Chapter 3

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Mingus quickly jumped out of his chair and ran for the bowl on the counter. I quickly snatched it away and ran around the other side of the counter. Mingus glared at me as I grabbed another piece of batter and throwing it at him. He caught it and quickly chucked it back but I ducked and it ended up hitting Jordan in the back.

Mingus and I looked at each other and then over at Jordan. He had a playful smirk on his face and he lunged for Mingus. He's tiny so it wasn't hard for him to escape. Jordan came back over to me and grabbed some batter and chucked it at Mingus. He ducked and it stuck to the wall causing me to chuckle. Jordan ran after Mingus and I took advantage of it and I threw a piece at Jordan. It missed by a foot and smacked Norman in the face as he walked into the kitchen. I guess we were making so much noise that we didn't hear him.

I covered my mouth trying to hide a giggle as I looked at Norman who had cookie dough stuck to his right cheek. He started closing the distance between us. "You better run," he said and running is what I did. I ran down the hallway and tried to make it to my room, but right when I made it to my door, Norman had tackled me onto my bed.

He was now over top of me and he smirked. I glared up at him and then he smeared the batter all over my cheeks mouth and nose. I growled and looked up at him. He still had a smirk on his face. "I hate you right now," I said while trying to move a hand and wipe off the batter. Norman chuckled a little and wiped it off himself.

I glared up at Norman who continued to smirk down at me. He swiped some batter off my cheek and stuck it in his mouth. "Not bad," he said. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. Suddenly the smirk left his face. He was still on top of me and I had a feeling I knew what was coming next. He dipped his head down and I felt his breath on my lips as he came closer to me. I couldn't believe this was about to happen.

"Hey guys dinner's ready," Norman and I quickly whipped our heads around seeing Jordan in my doorway. I suddenly couldn't speak. "We'll be there in a second," Norman answered for me while getting off of me. I sat up as Jordan left and sighed. Norman was sitting beside me and nudged me lightly then chuckled trying to break the awkwardness. I cracked a small smile and got off the bed motioning for Norman to follow me.

I walked into my conjoining bathroom and grabbed a wash cloth. I ran it under the water and turned to Norman. It was quiet between us. I ran the washcloth over his cheek and washed off the sticky batter. I couldn't help but chuckle slightly. Norman cracked a smile too as I continued getting the batter off his cheek. "All clean," I said.

Norman ran a hand over his cheek and grabbed the cloth from me. He wiped off my cheeks and then ran the cloth lightly over my mouth. He bent and kissed my cheek quickly and pulled away. I felt my face scrunch together in a confused look but inside my heart was racing. "Thank you, for today I mean," he said. I smiled up at him. "It was seriously no problem. Mingus is cool," I said. He smiled and kissed my cheek one more time and then left me to go eat dinner.

Dinner well a little awkward. We all ate in silence making small talk. Well Jordan and Norman did most of the talking. I sighed and finally turned my attention to the two goons that were in a deep conversation about something. I finally caught on when I heard The Walking Dead and I smirked a little thinking about Stacey. If only she knew that Norman was sitting two feet away from me. She would probably hyperventilate.

"Isn't that right?" I heard Jordan ask. I looked up to see all three guys staring at me. "What did I do?" I asked trying to hide the fact that I wasn't paying attention. Norman smirked a little. "You've seen The Black Angels live?" he asked ignoring me being embarrassed which I was grateful for.

The topic of conversation had changed very quickly. "A few times actually. They're pretty rad live," I said. "Mandy actually has a couple boxes full of stuff from concerts," Jordan said. "I'm pretty sure Norman doesn't wanna hear about any of that," I said trying to get the attention away from me. Jordan chuckled and Norman looked at me through his sunglasses.

Seriously did he ever remove those things? "Actually Norman and you have the same tastes in bands," Jordan said. I wanted to kill him at this point. I hated the attention on me. It drove me insane. Norman smirked again. "Maybe another time," Norman said. I sighed and nodded at him grateful that maybe he caught a hint of my uneasiness.

"Wanna help me clear the table Mingus?" Jordan asked while grabbing the plates. Mingus quickly stood up helping him, leaving Norman and I alone. "Sorry about him," I said. Norman shook his head. "It's cool. He's buzzed and rambling. I've learned you have to cut him off after a couple of beers," Norman said.

"Figures that a guy who owns a bar can't even hold his own," I said between chuckles. This caused Norman to chuckle. "Funny girl, you are," he said. "I try," Norman smiled, not smirked, full on smiled this time.

Suddenly my phone beeped bringing me back to reality. I looked down at my phone to see "Boyfriend" flash across the screen. I had totally forgot about him. "If you need to get that, it's okay," Norman said. I shook my head and looked back up at him. "It's fine. Nobody important."


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