You wouldn't risk getting in trouble for me? That's still innocent" I knew it wasn't, but he was trying to get to me, and it was working. I took a deep breath, stopping myself from what I felt the need to do, to prove, that I wasn't innocent.

"What if I want to take you somewhere? Go on an adventure, but you're too innocent to sneak out, or lie to your brother?" Now he was making up stupid scenarios. "I'm not innocent" I said. "How am I supposed to believe you? You won't even kiss me more then two seconds" I did what I was holding myself from doing, I kissed him. I pushed my lips to his before he could even close his eyes. I was scared of getting called out in front of the whole class, but he got to me.

You would think that I would kiss him quickly, hiding from the teacher, but I didn't. Except I put my hand on his chest, and gripped the neck of his shirt, curling my fingers. I pulled away, the kiss lasting longer than the last one. He smiled and kissed my cheek, and I sat back into my seat like usual, continuing to work of the papers.

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