Chapter 23

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So over 9,000 reads on this story!!! WHOOP!! I honestly never believed that this story would actually get that many reads! I've learned through the world of fanfic that people are more interested in Daryl than Norman, which makes absolutely no sense to me. How could you not like Norman?! Without him there wouldn't be a Daryl! That role was made for him.....literally!!

Okay so quick question. What do you guys think about me making a twitter account specifically for my readers so we could talk to each other! We could talk about the story, you could keep up on me when I talk about updating (I'll tweet when I'm writing the next chapter and when I'm updating.) We can just talk in general. If you guys ever had any questions about the story or any ideas you could always tweet me! I used to be able to talk to a lot of you on here but now that they took the chat bar away it's more difficult and I just figured a bunch of people had twitter!! I miss talking to a lot of you guys!! Anyway let me know in the comment section below!!

Reedus kisses for everyone!!!!!! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


I had about a week left before I went home to New York. Home. It was sort of weird calling New York home. I was still trying to get used to it. I hadn't seen Norman since he came over and I made him ride Midnight and that was a couple days ago.

My family was currently preparing for a bonfire. Nothing big just them, me, my grandparents, and a few cousins. I was kind of excited. I really did want to see them, but secretly I just wanted to go be with Norman. After being away from him for three months I felt myself starting to crave him.

My mom had me out searching through our yard and part of the woods for enough fire wood for tonight. They were getting up there in age, my parents, it was crazy to me though how they seemed to keep going. My mom had my brother when she was 22 and me at 38.

She was now 64 and my dad was 66. Both of them were retired and now just enjoyed the country life. It was crazy to me to think that my boyfriend was only 20 years younger than her. I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts of Norman. Thinking of him just made me miss him even more.

I walked around the yard without any shoes on feeling the soft dirt squish between my toes. I had a nice pile of wood set up by the fire pit and I was planning to go searching for more. I didn't want to have to get more tonight just in case we ran out.

My phone beeped and I dropped the wood checking my text messages. "So, my family and I get to come to the bonfire tonight!" I read the text from Lyndi. I quickly texted back "Hell yes!" I went to hit send when I was interrupted by a phone call and Mingus's face popped up.

I smiled and answered the call. "Mingus!" I exclaimed and I heard him chuckle on the other end. "Mandy!" he exclaimed in return. I had talked to him a couple times since I had been down here. I knew he was missing both Norman and I. I sat down on a log.

"What's up, buddy?" I asked while running my bare feet through the dirt. I heard him sigh. I knew something was bothering him. "Have you seen or talked to my dad since you've been down there?" he asked. I ran a hand through my hair before answering.

"I've seen him a couple times, but other than that I really haven't talked to him, why?" I asked him. I looked up to see my dad coming out of the back door and he cocked his head to the side. I waved him off letting him know I was fine before turning my attention back to Mingus.

"I haven't talked to him in a while," he said his voice soft. I felt my heart drop a little as my hand came up and I clutched the necklace Norman had given me. I bit my lip waiting to see if he would continue but he didn't. "How long is a while?" I asked him.

I heard him sigh again and I now truly knew this was bothering him. "A couple weeks," he said. I had to think a little. I had done the math. I had been here approximately a week which meant Norman hasn't spoken to Mingus even before I had got here.

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