Chapter 60

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Guys please be more active😩. Your feed back makes me want to write this book, if nobody votes or comments it obvious that they don't like the book which makes me just want to delete it.

I laid in my bed, thinking about how I would be going to school tomorrow, I didn't want to, I don't want to be around him. I set my alarm before I went to sleep and texted April, asking her to push me to my classes, instead of Justice, and she agreed.

My hip burned, nobody could find out about this, I had to hide it. I closed my eyes, I couldn't help it, as I cried myself to sleep.

The Next Morning
I put on a lose t-shirt and sweatpants, not wanting anything to touch my hip. I decided to put makeup on, something I haven't really done in a while. I only put on foundation mascara and concealer to cover the tiredness under my eyes. I let my hair down and made my way down the stairs, my phone in hand. April was picking me up and I waited for her at the door. When she came in I got in my wheelchair and she took me outside and to her car. We drove silently, I didn't know what to say. "Are you okay?" April asked, "yeah" I lied, "did anything happen after I dropped you off?" I sighed, "Justice came over but I made him leave". "Did he say anything? About her?" She turned into the school and went to the parking lot. "He said she was just a friend" I said, "maybe it's true? I mean he shouldn't be going to see another girl, especially behind your back but maybe she is just a friend" I sighed. "I don't know what to believe" I opened the door and got out as she did also. I grabbed my wheelchair from the back seat and she grabbed the handles as I sat down and began to walk us towards the school. I saw Justice standing by the doors, and our eyes met. I looked down ignoring his stare as we got closer and closer to him. "Emily" April walked faster as we passed him, but he followed. "Emily stop I want to talk to you" he trailed behind us and jogged up so he was beside me. "Emily stop, please" he begged, I didn't look at him, or acknowledge him, until he moved in front of us, making us stop. "Leave her alone" April said but he ignored her, "Emily let me talk to you". "Please just leave me alone" I said, "I'm not going to leave you alone, not until you let me explain myself" April tried to push me past him but he moved in front of us again. "Justice let me go, you're scaring me" he bent down, his face a foot from mine. "Let me take you home today, we can talk and figure this out okay? I don't want to lose you" he frowned, and placed his hand on my jaw. His eyes locked with mine, I could see he wanted this, so I agreed. "Fine" his frown raised into a small smile. "I'll see you later then, I love you" he pulled away and April walked past him, me not saying anything back. She walked me to the office and told them she would be taking me to my classes today, instead of Justice.

April walked me to my locker, not saying much. I knew today would be horrible, with all the stares with no one telling them to leave me alone, the way Justice did. The whole first class I ignored all the stares, all the whispers and focused on what I needed to, my work. Even with what I'm going through, I'm not gonna let it less up with my future, I'm still gonna go to college, I'm gonna graduate and start a new life of my own. I'm going to do what I need to do to get a future I've always dreamed of.

My second class came by and April left me at my table and told me she would come back to get me next period. I looked down as people walked in to class. I could sense Justice walk in, and he sat beside me. "Is it okay if I sit here?" He asked, "I don't care" I said, as long as he didn't bother me, and let me get my work done. "I know you're upset right now, but just know that I do love you" he said, I already missed him, telling him I love him and staying in each others arms. I loved him, even while we're fighting, I will always love him.

"Can we talk?" I shook my head no, "I agreed after school, don't push it. I don't even want to see you" I could tell it upset him, but I don't care, he was upsetting me worse. He sighed and leaned back, not saying a word. I felt the stares and wished they would stop, I ran my fingers through my hair and listened to what the teacher told us to do. I started working, and felt Justices eyes on me. "Why are you staring at me?" I asked and turned my head to face him. "I'm sorry, I just want to hold your hand" I sighed, and scratched my hip, forgetting the cuts. "Fuck" I looked down, and felt it start to lightly bleed. "What happened? Are you okay?" Justice asked, "I just fell last night in the shower, I'm fine" I lied and tried to play it off but it ached in pain. I had to ignore it, it wouldn't bleed through my sweatpants would it? I hoped not.

I could see that Justice didn't believe me but he didn't ask about it again. We didn't talk for the the rest of the class, or the classes after that. Lunch rolled around and April and I sat at our normal table. Justice walked in, but he didn't know where he could sit, he knew it wasn't a good idea to try to sit with us, so he passed our table and walked to his old table, the table full of jocks. I took a few bites of food, getting full fast. April and I talked about little things until next classes, and finally school was over.

"Are you sure you don't want me to take you home?" April asked as I got my got my stuff from my locker. "Yeah I'm sure, Justice and I need to talk" she nodded and gave me a hug before walking off. Right as I sat down in my chair a body stood behind me and started to push me down the hallway. "Thank you for letting me take you home" Justice said as he walked us out the front doors, I didn't know what to say, so I didn't say anything. He walked us to his car and opened the door for me. I got in as he put the wheelchair in the back, then started the car after he got in. "Can I explain?" I nodded lightly, "the truth is-".

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