Chapter 24

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I couldn't stay away from this! I love this chapter it was supposed to be posted later but I just couldn't stay away!!

So guys!! I have made a twitter account for all my fans so we can chat! So go follow me @Chupacabra_94 and then tell me who you are on wattpad!! I will follow everyone back!!! I can't wait to start talking to you guys again! I'm really enjoying talking to the ones I've been talking to so far! Y'all are so nice!!!

Reedus kisses for everyone!! Xxxxxxxxxx


I woke up the next morning to another light knock on my door. I rose up and yawned. "Come in," I said. Once again my mother's head popped through my door. "Norman's not here for another surprise visit, is he?" I asked while going to get out of bed.

My mom chuckled. "No, but I do need a favor," she said. I stood up and stretched a little before starting to dig through my bag for some clothes. "What's that?" I asked while pulling out a shirt. I heard a crinkle of paper and I looked up to see her handing it towards me.

"We're having a party tonight with our church family," I tried stopping myself from rolling my eyes. "And?" I asked her while taking the paper from her hand and unfolding it. It was a grocery list and I sighed. "Can you run out and get these things? I would but I need to stay here and clean."

I chewed on my lip before nodding. "Yeah, I'll go get in the shower," I said. My mother smiled and kissed my cheek before leaving my room and shutting the door behind her. I grabbed my phone and looked to see it was 11 in the morning. I might as well drag Lyndi along with me.

I clicked on her name and listened to the ringing waiting on her to pick up. "Hello?" I heard her groggy voice. I chuckled. "Oh goodie you're awake. Go get in the shower and get dressed," I said. I heard her yawn. "Why do I need to get up?" she asked me.

I took my clothes into the conjoining bathroom. I placed my clothes on the counter before leaning against it. "I need to go to the store for my mom and I want you to go with me," I said. I heard her sigh then her covers being pushed back. "You're lucky I love you," she mumbled.

I chuckled again. "I'll see you in an hour," I said hanging up. I clicked over to my music and let Sonic Youth fill the small bathroom. I stripped of my clothing and got in the shower. I quickly showered and got out wrapping a fluffy towel around my body.

I still had about 45 minutes left well technically it was 30 because I had to go get Lyndi. I slid on a pair of jeans and a Circle Jerks shirt before letting my hair fall from the towel on top of my head. I quickly blow dried my hair before applying makeup and sliding on my glasses.

When I grabbed my shoes I knew I needed to leave soon. I tucked the grocery list in my back pocket and grabbed my phone. I ran down the stairs to see my parents sitting at the kitchen table. I grabbed my sunglasses and keys before kissing both of them on the cheek.

"I'll be back in a bit. Do you guys need anything else that's not on the list?" I asked. They both shook their heads and I headed out the door. I jumped in my jeep and cranked up the music while driving to Lyndi's. For some reason it didn't seem to take that long to get there.

I beeped my horn not making an effort to get out and not even a minute later Lyndi came trotting down her front steps. "Afternoon," I said when she jumped in the car. Lyndi let her head flop back against the seat. "How dare you wake me up so early," she said.

I chuckled and pulled out of the driveway heading towards the store. Lyndi and I listened to music the whole way there letting the warm Georgia breeze run through our hair. I sighed once we turned into the parking lot of the grocery store and found a spot close to the front.

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