Chapter 6

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It was now officially a week since the phone call and I had moved into my apartment. I was extremely grateful and it was nice having Norman two doors down. Honestly, this past week has been stressful. Jordan and I fought....a lot. He didn't feel like I was ready to move out on my own.

I rolled my eyes thinking about the first. I mean what was I? 5? Fuck no I'm 26 fucking years old. I can take care of myself. Just thinking about it more made me even angrier. I watched as red splattered against the wall in the spare bedroom. The apartment had two bedrooms. I only needed one so right now I was taking my anger out on the other.

I watched as green, blue, yellow, and orange paint splattered against the wall. With each splatter my anger came out more and more. I had a soundtrack playing behind me. It was dark and heavy but every once in a while The Black Angels or Sonic Youth would come on.

Suddenly my music was cut off. I didn't even bother looking behind me before I spoke. "Go away," I stated while throwing more paint at the wall. "Is that any way to talk to your neighbor," I heard that familiar raspy voice and I turned around. He was leaning against the doorway in a black hoodie and jeans and his singnature black sunglasses with his arms crossed.

"Sorry thought you were Jordan," I mumbled while looking at the paint running through my fingers. "Yeah, I heard he wasn't your favorite person right now," I threw more paint against the wall angrily. "Something like that." I turned around to see Norman taking off his hoodie.

Underneath was a white tshirt. I was laughing, not only did we match right now but I was a little shocked that he owned a color besides black. He kept his sunglasses on as he walked over to me. He took the bucket of paint from my hands. I watched him as he dipped his hand in and flung the paint at the wall.

He handed the bucket back to me. He walked over to wear I had a six pack sitting there. He gestured to it and I nodded. He took a drink of the beer before turning his attention back to me. "Wanna talk about it?" he asked. I looked back down at the paint. "Not really," I said while chucking another glob of paint at the wall. I heard Norman chuckle.

"Remind me to never piss you off," I crossed my arms. "Noted," I said. Norman tossed me a beer. I chugged it before looking down at the paint. I dipped the bottle in filling it up with paint before chucking it at the wall causing it to shatter but it gave the paint a cool effect.

I turned back around to Norman who had a smile on his face. "What?" I asked him. He chuckled and pointed at my arms. "Every time you cross your arms you just cake more paint on yourself," I looked down at my arms and he was right they were covered.

I smirked up at him. "You think that's funny," I grabbed handfuls of paint not caring about it dripping across the floor. I walked over to Norman and smeared the paint all over his shirt and arms. He looked down at his shirt. "This was my good shirt," he teased, I smiled a little. "You need more color anyway," I said. Norman smirked.

"You're asking for it girl," I smiled as Norman dove for me trying to cover me in paint. I quickly got out of the way and ran for cover but it was no use. Norman grabbed me by the back of my shirt and felt the coolness of the paint seeping through my shirt.

I turned around to see Norman with an innocent look on his face. I brought my hands up and smeared paint on his face. He took his index finger and dotted my nose with some paint. I rolled my eyes and went to dive for the paint but he beat me to it.

I felt paint hit me at every angle. I tried to fight back but it was an unfair fight. He had all the ammo and I was left out in the open. We were both laughing at this point, Norman probably more than me. I was grateful for the distraction though. I felt Norman grab me.

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