Chapter 50

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Over 66,000 reads over 1,000 votes and over 1,000 comments!! 34 comments on the last chapter!! Keep those comments coming guys!! I love seeing all of them don't be shy!!

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4 followers until I'm at 550 and then I will be revealing big news! Let's see if we can get me there by Monday or Tuesday when I update again so I can put the HUGE news in the author's note!! I can't wait to tell you guys! It's killing me not to tell you right now!!!

The issues are now fixed in wattpad WHOOP!!! Everyone can read again!!!

Time to pull a name out of the bowl again!!! Chapter 50!! Of LOTE is dedicated to...........@VanillaMocha123! I hope you enjoy this chapter!! Remember if you comment your name gets in the bowl for sneak peeks and dedications!!!

I can't believe I'm on chapter 50 already!!!

Reedus kisses for everyone! Xxxxxxx

Here's the next chapter, Nords!


I woke up early the next morning not because I wanted to but because Brynlee decided that it was time for me to get up. She started kicking around seven in the morning. I tried running my hands gently across my stomach to calm her down but nothing worked.

She kicked and kicked and kicked until I sighed and finally got up. "Look, kid. I know you want to be out just as much as I want you to be out but you need to be patient. You'll be out soon," I said as I rubbed my stomach gently again. I made my way into the kitchen.

I started the coffee pot for Norman knowing that he would most likely wake up soon because I wasn't beside him. I put some water on the stove to heat up for some tea. I had cut back on my coffee intake since I figured out that I was pregnant.

I opened the fridge and decided that I could make some sort of breakfast seeing as we wouldn't be going to my parents' house until around one. I pulled out bacon before opening the cabinets and finding some pancake mix. I got to work on breakfast.

Soon I heard a deep sigh and groan come from the bedroom and I knew Norman was up. I flipped a pancake as I heard his light footsteps coming through the quiet house. The sun was shining through the window over the kitchen sink and it hit Norman's face perfectly when he walked in.

"Morning," I said over my shoulder before turning back to the food on the stove making sure that it wouldn't burn. I heard Norman sigh again before hearing the doorway groan against his weight as he leaned against it. I turned around to look at him with a small smile.

"You're pregnant," he said. I looked down at my large stomach before looking back up at him with a smirk, but yet I could feel the confusion on my face. "Uh yeah? Thank you I was wondering what was wrong with me," I said teasingly while rubbing my stomach.

Norman cracked a small smile before pushing himself off the doorframe and walking over to me. "That's not what I meant," he said while resting his hand on my back and rubbing gently. "I meant you should be resting not up at the crack of dawn making breakfast," he said.

I chuckled. "Explain that to this one," I said while looking down at my stomach. Norman's hand came around slipped under my shirt. "Hi baby girl. Are you giving your momma a hard time this morning?" he asked while rubbing my stomach gently.

I chuckled when Brynlee kicked back a little. "She likes you and she hasn't even see you yet," I said softly. Norman's arm wrapped around my waist and he pulled me into him gently. I pushed the pan off the stove and grabbed some plates from the cabinet.

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