Chapter 36

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Justice and I walked to my house, him texting Gena and telling her we're going to study at my place.

The door was unlocked so we walked in, and took off our shoes. He grabbed my hand nervously while we walked to the living room, where they would be. "Hey mom, Justice and I are going to study for a test tomorrow" she nodded and smiled to Justice, while Joseph stared at him, making him hold my hand a little tighter. I ran my thumb over the back of his hand, to try and calm him down.

"Is it okay if we go upstairs?" I asked, before mom could answer Joseph stepped in. "Stay down here" he said strictly. He obviously didn't trust Justice, but I dont blame him after what I told him before we even started to mess around.

We sat on the couch, Joseph was on his phone before, the TV off, and my mom reading a book, but Joseph now, was watching us. We opened our backpacks and I opened my textbook, putting it on both of our knees, since we sat down next to each other of course. I explained everything to him that he would need to know for the test, and he slowly started to understand. "Is this right?" I nodded at him, looked down at him paper. "Good job" I resisted the urge to kiss him or peck his cheek, and I knew he could tell.

"Do you guys want a snack? Maybe some fruit or something?" My mother asked, I looked over to Justice, and he nodded lightly. "I'll help" I stood up, leaving Justice with Joseph, I could see that Justice looked surprised when I got up, and looked nervous, but I wanted him and Joseph to talk, I wanted Joseph see that Justice isn't a bad guy.

Justices POV

I sat there, silently, looking down at the textbook, feeling his eyes on me. "If your planning to use my sister, dont bother" I looked up at him surprised, that he would just assume that. "I would never use Emily" I said, and smiled lightly, "she means a lot to me" he didn't look convenienced. "She told me along time ago about everything you would say to her or about her. How do I know you're not gonna hurt her anymore?" I frowned.

"I love Emily. I messed up before, I treated her like a toy, but when I started to get to know her, and talk to her, she helped me realize who I was and that I needed to change. I would never intensionally hurt your sister, she honestly means the world to me. I dont know what I would do without her" I said truthfully and smiled.

"It takes a lot to get me to trust someone who gets involved with my sister." I nodded, understanding. "I dont expect you to trust me after everything I've said and done before" he nodded slightly, his eyes lightened though, and he seemed to relax. They walked back in, Emily sat beside me and handed me the bowl. "How'd it go?" She whispered, so they wouldn't hear, "good I guess, I dont really know" she smiled. "Well I'm guessing it went well, he looks relaxed, and he isn't watching your every move now" she laughed lightly. I grabbed her hand and kissed it, "I love you" she smiled and squeezed my hand, "I love you too". "Is it okay if we go upstairs?" She asked Joseph, since we already knew her mother wouldn't mind.

He looked at me for a few seconds, and I squeezed Emily's hand again. He nodded is approval, I didn't personally think it should be his decision, but I get it, he's trying to protect his sister, the way I will when Mj is our age, and is dating a boy.

We stood up, and grabbed our backpacks, and I carried the text book, we also grabbed the bowls and began to walk upstairs, but I turned around. "Thank you Ms.Davis" then I nodded towards Joseph, thanking him, for somewhat trusting me.

We walked upstairs, and I closed the door with my foot, since both of our hands were full. I set my backpack on the floor, beside the bed, and put the textbook on the bed, and the bowls when we both laid down, beside each other on our stomachs. She talked, and explained everything to me, but even if I tried, I couldn't pay attention to what she was saying. My eyes were focused on her, the way her jaw moved while she was talking, and her pushing the hair out of her face while she bit her lip in concentration. "You're so beautiful" I said, she stopped talking and looked at me. "Were you even listening?" She asked me, I shook my head truthfully.

"Justice" she whined and rolled to her back. "I'm trying to help you" she stretched her arms and legs. "I was trying to pay attention" I said, laying on my back beside her, looking at her. "But you're so fucking beautiful" she laughed but rolled to her side, and put her hand over my mouth. "Shh" I licked her hand, making her laugh and pull away. "Gross" she wiped her hand against my shirt, I grabbed her and pulled her on top of me, and connected our lips. I pulled at her bottom lip, making her smile. She got off of me, in case someone walked in. "I love you baby" I said, "thanks for helping me study" she smiled and nodded. "You're welcome baby" she pecked my cheek, making me smile.

"Do you really think I'll get a good grade tomorrow?" She nodded, "of course baby, I believe in you" she wrapped her arms around me and kissed my cheek. "Do you think you'll get a good grade?" She asked and I shrugged, "I doubt I'll get an A" I said, but I wanted to, I wanted mom to be proud of me.

"Can we continue to study?" She nodded, "of course, you can never do too much studying" I laughed at her nerdiness. "You're such a nerd" she smiled and we both moved to look at the text book, "but I'm your nerd" I laughed lightly and nodded.

"You're my everything".

Angel (Justice Carradine)Where stories live. Discover now