Chapter 69

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Hello everyone! It is me again!! Bringing you chapter 69 ;-) of LOTE! Only one more chapter left!


Over 344,000 reads, over 6,000 votes, over 2,000 comments and 24 comments on the last chapter, I think you guys can do a little better than that! Come on we only have one chapter left!! Let's go out with a BANG!!!!


Remember you can get my book "In The End by Jessica Baker" on amazon and USA readers can get it through me signed!


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Don't forget to check out my new stories SSL and DWTD!!!!


Reedus kisses for everyone! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Here's the next chapter Nords!!




We had spent basically the entire week doing everything family oriented. We were either walking up and down the boardwalk, playing in the ocean, or riding the rides on the boardwalk. It definitely wasn't a typical honeymoon but I didn't care. I wanted Brynlee and Mingus here. Watching them having fun and being here with us made me happy.

"Babe," Norman called out through the condo. I was in the kitchen making a late lunch for us while Brynlee and Mingus were napping before we decided what to do next. "In the kitchen," I called back while continuing to cut up the fruits and vegetables.

Even though I knew it wouldn't take him that long to get to me I still jumped when his arms wrapped around my waist. "What're you making?" Norman asked me as he rested his chin on my shoulder. I leaned back into him slightly before continuing to chop everything up.

"I figured because of the heat we could use something light. So I'm making some fruit salad and just cutting up some vegetables to go along with it," I said. Norman kissed my bare shoulder. "It sounds delicious," he said softly before kissing my shoulder again.

That was one of the things that I loved about Norman. I could make the most extravagant meal or the simplest meal like this one and he was still grateful for it. "Hey guys," this time both Norman and I jumped not expecting Mingus to walk into the room.

"Hey bud," I said glancing over my shoulder at him and giving him a small smile. Mingus hopped up on the barstool and grabbed a piece of cantaloupe from the cutting board. "Hey mister, I am not finished yet," I said jokingly. Mingus gave me a smile and popped the rest of it in his mouth.

I watched as Norman's hand reached out and grabbed a piece next and I glared at him. "Mr. Reedus," I said. He gave me a small smile. "Mrs. Reedus," I couldn't help but blush at that. Norman's smile grew a little once he noticed that I was blushing.

I heard little feet pattering through the condo and Brynlee's small self appeared in the doorway with her blanket and kitten in hand. "Hey squirt," Norman said while turning his attention to her. Brynlee dropped both her blanket and kitten as she placed her hands on her hips.

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