Chapter 2

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I had to upload another chapter because wattpad is being stupid and won't show the story on my end unless I upload two parts!! I hope you guys enjoy this!


It had been about a month since I had moved to New York and I was finally settled into the apartment with my brother. Norman was over often and he was at the bar practically every night. I had met his 12 year old son Mingus a couple of times and he seemed like a pretty cool kid.

I was now sitting in the living room in sweats and a tshirt with a bowl of cereal. It was nine in the morning and I was trying to get myself to function. Jordan hasn't even made an effort to get up yet. I sighed and chewed on another spoonful of cereal.

It was quiet around here. Granted we lived in New York somehow it was still quiet. There was knock on the door and I slowly got up. I groaned as I walked passed a mirror and saw my hair was a little crazy. I walked over to the door and opened it. Just my freaking luck, there stood Norman in jeans and a black hoodie. I instantly felt my cheeks go hot.

"Breakfast of champions," he said chuckling a little. I smiled and opened the door wider and he stepped in. "Something like that. I'll go get Jordan real quick," I said turning and dashing down the hall quickly. I flung Jordan's door open and I was automatically greeted by a snoring brother.

"Jordan," I whispered. He grumbled a little and rolled over to face me. "Norman's here," I said. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. "K, I'll be there in a second," I walked out of his room and ran down to mine. At this point I was being such a girl. I quickly grabbed a pair of jeans and slid them on.

I ran a brush through my hair and pulled it up and quickly brushed my teeth. I sighed and looked in the mirror. This was as good as it was going to get for right now. I walked out the door and down the hall to see Norman and Jordan now sitting on the couch talking.

I walked passed them and into the kitchen. I quickly ditched my cereal bowl and poured myself a cup of coffee hoping it would wake me up. I popped my head into the living room. "Anyone want coffee?" I asked. Jordan and Norman looked over at me and I noticed Norman had put his sunglasses on.

"I'm fine," Jordan said. I turned to Norman waiting on his answer. "Black coffee would be great," he said. I smiled and walked into the kitchen quickly pouring another cup of coffee. I walked back into the living room and walked over to Norman handing him the cup.

I felt his hand brush mine and I quickly pulled my hand back silently praying that it wouldn't spill. I watched the corner of his twitch into a slight smirk as he took a sip of his coffee. I went and sat in a chair as I listened to Norman and Jordan talk. "So what are you doing tonight?" I heard Jordan ask him.

I looked over and Norman had set his cup down and crossed his legs. "Absolutely nothing," Norman said chuckling lightly. I looked down at my coffee suddenly not interested in it anymore. "Well Mandy and I were going to grill up some steaks tonight. Why don't you come join us?" Jordan asked.

Norman stood up. "Alright I'll be here," he said. He made his way towards the door. He turned around and gave a slight nod to my brother and then looked at me. "See you tonight," he said and walked out the door. I slowly looked over at Jordan who had a smirk on his face. He definitely had planned this.


I was now sitting on the kitchen counter staring at my brother who was rummaging through the fridge. I could hear him cursing and I couldn't help but chuckle. He closed the fridge and sighed. "I need to go to the store and get some things before tonight," he grabbed his keys and out the door he went.

I sighed and grabbed a Coke from the fridge and hopped back up on the counter. It was quiet again. I finished my coke and walked to my bedroom and went to shower. I took a quickly shower but took my time getting ready. I put on nice lotion and body spray. I did my hair and makeup and slipped on my converse. I sighed and fell back against the wall.

The house phone made me jump when it rang, breaking the silence through the house. I quickly ran into the living room and grabbed the phone. "Hello?' I said hoping not to sound out of breath. "Hey, um Mandy," I recognized that raspy voice anywhere. "Hi Norman," I said automatically feeling my heart jump into my throat making it hard to speak.

"Is your brother around?" he asked. I flopped back on the couch. "Actually he just went out to the store to get stuff for dinner tonight. Why? What's up?" I asked a little concerned now. I heard a thud and then heard him cuss. I assumed he was driving and he had hit his steering wheel.

"Norman?" I asked slowly. I heard him huff on the other end of the phone. "I'm sorry. I just got called into a meeting and I can't pick up Mingus from school, Helena is being a bitch and telling me what a bad father I am, thinking that I'm avoiding him," I felt my blood boil a little, "usually your brother picks him up if we're busy but he isn't answering his phone and I just-," "Norman," I cut him off. I heard him sigh.

"What?" he mumbled. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "I'll go get Mingus from school. Just tell me when and where I need to be," I said. I heard another sigh escape his lips. "Really?" he asked. I chuckled again. "You're a lifesaver," he said. I smiled a little. After giving me directions, we hung up and I quickly grabbed my keys and walked out the door.

After walking a few blocks I finally made it to Mingus's school and saw him sitting on the steps. "Mingus, buddy," I said while approaching him. He looked up and gave me a shy smile. "Where's my dad?" he asked. I chuckled. "He's busy but he'll be back tonight for dinner at my house so you're coming with me," Mingus smiled and fell in step beside me.

We arrived back at the apartment to find Jordan putting stuff on the counter. "It's about time your ugly ass got home," I said while shutting the door behind me. It caused Mingus to chuckle. "You got homework Mingus?" I heard Jordan ask him. I rolled my eyes. "Jordan, leave the poor kid alone," I said. I turned to Mingus. "Do you have homework?" I asked him.

He rolled his eyes at me. "Yeah," he said. I grabbed his backpack and plopped it on the table. "How about this, you get your homework done and I'll make chocolate chip cookies," his eyes lit up as he plopped down in a chair. I grabbed a Coke and slid it to him and opened one for myself.

Jordan tilted his head at me and then shrugged and turned back to the steaks he was marinating. I started peeling potatoes and then I worked on the cookie batter. I smirked as I mixed it together and grabbed some in my hand walking behind Mingus. "Hey buddy what are you working on?" right as he turned around I smeared the batter all over his face.

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